Life Coaching (Law Of Attraction)

Life Coaching (Law Of Attraction)

coaching session

Your coaching session will start with a short guided meditation, which will help you to relax deeper and let go of any mind chatter. Jana’s approach is grounded in the law of attraction, which means like attracts like or in other words your thoughts and feelings attract a matching outer life experience. Each session is guided by your intentions and what is important to you, both your short term and long term goals. You’ll learn to be more conscious of your inner states and what they attract to your life. Your conscious inner work will involve letting go of old and outdated beliefs and gradually embracing more life affirming ones. In doing so you’ll experience a natural inner process of reconnecting to your innate power and realising that life is not happening to you but from you. You’ll notice that this is not just a philosophy but a very practical approach to life, as your growing inner positivity will attract a matching positive outer experience. Jana will close your session with channelled messages, positive affirmation tailored specifically for you and your personal intentions. These will be recorded, so you can listen to them later, and this will give you support even after your coaching session has finished. session. This part of your session can be also combined with energy healing.

What people say/Testimonials:

“Jana has helped me change my life in ways that I didn’t know were possible. By patiently and compassionately helping me challenge the assumptions of my life and working with me to follow my dreams and ambitions she has helped me see that I can have whatever reality I want. Through this process, in a very short period of time, we were able to realise some of my aspirations that to some extent I had previously given up on. I strongly believe that she has equipped me with the skills and mindset to apply this to my life going forward. Meeting Jana has been truly transformational and I cannot recommend her enough!” A.P. London

“I’d been attending Jana’s Loving Life Meditation classes for quite a while when I decided the time had come to begin the life-coaching journey with her. I’ll always be grateful to have met Jana and feel I have gained so much from the experience. Jana’s meditation and life-coaching sessions have helped me learn to accept myself, appreciate myself, and manage feelings of anxiety, amongst many other benefits. I started the life-coaching sessions when I’d been feeling increasingly lost and overwhelmed. Jana’s coaching felt like a lifeline, guiding me back to my heart. Soon I was able to completely trust my path again. Jana provided the safe space I needed to reconnect honestly with my strongest values, and introduced me to the amazing power of positivity. I loved the fact that Jana’s guidance, based on the themes that came from meditating and talking openly, was recorded so that I could return to listen as often as I wanted after the sessions. I found myself drawing even more meaning and strength from the recordings after repeated listening. Jana is a wonderful and magical person to know, and I’m really looking forward to booking some more sessions with her, to deepen my journey even further.” S. D. Hove

“Jana’s Life Coaching sessions guide me like a shining beacon of light ‘back home’, to the space within me that is true and enduring, and which is love. Her sessions feel gentle but focused, nurturing yet challenging of my self-limiting beliefs, and always leave me feeling a new or renewed level of clarity and sense of hope. I feel wholeheartedly blessed for having met her and embarked on this stage of my soul’s journey with her.” N. L. Brighton

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London, UK

Hi! I am a life coach, meditation teacher and healer. I am passionate about helping you reconnect to your natural well-being, innate worthiness and positive mindset. The truth is that you are much greater than any obstacle or challenge in your life and there is nothing more inspiring for me than witnessing you awakening to your innate power and creating the life you truly love. Are you ready?

On Core Spirit since October 2020

Life Coaching
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Dear Ones, It’s in a way amazing how conditioned we are to believe the thoughts and stories in our heads, the stories we tell about ourselves, others and about the world. Those stories are powerful as they can either enhance our well-being or create the …
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Believe In Yourself
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Life Coaching
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Life Coaching
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Follow Your Bliss
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Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Acceptance and Letting Go
Dear Ones, there is something so powerful about acceptance. At first sight it might look like giving up on something but this couldn’t be further from the truth. As what you resist persists, trying to change any situation while at the same time pushing a…
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Infinite Abundance
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Lasting Happiness
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Jana Krychtalkova
Embracing Change
Dear Ones, Spring is such a powerful force! It awakens all living beings to the new cycle of life. And that includes us human beings :-) It moves us on all levels and anything which is not in an alignment with this new life - with our inner truth, with l…
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Feelings and Emotions
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7 Reasons Meditation Helps You To Find True Self-Love
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Hi Phoebe, thank you for reaching out. It’s natural to sometimes feel confused, especially if going through a change or being at a crossroad. What’s important at that moment is not to affirm too much: "I am confused. I don’t know what to do." As where we place our attention we place our energy and expand it further - the law of attraction. Instead it’s good to ground yourself in the knowing that all answers are already within you and when you are ready you’ll hear it and move in the right direction. We all have an innate inner guidance which speaks to us through intuition, instincts and hunches, which very often come when we are not thinking about the "issue". So that would be a good place to start, to affirm: "All answers are already within me. I have an accurate inner guidance." I hope you’ll find this helpful. If you would like to take it further, you are very welcome to book one to one session with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Phoebe Savir3y ago

I’m confused about myself, I don’t understand what I need, I feel like I’m at the bottom right now, I don’t need anything, I can’t do anything, I think nothing will change.Can you help me figure this out?

Hi Lina, thank you for reaching out! I am a life coach, so I help my clients become a higher and higher version of themselves. By inspiring and helping them become genuinely positive, they’ll start attracting a positive life experience, which includes their own ideas, helpful people and beneficial events and circumstances. “As within so without” or with other words “that which is like unto itself is drawn”. So our inner world of thoughts, beliefs and feelings reflect into our external reality. This is often referred to as the law of attraction. For more details pls see my profile which also includes feedback from my clients. Which should give you a better idea what my sessions look like. They are 60 min long. If you still have questions, I am happy to schedule a free 15 min session on Zoom to discuss further. I hope you find this helpful. I look forward to hearing from you! Jana

Career Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Oct 26, 2024, 09:00
Life Coaching (Law Of Attraction)
Guided Meditation
Jana Krychtalkova
Oct 26, 2024, 09:00
Loving Life Meditation (Guided Meditation)
Lina4y ago

Hello. how accurate is this practice? how long does it last?

Hi Jody, thank you for reaching out. I think a coaching session would be beneficial. It’s always good to be aligned with any action we intend - in your case going to the gym and feel good about it, so that there is an inner harmony and the action can bring the desired outcome. So many people are not aware of inner conflict, act anyway and are then puzzled why the action was not pleasant or didn’t bring the result they were looking for. But you are already aware of your inner conflict - on one hand wanting to go to the gym but on the other hand feeling insecure. So I think that’s a great start - your awareness. My work as a coach would be helping you to align with your intention - feeling good about going to the gym. This is also connected to the themes of self-love and self-worth, which we would probably explore too. I work intuitively and learnt to trust that whatever comes up in the session is perfect for the client in that moment. I hope this was helpful? Jana

Let me know if you have any other questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Lots of love, Jana

Jody Mills4y ago

I feel insecure when I go to the gym. I want to get my body in shape, but I realize that there are too many barriers in my head. Will your session help me get rid of this condition?

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