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Natal Astrology
Astral Core
There is a trend in astrology, and really in most metaphysical arts, where the practitioner pains to prove their metal by predicting a client’s future. Some cultures and subcultures express this addiction to prediction more intensely than others, but the …
By registered users: 4
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Natal Astrology The number of house systems and ways of looking at the horoscope can be mindboggling. Does a superior way really exist, or is our view merely a matter of perspective? Is one approach better than another approach? If so, how do we deci…
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Alexis karpouzos
The relationship between the One and the Multiple in mystic philosophy is a profound and central theme that explores the nature of existence, the cosmos, and the divine. This theme is present in various mystical traditions, including those of the East and…
By registered users: 2
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
Waiting to Find Out
It’s been almost one year since I underwent a colectomy to remove a cancerous tumor. The surgeon removed 14 inches of my colon and pronounced me “cured.” The initial diagnosis was stage one cancer. That diagnosis saved me from further treatment. No chemo.…
By registered users: 4
Ancestral Reading
Milijana Marinovic
Spiritual connection with our ancestors
It is no coincidence that in ancient times, family and ancestors were placed first, as they provided support in any situation. Why was this so? In those days, people did not know what “distant relatives” were, as everyone was so close and always maintaine…
By registered users: 3
Spiritual Healing
Heather Smith
'Practicing The Presence': Conversations With Yanni
*‘Practicing The Presence’: Conversations With Yanni* Yanni: Hello everyone. It’s lovely to have you here with us. We’re currently studying the mystical book, ‘Practicing The Presence’ by Joel Goldsmith in our online Book Study Group. In this series, Hea…
By registered users: 3
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
I Couldn’t See Even Sitting in the Front Row
My friend texted me that he needed to talk. In his short text, he shared that our last conversation left him unsettled. I am always left uncomfortable when receiving an ambiguous message. My mind always defaults to, “So what did I do wrong?” I was soon to…
By registered users: 4
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
I Got Stuck Behind a Javelina!
A lot of my time in Tucson is viewed from the perspective I get riding my bike. One of the reasons I spend the winter in Tucson is the accessibility of riding. The city of Tucson has made a considerable investment in cycling infrastructure. It has built w…
By registered users: 9
Human Design
Archana Ms.
Cloud Kitchens: Hype vs. Reality
Today, Cloud Kitchen is a well-known off-premises brand that focuses on takeaway and delivery of food. These restaurants are like gastronomic apparitions, bringing delectable food from distant lands, driven by technology and a bit of enchantment. In the w…
By registered users: 7
Emotional Stress Release
Defining our purpose and values in life is important for several reasons
Defining our purpose and values in life is important for several reasons: Clarity and Direction: Knowing our purpose gives us clarity about what we want to achieve and the direction we want to take in life. It helps us set meaningful goals and make decis…
By registered users: 5
Social Psychology
Dr Sannjay
The Synergistic Harmony of Shivashakti
The Synergistic Harmony of Shivashakti: An Exploration of the Cosmic Union Introduction: In Hinduism, Shivashakti represents the dynamic intertwining of energy and consciousness that underpins our universe. This article endeavors to explore the essence …
By registered users: 8
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
A Case of Mistaken Identity
I am by no means religious. I was raised as a Reformed Jew in a middle-class town in New Jersey. My partner and I were invited to a Friday night Shabbat dinner at a friend’s house visiting Tucson. Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath. It was an invitation for co…
By registered users: 6
Demi Powell
Unraveling the Prison Planet Theory: A Deep Dive into a Conspiracy Framework
The “Prison Planet” theory is a provocative and controversial narrative that posits a complex web of control, manipulation, and surveillance extending to every facet of human existence. Propounded by various conspiracy theorists, this theory suggests that…
By registered users: 12
Demi Powell
Adonism: Exploring the Philosophy of Divine Beauty
Adonism, a philosophical and spiritual movement rooted in the veneration of divine beauty, has deep historical roots and continues to inspire seekers of higher truths. Derived from the Greek word “Adonis,” a symbol of youthful beauty and rebirth, Adonism …
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Demi Powell
Exploring Quantum Mysticism: Bridging the Ethereal and the Scientific
Quantum mysticism, a term that marries the esoteric realm of spirituality with the cutting-edge discoveries of quantum physics, has sparked fascination and debate among those intrigued by the intersections of science and metaphysics. At its core, quantum …
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Dr June Williams DmedTh
Show Yourself Some L💝VE...
**What is Love? With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’m jumping on the bandwagon and theming today’s content around LOVE. ** What is love? It’s a question that has inspired countless discussions, poems, songs, and philosophies throughout his…
By registered users: 5
Cognitive Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Who Am I? Exploring the Interplay Between Brain and Time Waves Through Placebo Effects
Introduction: In the area of quantum era and attention, one of the most profound questions that humans have sought to resolve is the nature of private identity: Who am I? This article delves into the fascinating concept of the brain and time waves and th…
By registered users: 4
Social Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Life Transformation Technique
Life Transformation Technique Author: Doctor Sanjay Rout Introduction: Welcome to the Life Transformation Technique, a powerful technique that assists you to reap your existence dreams and transform of your destiny. This technique is designed to help y…
By registered users: 7
Emotional Freedom Technique
Ethereal Fai
10 Ways To Be The Main Character In Your Life
Focus on yourself. The main character is You so the whole world revolves around you. Pour into yourself. Take yourself out on solo dates, trips to the spa, walks in the park, or anything that fills your cup. Remember that it is from your overflow that yo…
By registered users: 6
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
Uncertainty Isn't An Anomaly, It's A Disease That Needs Our Attention
Are you not tired of “I will do it tomorrow” only to be repeating the same phrase five days later which by some logic is still tomorrow. I have been meaning to write an article for five days now and today the 25th, I am still on the same phrase that I s…
By registered users: 6
Spiritual Healing
Ethereal Fai
29 Lessons I Learnt in 2023
What a year! As the year ends in my 29th year, these are 29 lessons I solidified to carry into my 30th year and a new era. You are your person and should trust yourself to navigate life your way. Stay away from people who don’t love themselves. They wi…
By registered users: 8
Spiritual Healing
Sara Pasterz
Was American Society Created with Equality in Mind?
Have you ever watched a Netflix documentary about people being in a cult? Did you ask yourself; how could these people be so blind to the control and manipulation? Have you ever had a loved one stay in a domestic abuse relationship? Did you often stay awa…
By registered users: 4
Spiritual Coaching
Sara Pasterz
Is Life on Earth Just a Simulation?
Have you ever had an interest in spirituality? Have you ever questioned if that was your deceased grandmother trying to communicate with you? Have you ever heard that life is a video game? Have you ever heard that life is just a simulation? Let me give yo…
By registered users: 5
Tarot Reading
"Unveil Your Destiny: A Tarot Journey into 2024!
In tarot, interpreting a reading involves looking at the meaning of each card individually and then considering their relationships and context within the spread. Introduction When it comes to tarot readings, one-card collective general readings can be …
By registered users: 12