Are you Avoiding Being Seen?

Faidah L.
Core Spirit member since Oct 29, 2023
4m read
·Oct 21, 2024


The theme this season is seeing yourself, receiving clarity about personal relationships, and permitting yourself to be seen through authentic expression. This action is the key to attracting the right members of your soul tribe.

Are you a person who seeks to be seen for who you are and held in a safe space of the appropriate people?

Have you found yourself seeking the proper community where you can show up fully without rejection?

I believe, due to societal programming, we may see it is as acceptable to be in spaces where we hide the core parts of ourselves and silence our voices to belong. What we aren’t aware of is that that form of thinking is rooted in codependency. The limits of your authentic expression are dictated by the comfort of the people around you. (Oh no.)

As a result, we become used to reducing ourselves and dimming our light, thus losing our identity to appease. This is an act of self-betrayal, and it is one of the reasons why down the line we realize there is a deep unhappiness within us. Some of us also realize that because our identity is so dependent on others, we find it difficult to identify ourselves individually, as though our identity has been erased.

Further down the line, depending on one’s level of awareness, they may experience an aha moment.

‘The source of our unhappiness lies in the suppression of our soul expression.’

There can be denial, but the truth is, that we are souls first before we are human beings, which is why it may seem baffling to people when they observe those who seem to have it all and yet are deeply miserable. You may be confused as to how they have time to be bitter to others when they have the riches and status to covet. This is the reality of life, where the valuable things are unseen as opposed to material. The only hindrance is that not many see that far beneath.

To maintain a certain illusion in our physical reality, we adopt different roles outside our authentic one. We play this role for so long, that we forget what our real selves ever looked like. This is why, when we experience our aha moment when we become aware of why we possess deep unhappiness, we should allow ourselves to take a step back and give space for clarity to reveal itself.

‘The reason we may be unhappy could be because we are not being our authentic selves.’

Clear The Lens Through Which You See Yourself

To embrace authenticity, you must first be able to see yourself, and how do you do that?

Bringing back the concept of Mirrors, you have to take the time to stare at your reflection. The parts of you that shine and the other parts that are hidden in the shadows.

What parts of yourself have been suppressed for the comfort of others?

What parts have you been forced to shun because society made it clear it was uncomfortable with your fullness?

Surveying your relationships and your relationship with yourself is important because the relationship the world has with you is the relationship you have with yourself. Therefore, if you have healthy boundaries, and put your needs first while still being considerate to others, the people around you will mostly be composed of that energy, and you will know to avoid the opposite. However, if you lack healthy boundaries, find it difficult to embody your truth and speak harshly to yourself, it wouldn’t be difficult to be around people of the same demeanour. Most times, you cannot even fathom a different way of living.

Our perception of Self is usually distorted during early development. The clean slate we are born with gets painted on by the thoughts and behaviours of our immediate environment. The negative impact of this distorted image is only felt by us, which is why others will have no problem projecting the image they have of you onto you.

It is your choice to dispel those rumours. You decide to define yourself, by looking deeper and discovering who you are. There are endless wonderful things about you that, when discovered by you, will no longer seek validation from the external. Take the time to look deeply and discover the wondrous person you are.

‘Your authentic self is waiting for you to validate it.’

Shine like your life depends on it!

Because it does. Your light is the reason you are here, to shine and inspire others to do the same. Your purpose of being here is to realize your highest self and decide how that self can be of service to others in your community. Hyper-individualism is a myth that can be limiting in how far we go because one can go much further in a community. Your network is a web, and the only way to attain the ideal network is to shine. This is how your people find you. The trustworthy and kind ones that can hold both your light and dark parts. The theme is unconditional love with healthy boundaries. It is understanding one another as a result of being seen by one another, which is brought on by being able to see yourself.

So shine. All the things you are looking for can be found after tapping into your light source and wielding it. Then you become discoverable to your heart desires, as you’ve finally become the lighthouse they were subconsciously waiting for you to be. Now the light path has been set, and they can follow its lead back to you. How blessed are you?

If you need a good reminder of how important it is for you to shine, I hope this resonates with you.

All quotes by Faidah L.

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