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Amanda Brennan3d ago


tau.gallimimusal.16458198194683d ago


Robert Nedry3d ago


Astral Core3d ago


Evolution, Throwback, or Perspective?

No other astrologer in history has adequately discussed the concept of time in anyway close to the revelatory writing of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, and while her time has come, and very much with us in the here and now, her name and work continues to fall… continue

Archana Ms.5d ago


The Rise In Custodial Deaths And Police Brutality In India Has Become A Human Rights Violation Issue

Bribery is rampant across various departments, including the police force. Officers often demand bribes from victims’ families to secure their release, but even then, there’s no guarantee that the victim will survive judicial custody. The rising number of… continue

Cameron Green1w ago

What is the best treatment for back pain?


Dating App Coaching


You will learn which app is for you, create an eye-catching profile, learn the red flags, and green flags, learn what and when to switch over to texting, how to meet safely. This is an interactive session where you believe with a draft of your … continue

neo pachisia1w ago


Tarot / Oracle

Tarot readings offer insightful guidance and clarity on specific issues or overall life situations, providing a powerful and intriguing divination experience.

Target audience

Individuals seeking deeper understanding and direction in their lives, wheth… continue


Spiritual Foundation for Growth and Expansion w. Daniel Martinez Stahl


This comprehensive Spirit w.Love FREE “Spiritual Foundations” introductory program covers essential topics such as grounding techniques, chakras, spiritual bodies, multidimensional realities, and the importance of balancing spiritual and human e… continue

Dr Sannjay2w ago


Exploring Illusion and Shadow Unveiling the Depths of Human Mind and Consciousness


The human mind is a powerful entity capable of influencing physical health and well-being through beliefs and expectations. One of the most intriguing phenomena illustrating this power is the placebo effect. The placebo effect occurs when a … continue

Luna Phoenix Camille2w ago


Your Family and Society - Their Fault You Stay The Same

I am practicing Abraham Hicks’ teachings and applying Joe Dispenza’s teachings to my everyday situations. I am learning so much. I am learning to change my thought patterns so that I can change my reality; your thoughts and feelings create your reality. B… continue

Spirit Medium Tanya Weall2w ago

Im psychic medium reader
And spirit channeler I'm doing full sessions for a small donation of $65 hour


Crack the Code of Your Mind: Discover How to Find Your Mind Keys to Have Full Control.

Imagine having a set of keys that can unlock the hidden potential within your mind, allowing you to heal from within, enhance your productivity, and improve both your mental and physical well-being. Each person has their own unique set of keys to this men… continue


Stress Less Think Better: The Power of Adaptogens for Calmness and Clarity"

Hello there, stress heads and clarity seekers! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life? Do you wish you could think more clearly and stay focused when it matters most? Well, you’re in the right place because today we’re diving into the wo… continue


Sacred and profane in Mircea Eliade's theory - Alexis karpouzos

In Mircea Eliade’s thought, religion is seen as a universal and fundamental aspect of human existence, characterized by the experience of the sacred and the profane. Eliade believed that religion originates from an irreducible experience of the sacred, wh… continue

instantastrologer3931mo ago

In Vedic astrology, Aries (Mesha) is the first sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mars. People born under this sign are said to possess strong leadership qualities, determination, and courage. Aries individuals are often ambitious, energetic, and enthusiastic, with a pioneering spirit that drives them to take on challenges head-on. They can be straightforward and direct in their approach, preferring action over contemplation. Aries is considered a cardinal sign, indicating initiative and leadership in initiating new projects or ventures.

Aiden Lottering1mo ago


Hypnotherapy Session


Experience a transformative hypnotherapy session designed to align your subconscious mind with your personal and professional goals.

Target audience

My hypnotherapy sessions are ideal for individuals who are seeking to:

Nataly Graham1mo ago


Lisa Ackerman1mo ago


Nutrition Counseling


Personalized nutrition counseling using Intuitive Eating and functional nutrition to resolve chronic issues and help you feel at home in your body again.

Target audience

Anyone wanting to get to the root cause of your digestive, metabolic, or … continue

Nicole Herrle1mo ago


EFT Tapping Session: Trauma focused (Get permanent results)

Are you tired of feeling stuck? Release emotional baggage permanently
& finally create the life you want

in a few EFT Tapping sessions

Are you struggling in certain areas of your life?
Let me tell you, many challenges we face in our lives today lead… continue

Mary Nguyen1mo ago



Tesla Metamorphosis Healing

Tesla Metamorphosis harnesses the universe’s non-Hertzian frequencies to deliver profound healing and transformation beyond the limits of space and time.

Target audience

Individuals seeking holistic well-being, spiritual enlightenment, and personal gr… continue


BodyTalk Distance/Remote Sessions for Your Health and Well Being

The BodyTalk System is a revolutionary energy medicine that restores communication within the body, enabling it to heal itself quickly and effectively.

Target audience

Individuals experiencing a range of physical ailments, emotional disorders, and chr… continue

Sanjeev Sareen1mo ago


Retirement Years.

Guide to Reboot and Refire Your Life; Regain Sense of Identity and Purpose.


We have the potential for a happy retirement, but for that, we have to plan and make it happen. The retirement period will prove to be the best period, provided you pla… continue