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Life Crisis

Soul Retrieval
Jen Unger
Mar 31, 2025, 13:00
Soul Plan Reading
What exactly is a Soul Plan Reading… Well, our names that were chosen for us in this current lifetime have a sound to them, a universal vibration. When we look at our name and change them into numbers they begin to tell us a new story. We each came into…
By registered users: 15
Spiritual Coaching
Keith Barrett
Apr 1, 2025, 16:00
Evolutionary Astrology Reading
What is your soul looking to experience in this lifetime? Where is your comfort zone? What are some blind spots? What new ways of expressing are new for your soul? What is the purpose behind tension or opposition from others? Through my intuitive abi…
By registered users: 36
Western Astrology
Joëlle O'Toole
Mar 31, 2025, 10:00
Astrological Coaching and Reiki Healing Session
During a one-to-one session with me we will look at areas of your life which require healing, balance and development. Prior to the session you will be asked to send me your time, date and place of birth, along with a couple of questions you wish to focus…
By registered users: 22
Emotional Trauma Therapy
Ashley Tilson
Apr 1, 2025, 15:00
1-Hour Personalized Intuitive Healing Session
Since I practice a wide range of modalities (including but not limited to Reiki, Inner Child Work, Ego Alchemy [aka Shadow Work], and Womb/Sacral Healing), I’m able to offer a variety of services… but I want to keep it simple for you! In this appointment,…
By registered users: 18
Relationship Coaching
Mar 30, 2025, 18:30
The session covers briefly as to why we choose to be rejected. How rejection has impacted you in your earlier years. What we sow is what we reap, how rejecting self at different aspects attracts people in your life to reject you on the same aspects. Reso…
By registered users: 20
Mar 30, 2025, 18:30
Metaphysically channeled lucid readings
Sometimes in life we are only looking for a general guidance be it your life path or life purpose, something specific that we know we need to work in terms of our relationships, health or money These Redikall channeled readings will help you decipher bet…
By registered users: 19
Music and Sound therapy
Kendrick Charles
Mar 31, 2025, 14:00
Reiki healing
i specialize in distant healing using a number of tools for example rocks(Which connects us to mother earth
By registered users: 24
Career Coaching
Melanie Alvarez
Mar 31, 2025, 13:00
Wellness Consultation
30 minutes no obligation free wellness consultation. We will review your top three health concerns and I will make recommendations regarding products and services you may benefit from. Your $10 will be reimbursed at the time of your appointment. For no-sh…
By registered users: 7
Life Coaching
Laura Giles
Apr 4, 2025, 14:00
Spiritual Coaching
Got problems? Let’s see what there is to see, remove the blocks, and set you on your way again. Things don’t have to be hard or take a long time. With luck, we can do a whole lot in a single session to change the trajectory of your life.
By registered users: 14
Past Life Regression
Laura Giles
Apr 4, 2025, 14:00
Past Life Regression
Not all problems began in this lifetime. When that is the case, it may be most beneficial to return to the original time and place. We can do that through past life regression. In a past life regression the client is facilitated to recall long forgotten …
By registered users: 12
Lightworker Laura
Mar 31, 2025, 10:00
NLP hypnosis session for empaths and HSP's for 60 minutes
This session helps you, dear sensitive person, to heal your life from your problems and toxic energies. We will chat a bit first about your life and the difficult situations you are going through and after that, we will do a hypnosis session. You will rec…
By registered users: 14
Lightworker Laura
Mar 31, 2025, 10:00
EFT tapping session for empaths and HSP's for 90 minutes
Are you stressed out, dear sensitive person? This session is for empaths and highly sensitive people to heal and deal with stressful events and situations in their lives. Your manifestation skills are improved at the same time and you start to attract mor…
By registered users: 35
Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
Matthew Elszy
Mar 31, 2025, 17:00
This Energy Health package is designed for those who want to move beyond and heal a painful crisis situation. Clients are taught how to create healthy energetic balance and overall well-being through the use of many Energy-Psychology techniques. Clients a…
By registered users: 8
Vajra Fatih
Mar 31, 2025, 07:00
Tantra Coaching for Men
In these coaching sessions where I will be personally teaching you the methods for longer intercourse, better sex in general, deeper connections with your partner, and overall wealth and health as a man. Further on we will dive deep into these subjects a…
By registered users: 14
Christina Anania
Mar 31, 2025, 14:00
Evolve Yourself Program
Together we will expand deeper into self and help you discover the wisdom within to manifest your dreams and shed your anxiety. $125 per session - 8-Session Program - Eight 1-hour virtual video discussions and guidance - Learn how to trust yourself and h…
By registered users: 9
Career Coaching
Abigel Sheridan
Apr 1, 2025, 07:00
Create your BEST Life
7 individual sessions offered in this self-development course, focusing on personal transformation on many levels. The meetings are based on each individual need and conducted via Zoom. 7 x 45 minutes at your convenience. Meditation, mindfulness, self-awa…
By registered users: 7
Intimacy Coaching
Katya Alves
Mar 31, 2025, 07:00
Health, Wellness & Sexuality
Do You… Find yourself not wanting to get out of bed or leaving the house, you just feel despondent about your body, your life and your self-esteem? You are failing at your diet, your selfcare just isn’t what it used to be, and your lifestyle has taken a …
By registered users: 19
Career Coaching
Sona Sunni
Mar 31, 2025, 16:00
Manifestation Coaching
A session where we dig deep in your subconscious mind and find and remove blocks
By registered users: 7
Career Coaching
Marco Sarais
Mar 31, 2025, 13:00
Toronto, ON, Canada
Live the Life You Want
My name is Marco, I am Italian Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner and I like helping people defining and achieving well-formed outcomes. My mission is to help people overcome your limits, often self-imposed, training the mind to adopt a more positive …
By registered users: 4
Vajra Fatih
Mar 31, 2025, 07:00
30 Minutes Inquiry Call With Me
For clarifying questions in your mind and having a general idea if my services are a good fit for you.
By registered users: 49
Eclectic medicine
Gareth Strangemore-Jones
Mar 31, 2025, 09:00
Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing marries ancient wisdoms with the very latest neuroscience. Quantum Healing can help physical issues as well as mental health issues and life challenges.
By registered users: 83
Distance Healing
Bea-Marie Aning
Apr 1, 2025, 07:00
Energy Healing
We are constantly giving and receiving energy, but most people don’t know it. Have you ever experienced the sensation of a person or place having a “good vibe” or a “negative vibe”? Everthing and everyone emanates energy out into the world if we want it o…
By registered users: 3
Life Coaching
Lana Bondar
Apr 1, 2025, 10:00
Midlife Crisis Coaching Session
Midlife crisis is a transition of identity and self-confidence, it’s the time when reasess our life and life goals. It might be daunting to see that things didn’t go the way we’ve expected or realising that we have “wrong” people around us. It’s common t…
By registered users: 77
Tarot Reading
Elphie Shoppe
Mar 31, 2025, 09:00
Intuitive Tarot Reading
Affordable Tarot reading to offer guidance on any given concern.
By registered users: 21