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Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Evolution, Throwback, or Perspective?
No other astrologer in history has adequately discussed the concept of time in anyway close to the revelatory writing of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, and while her time has come, and very much with us in the here and now, her name and work continues to fall…
By registered users: 3
Emotional Freedom Technique
Dr Sannjay
Empowering Minds: Machine Body Interface Technology Unleashed
Hey there, fellow explorers of the future! Today, I’m diving into the mind-bending world of Black Mirror-esque technology, where the lines between reality and the digital realm blur into a mesmerizing tapestry of possibilities. Strap in as we journey thro…
By registered users: 9
Spiritual Healing
Luna Phoenix Camille
Practicing The Hindu Exercise Of Celibacy
Casual sex has been very prevalent in this society as long as I could remember, when my mum began to unshield me from this topic little by little, first by teaching me all about the birds and the bees, every lesson she took the time to teach me, began to …
By registered users: 8
Spiritual Healing
Dr Sannjay
Self discovery
Self discovery - Brain to Soul As a expert , I actually have come across individuals from all walks of life in search of answers to the question, “Who am I?” It is a query that appears easy at the surface, but its answer is profound and transformative. To…
By registered users: 7
Brian Eastman
How LIIFT UnTherapy Quickly Heals Too Much Worrying or Always Feeling Anxious
Everyone experiences an occasional time when they feel worried or anxious. But some people experience unending worry which creates a life filled with unprovoked and unrealistic anxiousness, tension, stress and upset. They constantly feel dread and apprehe…
By registered users: 5
Social Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Shri Ram Chandra in Ayodhya - A Spiritual Perspective
Shri Ram Chandra in Ayodhya - A Spiritual Perspective Introduction: The city of Ayodhya has always been associated with the birthplace of Lord Rama, an embodiment of values like righteousness, compassion, and devotion. The construction of the Ram temple…
By registered users: 3
Spiritual Healing
Milijana Marinovic
The Importance of Grounding: Practices and Tips for a Balanced Life
Grounding is a holistic practice that involves connecting with the earth to achieve balance and stability in both physical and mental aspects of life. In our fast-paced world, where stress and distractions are abundant, incorporating grounding techniques …
By registered users: 9
Emotional Stress Release
Dr Sannjay
Coaching the Transformation Pathway
Coaching the Transformation Pathway As a life coach and transformation expert, I often get asked the same question, “what are the most important things to living a good life?” And while there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are five key things that …
By registered users: 2
Emotional Stress Release
Philip Ebuluofor
When Ego Is At It's Root
“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”–Yoda It’s captured well in the quote above. The summary of most people’s existence on earth today. That is what many lives are. Structures and money …
By registered users: 4
Emotional Stress Release
Dr Sannjay
Unveil Your Destiny: A Tarot Journey into 2024!
Greetings, pricey seekers of perception and enlightenment! As an worldwide Tarot professional, I am delighted to embark upon a transformative adventure with you into the paranormal realms of the Tarot. Through this sacred artwork, we will get to the botto…
By registered users: 20
Spiritual Healing
Javier Torres
Quiet The Mind, Realize Heaven is Already Here.
I was between 6–8 years old when I first questioned my own existence. I was walking to the park when I stopped to tie my shoe and I came into full awareness with the bone on my ankle. That’s the first time the thoughts of “what is this? who am I? what am…
By registered users: 20
Luna Phoenix Camille
Pansexuality, Bisexuality-The difference in Sexual Development and Feeling.
For me pansexuality is still admiring and being attracted to both men and women, but rather than just sexual attraction it’s looking for the soul and heart also. Searching for a connection to both and a connection to another’s intellectual and personalit…
By registered users: 36
Business Ethics
Kino Isaac
The future of jobs in the music industry
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a topic of great interest and debate across various industries, and the music industry is no exception. The integration of AI in the music industry has the potential to revolutionize the way music is created, consum…
By registered users: 8
Spiritual Healing
Milijana Marinovic
Exploring the Benefits of Tesla Metamorphosis Healing
Introduction: Tesla Metamorphosis Healing is an energy-based therapeutic method that works beyond the traditional Hertzian wave spectrum. It is derived from the concepts of Nikola Tesla, exploring non-Hertzian waves for healing purposes. This alternative…
By registered users: 35
Soul Academy, PLLC
Mindfulness, a technique to improve well-being
What is mindfulness, and how, as a technique, can it improve well-being? Here are a few statistics from the May 28, 2020 article by Forbes online magazine as conducted by Pew research. Forbes reports that 70% of Americans experience economic stress. More…
By registered users: 4
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
Metrics For Passing Judgments On Heaven
Philippians 4:6-9 New King James Version Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and…
By registered users: 7
Emotional Stress Release
Jeff Putman (Rodan)
How I Learned to let go of "Triggers" and heal Trauma
Becoming Conscious of Reactivity Do you sometimes feel like you are a loaded weapon with a hair trigger? One small, seemingly innocuous, or perhaps a big and obvious stimulus that opens the gateways of Anxiety, anger, frustration, sadness, and a whole ho…
By registered users: 23
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
Writing And Speaking In Tongues
I am beginning to see that phrase crop up in writing. Writing in tongues. Some here suddenly developed psychological problems, A man who understands English well more than those it’s their mother tongue started believing that there is another language wit…
By registered users: 10
Emotional Stress Release
Marc Lima
Understanding Anxiety: Navigating Life's Stormy Seas
Ah, anxiety—the uninvited guest who somehow knows when to arrive precisely when you don’t want it to. It’s like that one person who always shows up at parties unannounced and refuses to leave. But what’s the deal with anxiety, and why does it keep crashin…
By registered users: 46
Emotional Stress Release
Alexander Brosda
The Art of Emotional Stress Release
In the fast-paced world we inhabit, emotional stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. The pressures of modern life, coupled with the challenges of work, relationships, and personal growth, can lead to overwhelming emotional turbulence. But amid…
By registered users: 20
Emotional Stress Release
Ursula Paul
Introduction Anxiety is a common human emotion that most people experience at some point in their lives. While it is natural to feel anxious in certain situations, excessive and prolonged anxiety can become overwhelming and interfere with daily life. In …
By registered users: 21
Life Coaching
Shuang-Min Chang
Trust For The Aeons To Come
Only if I could caress away the worries in your eyes and on your heart. You love the ocean. It’s probably the one and only thing you let yourself love freely and courageously. What comes with love is the worry, worrying that it’s going to change and die…
By registered users: 51
Emotional Stress Release
Finding Peace Within: Guide to Emotional Stress Release
I want to share with you some practical tips and techniques to help you release emotional stress and cultivate a peaceful state of mind. Life can be overwhelming at times, but with a little mindfulness, relaxation, and stress reduction, we can pave our pa…
By registered users: 34
Emotional Stress Release
Lokman olgun
Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques - Enhancing Your Well-Being
In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, it’s important to prioritize our mental and physical well-being. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques offer a powerful and accessible way to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance overall health. By i…
By registered users: 14