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Mateusz Bajerski
Connect with your Higher Self. Remember who you are. London-based spiritual consultant incorporating hypnotherapy | *BA Philosophy, MA Cognitive Science, Dip. Hyp. HNWHP *(PHPA ®)** | Trained at the practice of the renowned Dr Andrzej Kaczorowski &amp; …
Matthew Anthony DeRubertis
Matthew is a Yoga Alliance certified instructor and certified teacher of Mindfulness Meditation. Yoga is his compass for navigating the vicissitudes of life. He has been teaching professionally in studios, gyms, online, and working with private clients si…
Christine Foutch
Christine L. Foutch, CNS, CDN, PNS, ATC is a Holistic Physician in Rock Island, Illinois. She specializes in biochemistry, physiology, weight loss, weight gain, fitness maintenance, functional range of motion, hypertrophy, strength training, and power tra…
Nichole Edmond
Hi! I’m Nichole, Divination &amp; Mindset GuideSS - while I may not be not your average tarot reader, I will be your favorite! During your time of uncertainty I apply my advanced studies in Psychology, Biology, &amp; Metaphysics with my favorite divinati…
Hello folks! My name is Nan. I work as a mentor and guide. I use various techniques in my toolbox that I learned over the years like coaching, hypnotherapy and other therapeutic disciplines. And of course, my intuitive abilities are the main factor I work…
Lavanya Kumar Shrivastava
I wish to build awareness amongst people about SELF IMAGE.I suffered a lot.!!!! Through initial stages of my life due to hurt SELF IMAGE. I rebuild it by reprogramming my subconcious mind. I went through an amazing unfolding and transformation. I practic…
Arevik Hayrapetyan
I am a TEDx Speaker, Life and Relationship Coach, Mental Health Advocate. The areas I specialise in: relationships, self-love, mental health, self-confidence, personal development, communication skills, stress, anxiety, emotional intelligence, inner chil…
Demi Powell
Demi Powell has spent over two decades dedicated to the art and science of life coaching. Her insatiable curiosity about the human experience led her on a remarkable educational journey that includes a Master’s degree in Psychology, a Ph.D. in Personal De…
Olga Aydınoğlu
I am a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, a spiritual fiction author, and an artist. I have seen my first past life when I was two years old, I have witnessed myself make the choice to incarnate in my current body, and I have been having various out-of-body s…
Teodora Iulia Paucean
I’m a certified professional coach helping people get unstuck in their lives by gaining clarity. Topics I am able to cover in my sessions are: romantic relationships communication struggles career changes/difficulties public speaking skills general per…
Zak Osman
Zak Osman received an undergraduate LLB Law degree with London SouthBank University with CILEX Advanced Paralegal understudy. He currently has a specialty in International Postgraduate Certificate in Education where he worked as a English and Theory of Kn…
Michele Zirkle
Feeling froggy and want a REAL, POSITIVE CHANGE in your personal and professional relationships? Jump on over to my lily pad and discover why your current relationships aren’t working, what you want and need to express to create healthy relationships. The…
Sara Dessau Lopez
Hi I’m Sara! As the founder of the Flow Path, I help create focused transformation for intuitive empaths and highly sensitive people like you. It’s time to transmute your wounds into light, dream and achieve big, and create from the vision of your highe…
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
I am Lorena Ulloa. I practice yoga since 2007 and teach since 2010. I move around the world. Currently I live in the Dominican Republic. I practice yoga and meditate daily. I am dedicated to help yoga practitioners at every level to deepen their knowledg…
Cress Spicer
Hi I am passionate about adult and children on their journey to health and wellbeing. I have over 20 years experience I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher teaching since 1999. I am a certified Bodytalk Practioner since 2004 and certified Bodytalk access …
Elaine Snyder
One of the best ways to help the rest of the world is healing yourself. Gain wisdom about who you really are, learn how you can live according to what makes you happy, and heal the trauma of your past to become more aligned with your essential nature. Ora…
Astar Elisa GhostSinger
Psychic Elisa Boyer as Astar Ive been a practictionor for 10 years selling magic psychic and Angel medium readings now light healer from few websites but this website im looking for more perfessional light Angelic healings and readings as I believe in Je…
Alyssa Kelliher
I am a Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, and an Attorney. I help my clients reach their goals with self-love. I’ll help you shift your mindset and identify blocks that are holding you back. We’ll implement systems that work for you and take actionable steps…
Malise Banks
Are you a spiritual truth seeker on the journey to mastering your mind and living in your heart? I help with: Awakening &amp; disillusionment Anxiety &amp; depression Grief Addiction Perfectionism Relationships Goal setting Resilience Struggling to find…
Larrissa Aawar
Larrissa Aawar is a Professional practitioner with experience in hypnotherapy, therapeutic bodywork, meditation, and ancient Vedic and Taoist energy/longevity practices.​​ ​ Larrissa is a highly sought-after Holistic Practitioner for her Advanced knowledg…
Florencia Mena
My Soul Purpose is to help You. I offer 1:1 Healing sessions, Transformational Programs, and supporting materials that not only will help uncover those past roots, heal them forward and create life strategy to being in Your power with passion and enthusia…
Genevieve Mackenzie
Hi there! I am an accredited psychosynthesis coach that focuses on positive psychology, psychosynthesis and mindfulness. I love unromanticizing the world of self love we see on social media, and helping clients understand what it actually means to accept …
Bethany Thomas
Jordi Ibern Novell
Hello! My name is Jordi Ibern, and I am a Reiki and meditation teacher with more than 20 years of experience. I am also a Yoga and Qigong lover and a Mindfulness practitioner. My teachings are simple: Practice meditation and Reiki regularly to take care …

Related Services

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Relationship Coaching
Michele Zirkle
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Dating App Coaching
Overview You will learn which app is for you, create an eye-catching profile, learn the red flags, and green flags, learn what and when to switch over to texting, how to meet safely. This is an interactive session where you believe with a draft of your …
By registered users: 16
Tarot Reading
neo pachisia
Aug 4, 2024, 23:00
Tarot / Oracle
Tarot readings offer insightful guidance and clarity on specific issues or overall life situations, providing a powerful and intriguing divination experience. Target audience Individuals seeking deeper understanding and direction in their lives, wheth…
By registered users: 43
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Jul 30, 2024, 14:00
Astral Core: Natal Chart Analysis
Astrology: Rooted in the Reality of the World One of the most enduring songs ever written asks this question: “Mirror in the sky, what is love?” The singer, Stevie Nicks, wrote, sang this epic song, and called it Landslide. It’s the one where she ponders…
By registered users: 104
Astral Core
Jul 30, 2024, 14:00
Vocational Analysis
Overview An introduction to a reliable astrological process devised for identifying one’s vocation. Have you ever asked yourself, “what is my calling in life?” Does the prospect of working make you glum? Are you finally where you aimed to be professional…
By registered users: 107
Life Coaching
Motaz Almaroai
Aug 1, 2024, 21:00
Free 5-Minute Life Coaching & Anxiety Management Consultation
Quick guidance on your anxiety and life challenges in just 5 minutes. Overview This session provides a brief yet impactful consultation focused on life coaching and anxiety management. In just 5 minutes, you will receive a personalized response to one s…
By registered users: 22
Life Coaching
Motaz Almaroai
Aug 1, 2024, 21:00
Navigating Life’s Storms Together
Find solace and strength through compassionate guidance for overcoming life’s emotional challenges. Finding Your Path Life can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Our conversations provide a safe space to explore and address feelings of…
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Aiden Lottering
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Hypnotherapy Session
Overview Experience a transformative hypnotherapy session designed to align your subconscious mind with your personal and professional goals. Target audience My hypnotherapy sessions are ideal for individuals who are seeking to: * Overcome emotiona…
By registered users: 60
Nutritional Therapy
Lisa Ackerman
Jul 30, 2024, 17:00
Meal Planning
Need help with a therapeutic diet or figuring out what to eat? Overview Personalized meal planning services for food sensitivities/allergies, therapeutic diets, or personal preferences. Get weekly recipes and grocery lists delivered to you automatically…
By registered users: 8

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Spiritual Healing
Milijana Marinovic
Past Event:
Jun 15, 2024, 08:00
Group session of Tesla Waves -Distant healing
Overview Tesla Metamorphosis is a holistic healing modality that uses Tesla waves accessed directly from active Etar. This holistic healing creates a complex metamorphosis of the human body by bringing it to the perfect balance of Light. Tesla Healing is…
By registered users: 36
Spiritual Healing
30 minutes Sekhmet Reiki Session
Overview This form of Reiki is based in Egypt and is considered the extension of healing and well-being from the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet. The main principle of this form of Reiki is to promote positivity and build a stronger sense of spirituality throug…
By registered users: 61
Spiritual Healing
Dr Sannjay
Astral Event
Welcome to the mystical world of the International Occult Expert! Join us for an extraordinary event filled with enchantment and magical experiences. Discover the ancient wisdom, unravel the secrets of the universe, and explore the depths of your own spir…
By registered users: 73
River Blue
River Blues A Year And A Day orientation Days
Join us for Two days of Orientation for A Year And A Day esoteric School for Witchcraft and Eaoteric practices. Start Your Training for free with this one of a kind all inclusive program and recover a fill year and a day training for FREE! Anyone and eve…
By registered users: 60
Spiritual Healing
Cosmic Mysteries School
Healing and Elevating Your Consciousness Immersed in Ascended Masters Love!
Overview Healing and Elevating Your Consciousness Immersed in Ascended Masters Love is an ongoing class. In this bi-weekly class group member’s experience healing and elevate their consciousness and receive healing and Love! Target audience Anyone see…
By registered users: 16
Dr. Maria Danilychev, MD
4420 Hotel Cir Ct ste 265, San Diego, CA 92108, USA
Jikiden Reiki Training and Certification
Overview Learn the original Reiki method of Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho in the traditional Japanese lineage of Jikiden Reiki. Target audience New students and experienced Reiki masters are welcome to attend. Benefits This is an in-person 4-day-…
By registered users: 8
Ancestral Healing
Verele Vorstman
Past Event:
Jul 8, 2023, 09:00
London, UK
Family Constellations workshop; disentangle and release your blocks
8 July 10-5 Centre of Unlearning, -1 Wingate Road Shepherds Bush W6 0UR, London ***Do you have unhelpful patterns that you can’t seem to shake, despite knowing so well what you need to do? *** Often our driver is a subconscious one, that we can’t tackle…
By registered users: 3
Katharine Chestnut
Discover Your Weekly Intention
Overview Take the opportunity to discover your weekly intention through mindful &amp; authentic journaling. Virtually, we’ll have a short meditation and a journaling prompt. Target audience Anyone wanting a more authentic connection with their inner wi…
By registered users: 57

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Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Evolution, Throwback, or Perspective?
No other astrologer in history has adequately discussed the concept of time in anyway close to the revelatory writing of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, and while her time has come, and very much with us in the here and now, her name and work continues to fall…
By registered users: 3
Spiritual Healing
Astral Core
Pluto as Myth and Meaning
Myth In ancient Myth Pluto was the ruler of the underworld, the “Son of Saturn,” or the new Sun of Time. In the depiction of the zodiac seen in the mandala created by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, she placed the Sun and Pluto next to each other as mentioned…
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Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Making Life and Death Changes
Do The Work Steve Pressfield, author of the bestselling book The War of Art uses an intriguing style in his book Do the Work! The subtitle is Overcome Resistance and get out of your own way. In my experience, neither astrologers nor psychotherapists seem…
By registered users: 3
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
There is a trend in astrology, and really in most metaphysical arts, where the practitioner pains to prove their metal by predicting a client’s future. Some cultures and subcultures express this addiction to prediction more intensely than others, but the …
By registered users: 4
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
The Rise In Custodial Deaths And Police Brutality In India Has Become A Human Rights Violation Issue
Bribery is rampant across various departments, including the police force. Officers often demand bribes from victims’ families to secure their release, but even then, there’s no guarantee that the victim will survive judicial custody. The rising number of…
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Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Healthcare Challenges for India’s LGBTQ+ Community: Legal Advances and Persistent Barriers
According to the 2011 census, there are approximately 4.88 lakh transgender people in India. Despite this substantial number, transgender individuals often face stigmatization in the healthcare sector and other aspects of their lives. LGBTQIA+ healthcare…
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Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Natal Astrology The number of house systems and ways of looking at the horoscope can be mindboggling. Does a superior way really exist, or is our view merely a matter of perspective? Is one approach better than another approach? If so, how do we deci…
By registered users: 3
Emotional Freedom Technique
Dr Sannjay
Exploring Illusion and Shadow Unveiling the Depths of Human Mind and Consciousness
Introduction The human mind is a powerful entity capable of influencing physical health and well-being through beliefs and expectations. One of the most intriguing phenomena illustrating this power is the placebo effect. The placebo effect occurs when a …
By registered users: 4