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Spiritual Healing
Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz
Ten steps to healing from Emotionally Abusive Relationships - Advice from a Spiritual Psychic
> “I’ve fallen in love with my light again\, outside of me\, too blind to see it has been within me through eternity. Why I am so obsessed with proving to you my loyalty\, the problem must be your insecurity. I’m giving you my unconditional love\, chasing…
By registered users: 31
Emotional Trauma Therapy
The Impact of Emotional Abuse on Children: Understanding the Consequences
Emotional Abuse in Children is a serious issue that affects millions of children worldwide, and it can take many forms. While most people think of physical or sexual abuse when they think of child maltreatment, a recent study in Australia found that emoti…
By registered users: 40
Life Coaching
Escaping An Abuser is Not Easy But it is Possible
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash Families with violence in the home almost always have long-term secrets. When I was growing up, the motto was, ‘whatever happens in this house stays in this house.’ Any violence in the family was considered a secret o…
By registered users: 43
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Sumit Maurya
Narcissistic Abuse: Understanding and Overcoming its Devastating Effects
Narcissistic abuse can leave deep emotional scars and affect a victim’s daily life. It causes feelings of fear, anxiety, and shame and can lead to negative patterns of behavior and toxic relationships. However, it’s essential to remember that healing from…
By registered users: 45
Emotional Stress Release
Geni Show
Understanding Love Bombing: How to Spot the Warning Signs and Protect Yourself
As a life coach for recovery, it is crucial to be aware of the tactic of love bombing, which is commonly used by individuals who are trying to manipulate and control their target. Love bombing involves overwhelming the target with excessive attention, aff…
By registered users: 55
Emotional Stress Release
When we talk about 💫needs💫 what do we think of them, what is our perception exactly, when it comes to that subject? Let me tell you what I think and observe. We, humans, are very dramatic beings, which might be the thing I love the most about us. So, in …
By registered users: 68
Ancestral Healing
Darkness is my friend
With the purpose of transmuting, With the purpose of becoming With the purpose of eliminating any enemy -you have to succumb to them You have to let them guide you into your deepest fear. Let them drop you in that place and sit in it all by yourself Beca…
By registered users: 81
nen huang
A Holistic Encounter-Acupressure for a Patient
A Holistic Care Encounter Walking into the patient room Seen in the bed, it is Mr. Swanson The bony arm rest at his side The skin on his face and body is dulled in color Smoky, yellowish and roughie He is calm now, after an episode of aggressive agitate…
By registered users: 43
Spirit Guides
Andalasia Anon
B12: Chapter 9: The Bullies That WE Are.
For too long we have taken the easier path. Allowing ourselves to bypass many harder lessons to get to our results faster—by emphasizing specifics such as: physical strength or the mind. Yes, being physical-centric, we learn to physically survive and b…
By registered users: 26
Spirit Guides
Andalasia Anon
Book 12: Chapter 8: In This World Because We Have Choices. We Can Choose To Believe; We Can Choose To Accept…But…
In this world because we have choices. We choose to believe; we can choose to accept…But that does not mean the choice we choose is right just because we believe so. If the story was true, Jesus’ birth was foretold: Humanity know who he was, then why d…
By registered users: 37
Spirit Guides
Andalasia Anon
ASR: Chapter 7: Over Glorifying To Undermine
Side Note: From this chapter onward there will be no sugar coating. No “pulling punches”. If you are someone who cannot handle the use of harsh words or bold unvarnished statements. Please be warned. The following is another blunt obvious example of …
By registered users: 43
Naomi Emmerson
Taking ownership over our lives
Hello beautiful being, Have you ever heard of a thing called non-duality? If so, then you will be familiar with the way that I playfully write in the introduction of this article. If not, then I suggest you look it up before reading, or, prepare yourself…
By registered users: 36
Isabella Dawson
How you can help to stop global warming
Global warming is the main threat to humanity in the coming decades. If the world continues to ignore the problem, the planet will pass the point of ‘no return’ after 2040. The price for human wastefulness will be very high: Entire countries will disapp…
By registered users: 49
Isabella Dawson
All about Environmental ethics
Environmental ethics is part of environmental philosophy that looks at the expansion of the traditional boundaries of ethics from a purely human to a non-human world. In environmental ethics, the main principle of humanism is the rejection of violence ag…
By registered users: 34
Spiritual Healing
Michelle L. Raymond
What are Healthy Boundaries?
Setting boundaries are easier said than done because the need to create them often stems from experiences of trauma, invalidation of our feelings and emotions, and abuse. Here are a few examples of what healthy boundaries are. Consider trying out. Say th…
By registered users: 31
Spiritual Healing
Grace Being
How to Heal from a Narcissistic Relationship
We all know that breaking up with someone is painful. Even if you feel that it was the best choice, and you were feeling that the person was inhibiting you from reaching your potential, it still requires some sort of grieving. Ending a relationship with s…
By registered users: 46
Spiritual Healing
Grace Being
Narcissistic Abuse and Spiritual Awakening
I know what you must be thinking, shocking right?! When you think about narcissistic abuse, it’s difficult to associate it with anything spiritual or of good benefit. For someone who is still stuck in that phase of emotional abuse and manipulation, it’s e…
By registered users: 287
Career Coaching
Grace Being
5 Red Flags To Look Out For In A Relationship
When we first start dating someone, it’s easy to get lost in the moment, and the exciting feelings we get in the initial stage. It’s important to keep in mind that when you start getting to know someone, everything might seem happy and carefree. Your days…
By registered users: 35
Career Coaching
Grace Being
What Does it Mean to Really Love Yourself?
How many times have you been told that it is important to love yourself? We all know that it is essential if we want to live a happy and fulfilling life, but unfortunately not everyone understands the true meaning of self-love. When we are faced with this…
By registered users: 36
Aiden Lottering
For the Abused, Betrayed and the Fallen
Futile faith that someday this dirt will wash away. Wishing, hoping that just maybe today will be the day. The day that the winds of change blow us to peace and joy, unfortunately the objective of this feeling is to destroy. Destroy the well-being of ou…
By registered users: 27
Personal Development Coaching
Erena Oliver
From Conflict 2 Connection - Breaking the Abuse Cycle
Are you familiar with what abuse looks like? The conflict that Judgment, Criticism, Blame and Shame – the silencing components of abuse, the powerlessness, trauma, and depression they create? The impact in society is insidious and damaging – we see it in…
By registered users: 28
Career Coaching
Nadya Lukic
Love Shouldn't Hurt
We often speak about physical violence and there are laws in place to prevent, stop or punish the abusers. What can be even more damaging in a long run is emotional and mental abuse. It’s harder to detect, completely legal… and the victim often gets so …
By registered users: 35
Linda Jane Newby, PhD
The Thief and the Pig - A story about abuse and society
The thief is not a person but represents the life that has been taken from you because you experienced abuse. In particular, it is the situation you are in at this stage in life. You notice several things don’t sit comfortably with you, but you feel power…
By registered users: 18
Toby Elliott
Addressing issues of sexual abuse in Pagan communities
In recent years, allegations of sexual misconduct in Pagan and polytheist communities have become increasingly visible. The arrest and conviction of Kenny Klein resulted in a range of public allegations of abuse levied against the musician, along with the…
By registered users: 53