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Mind Control
Motaz Almaroai
Crack the Code of Your Mind: Discover How to Find Your Mind Keys to Have Full Control.
Imagine having a set of keys that can unlock the hidden potential within your mind, allowing you to heal from within, enhance your productivity, and improve both your mental and physical well-being. Each person has their own unique set of keys to this men…
By registered users: 13
Emotional Stress Release
Awah Aweh Richard
Stress Less Think Better: The Power of Adaptogens for Calmness and Clarity"
Hello there, stress heads and clarity seekers! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life? Do you wish you could think more clearly and stay focused when it matters most? Well, you’re in the right place because today we’re diving into the wo…
By registered users: 4
Emotional Stress Release
Awah Aweh Richard
Unlock Your Brain's Potential: Top 10 Nootropics for Laser Focus and Enhanced Memory"
Hey there, fellow brainiacs! Are you struggling to stay focused or remember important details? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re diving into the world of nootropics – supplements known for their brain-boosting abilities. In this blog post, we’re go…
By registered users: 2
Emotional Freedom Technique
Alexander Brosda
The Final Four: Insights into the Human Psyche from the Words of the Dying
The intimate moments between life and death are often marked by profound reflections and heartfelt exchanges. Pulitzer Prize-winning author and oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee, in his explorations of the human experience, has highlighted that people neari…
By registered users: 4
Mind Control
Rahma Monsef
How To Stop Overthinking And Live In The Moment
Overthinking about how to stop overthinking? That’s new but curable. Overthinking is a disadvantage, even if some try to make it seem beneficial. The classic “I need to plan things” is just an excuse. Planning things repeatedly is overthinking. Analyzing …
By registered users: 7
Brian Frederick Eastman, LIIFT UnTherapist
Improve Self-Esteem
Relatively Quick Self-Esteem Healing by Brian Eastman, Master LIIFT UnTherapist Recently someone complained that they’d wasted 5 years in (talk) therapy and didn’t feel any better than when they started. Knowing that I had fought my own way to Okness, th…
By registered users: 7
Abnormal Psychology
Archana Ms.
Everything you need to know about 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder'
We have often seen such movies in which the hero suffers from personality disorders. Sometimes he is living a duel personality within a body and sometimes he is self-obsessed with his behavior. Although all this may sound fictional to you, but the reality…
By registered users: 7
Spiritual Healing
Dr Sannjay
Quantum Perspective
The Quantum Horizon: Exploring Esoteric Knowledge, Omnikinetic Energy, and Time Portals Are you ready to tap into your innate potential for healing, manifestation, and personal growth? “Becoming Supernatural Quantum Mind &amp; Soul Integration” by Spiritu…
By registered users: 5
Liz Clifton
Animal Reiki Connected Communication
How Reiki transcends species connecting us all together universally in love and light Through rehabilating our first Romanian street rescue dog I dove deep into the wonder of our spiritual energetic connection. Spending many hours silently sharing Anima…
By registered users: 7
Cognitive therapy
Dr Sannjay
Mind-Machine Interface: Exploring the Possibilities of Direct Brain-Computer Interaction
Mind-Machine Interface: Exploring the Possibilities of Direct Brain-Computer Interaction The field of neurotechnology has made incredible progress in recent years, allowing us to directly interact with computers using our brains. One fascinating applicat…
By registered users: 7
Cognitive therapy
Dr Sannjay
The Alarming Trend of Decreasing Sperm Count in Men: A Global Concern
In recent years, concerns over the declining sperm count in men have gained widespread attention. The issue has been studied and investigated by epidemiologists and medical experts, who have raised alarm bells about the potential long-term consequences. …
By registered users: 6
Cognitive therapy
Dr Sannjay
Unveiling the Secrets of Longevity ( Mrit Sanjivani Vidya): A Journey into Health Science
Unveiling the Secrets of Longevity ( Mrit Sanjivani Vidya): A Journey into Health Science Introduction: Humans have lengthy yearned for immortality, and recent advancements in durability technology are bringing us towards extending our lives beyond exis…
By registered users: 6
Dr Sannjay
Minds in Motion: The Science of MAYA( Optical Illusions) of the Brain
Minds in Motion: The Science of MAYA( Optical Illusions) of the Brain Introduction: Maya, a profound concept in Hindu philosophy, delves into the idea that our perceived truth is an illusion, a veil that conceals a deeper, religious fact. As we get to t…
By registered users: 5
River Blue
Harnessing the Power of Winter Solstice in Witchcraft: Rituals and Practices
As the darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice holds profound significance for practitioners of witchcraft. This celestial event marks the rebirth of the sun and the gradual return of light, making it an auspicious time for introspection, renewal, an…
By registered users: 8
River Blue
Exploring New Year's Witchcraft Traditions Around the World
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are celebrated with diverse traditions and rituals across the globe, many of which have deep roots in witchcraft and folklore. From cleansing ceremonies to divination practices, the arrival of the new year has long been a…
By registered users: 5
River Blue
Winter Herbal Magic: Utilizing Seasonal Plants in Your Craft
Winter is a season of quiet strength and hidden vitality, and despite the dormant appearance of the natural world, it offers a wealth of botanical allies for practitioners of witchcraft. Utilizing seasonal plants in winter herbal magic allows witches to t…
By registered users: 4
River Blue
Cleansing and Renewal: Purification Rituals for the New Year
The transition into a new year offers a potent opportunity for practitioners of witchcraft to engage in rituals of cleansing and renewal. Purification rituals hold profound significance, allowing individuals to release stagnant energy, clear the path for …
By registered users: 9
River Blue
The Magic of Snow: Incorporating Winter Elements into Spells
The winter season brings with it a serene and enchanting landscape, blanketed in the ethereal beauty of snow and adorned with the mystic allure of other natural elements. For practitioners of witchcraft, the presence of snow and other winter elements prov…
By registered users: 3
River Blue
Connecting with Ancestor Spirits: Honoring the Past in January
The month of January, with its introspective atmosphere and contemplative spirit, provides a sacred opportunity for practitioners of witchcraft to honor and connect with their ancestor spirits and spirit guides. By embracing the wisdom and guidance of tho…
By registered users: 3
River Blue
Winter Kitchen Witchery: Seasonal Recipes and Rituals
The winter season invites practitioners of kitchen witchery to embrace the enchanting art of culinary magic, infusing their rituals and recipes with the transformative energy of the season. As the earth rests under its snowy blanket and the hearth becomes…
By registered users: 5
River Blue
Setting Intentions for the Year Ahead: Spellwork and Manifestation
As the new year unfolds before us, the practice of setting intentions and engaging in spellwork offers a powerful avenue for manifesting our desires and shaping the path ahead. By harnessing the transformative energy of intention setting and infusing it w…
By registered users: 5
River Blue
Winter Divination: Tarot, Runes, and Scrying for Guidance
The winter season, with its introspective ambiance and mystical allure, provides an opportune time for practitioners of divination to delve into the mystical arts of tarot, runes, and scrying as a means of seeking guidance and insight. As the natural worl…
By registered users: 3
River Blue
The Magic of Leap Year: Witchcraft You Can Only Practice Once Every Four Years
Leap year, that mystical occurrence adding an extra day to our calendar every four years, holds a special place in the hearts of many. For those attuned to the rhythms of nature and the hidden forces of the universe, this anomaly provides a unique opportu…
By registered users: 17
River Blue
Sabbat Correspondences and Altar Decor for February
As the wheel of the year turns to February, many who follow the Earth’s natural cycles begin to prepare for the Sabbat of Imbolc, which marks the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. This time is ripe with the energies of purif…
By registered users: 5