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Spiritual Healing
Astral Core
Pluto as Myth and Meaning
Myth In ancient Myth Pluto was the ruler of the underworld, the “Son of Saturn,” or the new Sun of Time. In the depiction of the zodiac seen in the mandala created by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, she placed the Sun and Pluto next to each other as mentioned…
By registered users: 4
Natal Astrology
Astral Core
Making Life and Death Changes
Do The Work Steve Pressfield, author of the bestselling book The War of Art uses an intriguing style in his book Do the Work! The subtitle is Overcome Resistance and get out of your own way. In my experience, neither astrologers nor psychotherapists seem…
By registered users: 3
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
The Rise In Custodial Deaths And Police Brutality In India Has Become A Human Rights Violation Issue
Bribery is rampant across various departments, including the police force. Officers often demand bribes from victims’ families to secure their release, but even then, there’s no guarantee that the victim will survive judicial custody. The rising number of…
By registered users: 2
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Healthcare Challenges for India’s LGBTQ+ Community: Legal Advances and Persistent Barriers
According to the 2011 census, there are approximately 4.88 lakh transgender people in India. Despite this substantial number, transgender individuals often face stigmatization in the healthcare sector and other aspects of their lives. LGBTQIA+ healthcare…
By registered users: 2
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
GLOBAL WASTE TRADE: the dark side of the hazardous garbage business
Toxic and hazardous wastes are often sold by developed countries to poorer developing countries. This practice is known as the global waste trade. Wealthy nations are basically exporting their problem to poor countries mainly in African and Asian regions,…
By registered users: 3
Alexis karpouzos
Sacred and profane in Mircea Eliade's theory - Alexis karpouzos
In Mircea Eliade’s thought, religion is seen as a universal and fundamental aspect of human existence, characterized by the experience of the sacred and the profane. Eliade believed that religion originates from an irreducible experience of the sacred, wh…
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Educational Psychology
Archana Ms.
The Path To Global Compassion: World Refugee Day And The Challenges Ahead
World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20, centers around the theme of ‘Solidarity with Refugees.’ This day serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for global unity and collaboration in addressing the refugee crisis. Factors like political…
By registered users: 5
Medical intuition
Archana Ms.
GREENER DRUGS: Let’s Tackle Pharmaceutical Pollution With A More Sustainable Approach
Every facet of environmental protection is highlighted on World Environment Day, but did you realize that medications, which are necessary for human health, can have an impact on both land and aquatic environments? The manufacturing process of drugs incr…
By registered users: 4
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Paid Menstrual Leaves: How Far Is India To Having A Law On This Issue
Despite the fact that menstruation is an essential part of a woman’s overall health, we cannot ignore the emotional and physical challenges she faces during this time. These challenges can range from discomfort to serious health issues. Approximately 40% …
By registered users: 4
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Is Our Society Gender Biased In food Nutrition
Although gender inequality has become a common issue in our society, where women have often been perceived as a weaker section, it’s important to recognize that not only social rights but also the lack of nutritious food contributes to gender inequality f…
By registered users: 6
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
From Medical Examination to Ward Allotment: The Hidden Struggles of Transgender Inmates in the Indian Prison System
In the labyrinth of India’s prison system, a group remains largely invisible, their struggles unheard and their rights overlooked. They are the transgender prisoners, individuals whose gender identity does not align with the gender assigned to them at bir…
By registered users: 8
Archana Ms.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The Unseen Enemy of Musicians
Everyone is aware that moving the hands and fingers is necessary when playing music, but what happens if the musician’s hand posture is unstable, causing his fingers to tremble and position him awkwardly? This condition could be carpal tunnel syndrome, wh…
By registered users: 6
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
What Can Bring Us Genuine Happiness?
For centuries, the question had been plaguing man. A kind of bedmate to many claiming eruka! To the answer for centuries only to find out their answer had been an illusion. What would enable an individual to find a genuine happiness and not the fleeting …
By registered users: 10
Archana Ms.
Neurofibromatosis: A Serious Neurological Condition You Must Know About
A collection of uncommon hereditary illnesses known as neurofibromatosis (NF) impairs the growth of nerve cell tissues or results in tumor formation on nerve tissue. Over 2 million individuals worldwide suffer from a neurofibromatosis mutation; yet, betwe…
By registered users: 8
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
When Obligated To Say Yes Or No
I have tried many times to meet my obligations to anyone or places I have anything to do with. I am never the type that shies away from obligations or renders excuses even when they sound valid. I have this feeling that excuses are for losers and thy are …
By registered users: 6
5:2 Diet
Dr Sannjay
The Revolutionary Alliance of T-Cells and Autophagy: Unleashing a New Era in Hereditary Disease Treatment
Introduction: In a global plague via hereditary diseases, a brilliant partnership has emerged - one that holds the promise of reworking the panorama of remedy and presenting renewed hope to millions. The tremendous collaboration among T-cells and autophag…
By registered users: 5
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
I Have Agida
I was hiking with a good friend in the foothills of the Sonoran Desert. It’s our Friday morning ritual. We decided to try a new trail called the Agua Caliente Hill Trail. It’s a pretty aggressive climb into the foothills of the Catalina Mountains. We meet…
By registered users: 6
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
Mighty vs Tiny Steps
We are greedy by nature. Humans are that way. We assume that the statement: What is worth doing at all, worth doing well means that we need to cut, and bite more than we can chew. Tell me who has ever gone for the small when the big is there for taking? I…
By registered users: 4
Health Psychology
Robert B Ellis
The wicked witches of cancer
The wicked witches of cancer …finding our healing path home. I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too… —Elphaba, aka the Wicked Witch of the West Can we see illness as opportunity? — Deng Ming-Dao Once the diagnosis of cancer is made, we are b…
By registered users: 7
Social Psychology
Philip Ebuluofor
The Best Way To Arrest That Craving
Seeking attention might be good to a level when done well. Craving for it might be a harmful element to toy with. It is the cause of much heartache many are passing through today. When it becomes an addiction like it is to many people, quitting it is alw…
By registered users: 4
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
Why Are They Always Asking For Something?
Tucson, like most cities in this country, has its share of homeless people. The police are efficient at containing them to certain parts of the city. Many areas in Tucson create a naturally inviting space for a homeless person to find a relative degree o…
By registered users: 4
Janet Li
Does Big Knuckles Represent Toil throughout the Life?
Some people will have smooth knuckles while other will have big knuckles. The difference depends on the size of the knuckle. People who have a big knuckle will impress others with the feeling of toughness. Therefore, many judge that people with big knuck…
By registered users: 2
Janet Li
Which Palm do you read?
Although the ancient fortune-telling industry did not state which hand we should read when doing palm-reading, the palmists have taken the principle of left hand for males and right hand for females from ancient to now under the influence of male-dominant…
By registered users: 4
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
It's All Gobbledygook Anyway
One of my good friends recently emailed a link to a documentary he found compelling. He shared that the content deeply resonated with him. Like most people we connect to, my friend and I have a common outlook and shared values. We engage our lives in a si…
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