Pluto as Myth and Meaning

Pluto as Myth and Meaning


In ancient Myth Pluto was the ruler of the underworld, the “Son of Saturn,” or the new Sun of Time. In the depiction of the zodiac seen in the mandala created by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, she placed the Sun and Pluto next to each other as mentioned in a previous post... "...the planet furthest from the Sun, or next to the Sun when we consider the curvature of space, and we plot the planets on a circle." Such a representation has more to do with the measure of time. But in our typical view of the zodiac, irrespective of the house system, we are more concerned with the measure of our place in the world, and where we stand in time. Time proves more mysterious using traditional methods of calculation, our understanding rudimentary, and one day when looking back we may even this view primeval or prehistoric. But this reference to time is for another conversation. For our purposes we are concerned here with Astrological Pluto, and Pluto represents how individuals need to develop a life Perspective.

In 1930 Pluto came into view as governments fell and monarchs were deposed. The world community came together to defend against tyranny and evil. Individual perspective broadened with Pluto; a global view hastened as war became World War. But individuality embedded in the “hero generation” was accompanied by a grand “spirit” and together they rose to the occasion. We are indeed under similar cosmic themes now, and like then, there is no reason to assume that a new "hero generation" isn't moving into positions of power.

A worldwide movement and accelerated progress have created a kind of mundane egocentricism, Pluto for example has the entire world thinking we are special in the universe, and that no other world can exist. There may be a "cultification" of humanism at this stage of our evolution. But even so, humanistic endeavors and points of view might still be in the initial stages.
Kronos (Saturn) and Rhea (daughter of Uranus) gave birth to Pluto (the unseen). Zeus, Poseidon, and Demeter were Greek gods and siblings of Pluto. And like much of Astrology, a good deal of the lore and narratives passed down to us comes from the ancient Greece. But it is important to understand that astrology originated long before this time. Some unknown and unseen period. The significance of ancient Greece however is indelibly etched into our consciousness through the stories we tell. Scholars have gone to great pains to carry out in-depth research to resurrect and restore these stories which academics enjoy discussing endlessly. Nevertheless, naming Pluto (The Wealthy One, or The Giver of Wealth) after the Greek god of Hades only made sense, and in keeping with the progression of naming the planets beyond Mars.

Pluto symbolizes mass movements and upheaval. The rise of fascism, Nazism, and populist movements around the world coincided with Pluto’s discovery. Today we anticipate the transformation of Individual Ideals, humanitarian viewpoints and individual freedoms, dramatic inventions, and technological breakthroughs, as Pluto begins its 21 -year trek through Aquarius. However, first we need to revisit some throw-back populist issues before we can break loose and move forward once more.


Pluto in an individual’s chart connects personal identity to the world movements alluded to above somehow, or world events empower a celebrity or a politician who comes into prominence. There may also be deep spiritual transformational work being done in connection with certain renowned world spiritual leaders [this according to Sri Aurobindo] … And with Pluto conditions are ripe for revolt, rejuvenation, and reform. Assigning the word “perspective” to Pluto suggests that the symbol captures the individual’s standing, or point of view, relative to the rest of their world, or world community. If an individual can take a step back and see how the pieces assemble into a whole, transformation will be at hand, yet be experienced in a personal way. If not, then Pluto tends to annihilate anything in its path.

Death, decay, and primal sexuality drives have been associated with Pluto. However, a broader view, or “greater perspective,” also commands the opposite association: rebirth, regeneration, and tantric revelation. Life perspective is relentless, giving a personal outlook that can be “illogical” and represented in behavior and language as pervasive and permanent. Problems are “everywhere” and “always” present and therefore hard to change. But solutions are everywhere and always present, even if in the moment of crisis, they remain 'unseen'. As much as the transit of Pluto signifies change, the natal position signifies resistance to change. Why? Because perspective is extremely difficult to adjust, and without conscious awareness, it remains permanent and pervasive: An illogical fallacy!

Pluto has an erratic orbit! The orbit takes 248 ½ years to complete one cycle around the Sun. 1/4th or a quarter of the circle (3 Signs) requires approximately 62 years on average (less time from Virgo to Capricorn). Normally only one angle is crossed within a typical lifespan.
Pluto crossing an angle will force the individual perspective to change despite circumstances. The change is often dramatic, and sometimes represents a total transformation depending on the angle crossed. Values and personal points of view that are deeply ingrained can be overhauled and turned over. “What is” needs to give way for “what can be.” The world view comes into focus and challenges individual perspective, especially if the personal view is too narrow. Perspective broadens. The individual’s position deepens from the standpoint of the personal to the universal and back again.

Transiting Pluto to a natal planet, the Sun and Moon for example, can suggest a revolution within the meaning and values represented by the planet and the aspect pattern that the planet makes. But Pluto moves slowly. These changes develop over an extended period, even if the final assault appears to come out of nowhere. Joe Biden is under the influence of Pluto square his natal Moon as we speak, and there really cannot be a better example of the enormous challenge this transit represents. The transit connection to a particular point in the natal chart can last up to 2-3 years. And because of this extended period, the transit of Pluto can be thought of as providing a backdrop to other planetary transits happening simultaneously.

The “shift of personal perspective, values, and projection (Ascendant)” can be awe inspiring

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