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Spiritual Healing
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Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing
Milijana Marinovic
Jul 30, 2024, 22:00
Healing with Tesla Waves– Distance Healing Session
Tesla Metamorphosis is a holistic healing modality that uses Tesla waves accessed directly from active Etar. This holistic healing creates a complex metamorphosis of the human body by bringing it to the perfect balance of Light. Tesla Healing is very effe…
By registered users: 98
Spiritual Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Illahi Noor Healing | Distance Healing Session
What is Illahi Noor? Illahi Noor is an ancient portal of Divine Grace Energy, from the golden ray, originating in Egypt, that has been reactivated 15 years ago and that is now accessible to all, to bring the qualities and healing powers of Oneness, non du…
By registered users: 6
Spiritual Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Reiki Psychic
All Reiki healings can help with psychic abilities, however, this healing is aimed to specifically assist with your psychic gifts. This healing helps increase awareness on mental, physical, spiritual and emotional levels. It also helps open and expand yo…
By registered users: 6
Spiritual Healing
Jeremiah Gabriel Moultrie
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Lavender Reiki Distance Healing Session
Overview Experience the profound healing and alignment of Lavender Reiki, a unique energy system created by Hari. This gentle yet powerful energy awakens you to your true spiritual essence and harmonizes your physical and subtle bodies, enhancing the f…
By registered users: 6
Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Unlock and unblock the energy fields in and around your body to promote overall wellness.
By registered users: 18
Spiritual Healing
Ramona Oliver
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Tarot/Oracle Card Reading
Explore possibilities, gain clarity, and empower your decisions with my honest and compassionate approach. Target audience This service is for people who are looking for some direction and guidance along their current path. Having some clarity about y…
By registered users: 8
Spiritual Healing
Rosemary Hernandez
Jul 29, 2024, 16:00
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Goddess Meditation
In order to return to wholeness, there needs to be a return to true balance by feeling your feelings and emotions in order to unlock the full potential of your whole and complete self. It’s time to embrace the unique nurturing qualities of the heart. Thr…
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Dr June Williams DmedTh
Jul 30, 2024, 10:00
Faradarmani Remote Healing for 7 days
Overview A distant healing session which offers a serene transmission of energy to you, regardless of your location. These sessions can be remarkably impactful without requiring physical proximity and can be experienced across any distance. Target audie…
By registered users: 24
Spiritual Healing
Malyk Muqaddar
Jul 31, 2024, 13:00
Haru Kamiki Sekhmet
I am Mind and Soul Life Force Energy. Activating the three fold holy divine flame energies as well as their individual auric field. Accepting and allowing divine flow within as well as illumination of the divine space. Dissolving and transmutation of all …
By registered users: 31
Spiritual Healing
Jul 31, 2024, 06:30
Womb healing meditation for divine feminine energy
Overview It’s a meditation session to gain reconnecting energy into your womb space . It’s energy medicine to your physical ,mental and spiritual well being . If you are struggling to find connection to your feminine self ,this session is for you . TARG…
By registered users: 1
Spiritual Healing
Divyana Govind DDS, VSP
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Energy Vitality Technique - Vibrational Sound Therapy
Vibrational Sound Therapy is a process in which the practitioner uses sound (frequency) to help improve health- emotionally, spiritually, socially, mentally, and superficially. It is a complementary health technique that can facilitate the awakening of u…
By registered users: 70
Spiritual Healing
Kurt Douglas Trevallion (Dakshina)
Jul 30, 2024, 01:00
Holistic Soul-Healing - A Path, Practice & Philosophy of Feeling Good
Connect With Your Eternal Heart Light Feeling Lack, Bad, Sad, Lonely, Confused or Depressed? Start To Feel Good… All the Time! Sessions Include: Intake, Healing and Integration Empower Yourself with Self-Healing Abilities!
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Alex Edgar
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Healing from Trauma with Energy Healing
Overview Attain post traumatic growth. Turn the negative into positive. Rise above pain and grief into new strength, joy and hope. Healing from trauma is a journey that can be supported with energy healing. Target audience Please do not substitute heal…
By registered users: 6
Spiritual Healing
Anagha Agrawal
Jul 30, 2024, 04:00
Overview This is a Healing for Welbeing. Target audience Anybody can Enroll, no restrictions Benefits Promotes Harmony &amp; Balance Releases Tension from Body Clears Energy Blocks Helps sleep better Balances Body-Mind Session These are remote sess…
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Intuitive psychic reading
Overview A 1 on 1 psychic session that will help you to receive more clarity then ever before. Target audience These sessions ate intended for adults only. Benefits The benefits are endless. you will receive more clarity and understanding of where yo…
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Mateusz Bajerski
Jul 30, 2024, 08:00
Meet Your Spiritual Consultant: Healing, Insights & Growth [Discovery Call]
&gt; Connect with your Higher Self. &gt; Remember who you are. *~ Mateusz Bajerski, Spiritual Consultant* Overview This is a Discovery Call of 45 minutes. We will create a safe space in order to connect with your heart and listen to what your heart has…
By registered users: 74
Spiritual Healing
Lisa A. Wilder
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Shamanic Energy Healing- Remote 7- Day Session
During this session I will send you healing energy based upon you request at 12 noon (EST) daily for a total of 7 days. A weekly remote healing session can be a powerful tool for promoting overall well-being, both physical and emotional, as well as spiri…
By registered users: 1
Spiritual Healing
Jul 29, 2024, 22:00
Energy healing session
Overview Distance energy healings session provides you with better vibes after healing. I will clean you with energy from God/Universe. All tensions and obsticals will go away. Feeling better is always my moto. After this session you will feel better. Mu…
By registered users: 57
Spiritual Healing
Mira Svilenova
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Spiritual Counselling
Overview Target audience Benefits Session Preparation Other comments
By registered users: 1
Spiritual Healing
Royal Numerology
Aug 4, 2024, 00:30
Switchword & Switchnumber's Remedies
This will provide you switchwords and switchnumbers with the guidance of its use on the basis of your requirements. * Just chant, no need to think or understand. * It removes blockages or attract positivity. * Health, wealth and prosperity can be acheived…
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Marietta Amatangelo, MSc, RDN/LDN RMT
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Aura, Chakra Clearing & Healing
Heal your physical, mental, emotional &amp; spiritual distress with Aura &amp; Chakra Healing. Aura Healing takes care of the negative energy that keeps a soul away from charming better opportunities, accomplishment &amp; overall wellbeing. An aura can i…
By registered users: 3
Spiritual Healing
Jul 29, 2024, 10:00
Called to Coach - The secrets to self mastery and self healing
Overview A consultation: 1-1 video call to assess current concerns, past traumas, physical and mental ailments, issues, and gain insight. From this we will choose the best course of healing for you. Target audience Someone who is feeling lost, lacking …
By registered users: 2
Spiritual Healing
Jul 29, 2024, 10:00
Tarot Card Readings
Overview Tarot cards, and oracle cards are a way to receive messages from your guides, angels and ancestors. The cards can help bring up areas you need to focus on or address. Give you direct instructions or ideas. Target audience Anyone wishing to gai…
By registered users: 1
Spiritual Healing
Aug 2, 2024, 15:00
Compassionate energy healing
For those times when we feel we need the energetic space to let our whole being restore itself. The healing is meant to give you a sense of safety and feel like your emotional needs are met. It is an opportunity to get out of your own way and let Spirit h…
By registered users: 15