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Deep Shadow Work

healing session
$78 USD
$78 USD

We are composed from fragments. We like some of them and we want to show them to others, but some of them we dislike and that’s why we disown them and reject them. Are you curious which part is talking to you and leading your life? And why is it so? To become who we are - to become whole is to bring all these parts together and integrate them with Love. This journey is deeply liberating and self-loving. Working with shadows changed my life.

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Nezamyslova 639/16, 128 00 Praha 2-Nusle, Czechia

Shadow Worker, Reiki Master, Body Therapist, Emotions and Trauma focused therapies, Yoga Teacher

“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” - P.Chodron

On Core Spirit since March 2021

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patrick morrison b4mo ago

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Hi Sherry, I am doing therapy and Integration. It depends on if you have a particular issue or you want to explore but basically I am doing fragment work and shadows. It’s Teal Swan’s technique and adding to it what’s needed: inner child work, Journey, Kinesiology, Reiki, breath work. I am an empath so I can guide a client through such a deep process in much more connected way. I hope that I answered your questions. Do you have more questions? Please feel free to ask. If this resonates with you, let me know:)

Sherry Turnbull3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me how your classes are going? What techniques do you use when working with shadows? Thank you.

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Deep Shadow Work

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