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Inner Child Integration Session

healing session
$79 USD
$79 USD

How is your inner child feeling? Can you reconnect with it? Can you heal it?
If you can’t or you are having troubles, I am here for you.
Inner Child work is one of the most essential healing tools. It helps us to see where we are stuck in our current lives and why. It reveals where we froze our vital energy and why. This healing always shows and integrates subconscious patterns that are running our lives even without us noticing it. Inner Child work is a direct way to experience more love, freedom, peace and acceptance.

I work as an empath, Reiki Master, Shadow Worker and Therapist focused on Body and Emotions.

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Nezamyslova 639/16, 128 00 Praha 2-Nusle, Czechia

Shadow Worker, Reiki Master, Body Therapist, Emotions and Trauma focused therapies, Yoga Teacher

“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” - P.Chodron

On Core Spirit since March 2021

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patrick morrison b4mo ago

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Hi Karin, it depends what’s your goal. Do you want to get to know your inner child, get in touch or do you want to work on specific issue? I recommend my clients to take 3-5 sessions at the beginning to see how they feel about it. Why do you want to work with your inner child? Do you have more questions? Please feel free to ask. With warm regards, Katerina

Karin3y ago

Hello. after how many sessions does the result appear and how many sessions are needed?

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