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Kshitij Kumar Srivastava
Are there any hidden gems embedded in Solitude?
Human beings have an inherent desire for companionship. Whether it’s the laughter of friends, the warmth of family, or the comfort of a partner, these connections provide us with a sense of belonging and security. However, when we find ourselves alone, ou…
By registered users: 6
Dr Sannjay
The Remarkable Influence of Positive and Negative Thoughts on the Thymus Gland: Unveiling the Neurological Nexus
The Remarkable Influence of Positive and Negative Thoughts on the Thymus Gland: Unveiling the Neurological Nexus Introduction: In the intricate tapestry of the human brain and its myriad connections with the body, the thymus gland emerges as a focal point…
By registered users: 9
Abnormal Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Unraveling the Mysteries of Post-Traumatic Amnesia: A Quantum Perspective
Unraveling the Mysteries of Post-Traumatic Amnesia: A Quantum Perspective Introduction: Welcome, fellow explorers of the thoughts and consciousness! Today, we embark on a fascinating journey into the enigmatic realm of put up-traumatic amnesia (PTA). As…
By registered users: 5
Spiritual Healing
Milijana Marinovic
We all wear masks, it’s simply part of human nature. We dress in the costume of the role we think we should play — a loving partner, an efficient worker, an enthusiastic volunteer — and we venture into the world adorned in what eventually becomes both our…
By registered users: 10
Cognitive Psychology
Kshitij Kumar Srivastava
Are there any hidden gems embedded in solitude?
Human beings have an inherent desire for companionship. When we find ourselves alone, our inner struggles often emerge, compelling us to seek the presence of others as a means to confront these challenges. Try spending a day or two in solitude, and you’ll…
By registered users: 8
Emotional Stress Release
The Importance of Combatting Loneliness: Strategies for Overcoming Isolation
Loneliness is a feeling that many people experience at some point in their lives. It is the feeling of being alone, isolated, or disconnected from others. While loneliness can be a normal and temporary experience, prolonged feelings of loneliness can have…
By registered users: 9
Emotional Stress Release
The Loneliness Epidemic: How to Overcome Isolation and Improve Your Health
Loneliness is a universal human experience, and it has become increasingly prevalent in our modern world. A recent survey showed that over 60% of Americans feel lonely, and this is not just a problem in the United States. People all over the world are str…
By registered users: 15
Positive Psychology
Ike Thibault
The Beauty of Solitude: How Loneliness Can Lead to Creative Breakthroughs
Have you ever felt lonely and thought that it was a negative emotion that you should avoid at all costs? What if we told you that loneliness can be a powerful tool for creativity and innovation? That’s right, being alone can lead to creative breakthroughs…
By registered users: 44
Spiritual Healing
Mindy Mendelsohn
Love and Eros Untamed
Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Rather than celebrating a Saint who martyred themselves (even though I can certainly say in my younger years I was a bit of a professional in this respect in the arena of love) I thought I would speak to Eros the God of love. …
By registered users: 23
Positive Psychology
Raghavendra Shekaraiah
Take the Lead and Succeed: Simple Solutions to Combat Loneliness
As the globe advances swiftly, a growing number of people feel increasingly isolated, unconnected, and lonely. Sadly, this growing loneliness epidemic has far-reaching effects on the physical and emotional health of individuals. In fact, specialists, ps…
By registered users: 43
Life Coaching
Afsheen Shah
The Secret to Building More Meaningful Connections with Others
A common complaint I hear from clients is they feel as if they are lacking meaningful connections. They don’t want to spend time in conversations that are just “surface level”. They want depth, meaning and substance. I get it, I crave those things also…
By registered users: 24
Developmental Psychology
Sevda Çelik
Loneliness and Our Unique Story between heaven and hell
Every story of loneliness is unique and the way you experience loneliness can be different from somebody else. I took this photograph while I was traveling by train and loved it so much. It strangely reminds me of loneliness. It is strange because it awak…
By registered users: 25
Fringe Space
The Modern Man
The Modern Man An evolutionary perspective. A path from the modern boy to become the modern man. At the start, I would like to mention that this is just an opinion , opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. I would also like to add I am a boy who…
By registered users: 15
Mind Control
Amritha Kailas
5 Simple Strategies to Self Love
In life, we run around looking for love,recognition and acceptance everywhere around us.We look for acceptance and validation from everyone around us inorder to progress in our life and consider that if we receive it then we can truly be successful, happy…
By registered users: 16
Distance Healing
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
Lemuria 0 Lemuria existed on earth 280 million years ago. It is a lie that the people of Lemuria perished because of greed and ill-will. Lemuria has ascended, changed from the physical to the ethereal plane. No one died in the ascension. We, all humans, …
By registered users: 19
Life Coaching
Amritha Kailas
How to overcome Boredom?
Do you know most of us pick up bad habits and addictions during our boredom time? A research conducted by University of Britrish columbia states that 8 out of 10 people are bored/worried/stressed/ sad in the world since pandemic time . According to Was…
By registered users: 14
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
The Reiki Community in the Wider World
A long time ago there was a story in the news. Nowadays there are, unfortunately, so so many stories of isolation in the news. But this one stayed with me all this time, because I knew this story, like many others, could have had a different ending. In th…
By registered users: 12
Giving from Being: an Antidote for Loneliness
As we go through the Awakening process, we will face the conditioned ways we’ve connected with others through our lifetime. We will become aware of the ego’s desires, manipulations, defenses as well as early childhood programming where we searched for ap…
By registered users: 12
Cynthia A. Morgan
One - Poetry of Love & Spirituality
One Fire in the Soul with Love’s Endless Flame, One Celestial Presence Burning in Temporal Time, Ever Rising, Never Setting, Ever Spinning, Calamitous Treason, Incorporeal Rhyme. One Soul that is Yearning for One Soul, One Heart that is Aching for One Hea…
By registered users: 10
Life Coaching
Maxine Attong
Dealing with Loneliness
The month of May is the month of mental health awareness. And even though it is over, I need to ask you, again, how are you doing? I’m doing OK. I** have moments of buoyancy and then moments of flatness**.because I am starting to know people in my circle …
By registered users: 15
Conventional Medicine
Demi Powell
Facelift: Identity and attractiveness reconstruction
THE CURRENT STATE OF THE ART All facial rejuvenation procedures, whether medical or surgical, aim to give the impression that the patient is younger rather than actually making the patient younger. This is the plain truth. Our treatments aim to modify a…
By registered users: 15
Relationship Coaching
Shari, the Soulmate Seekers Love Coach
Learning from Mirrored Relationships
It occurred to me recently…six years into my relationship with my soulmate partner…that my last relationship before I met my husband was a mirror relationship meant to show me how frustrating my behavior had been toward past partners. I was writing about …
By registered users: 57
Relationship Coaching
Shari, the Soulmate Seekers Love Coach
How the Relationship We Have With Ourselves is Mirrored in Our Other Relationships
Every relationship we have represents a mirror to the relationship we have with ourselves. Yes, even the awful ones. Actually, ESPECIALLY the awful ones. When we are connected to others in relationships we find unfulfilling and even abusive, it’s time to …
By registered users: 14
Core Spirit Scientific Research Reviews
How Robots Improve Cognitive Abilities & Mental Health of the Elderly (Research)
European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences [1] has recently published an article of Japanese scholars presenting their research [2] on robots and brain training for the elderly. The research was focused on the elderly participants who had difficulty …
By registered users: 11