5 Simple Strategies to Self Love

Amritha Kailas
Core Spirit member since Nov 30, 2021
2m read
·Jul 13, 2022

In life, we run around looking for love,recognition and acceptance everywhere around us.We look for acceptance and validation from everyone around us inorder to progress in our life and consider that if we receive it then we can truly be successful, happy and contented. Sometimes, this leads to giving priority to everyone around us to make them happy and putting ourselves last .

We have time for everyone else in the world but hardly have time to enjoy our company.

There is immense potential waiting to be unlocked within each one of us if we practise self love and acceptance.

Today Iam going to share 5 simple strategies to practise self love

  • Dedicate some alone time in your day to enjoy your company

  • Love and Accept yourself based on your values

  • Acknowledge yourself for your efforts in your day

  • Celebrate your small achievements

  • Forgive yourself for your mistakes

By following these simple strategies , we are giving ourselves the permission to be who we are uniquely and motivate ourselves everyday to achieve greater things in life.

Enjoying our own company through self love can also improve our emotional and mental well being inorder to prevent from loneliness and depression.

Happiness is a state that is not dependent on external environment but dependent on your internal environment.

Developing our internal environment can help us cope during these tough times to develop a growth mindset in our life.

We don't have to wait for happiness to arrive until everything around is perfect instead we can cultivate happiness through self-love .

Let's all remember to spend time and energy to work on ourself rather than chasing the world around us to grant it for us.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF” - Charlie Chaplin

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Afsheen Shah2y ago

Yes, it is so important to love and accept ourselves. Think of the change we would see in the world if more people loved themselves.