
Mind Control
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Mind Control

Mind Control
Motaz Almaroai
Crack the Code of Your Mind: Discover How to Find Your Mind Keys to Have Full Control.
Imagine having a set of keys that can unlock the hidden potential within your mind, allowing you to heal from within, enhance your productivity, and improve both your mental and physical well-being. Each person has their own unique set of keys to this men…
By registered users: 13
Mind Control
Rahma Monsef
How To Stop Overthinking And Live In The Moment
Overthinking about how to stop overthinking? That’s new but curable. Overthinking is a disadvantage, even if some try to make it seem beneficial. The classic “I need to plan things” is just an excuse. Planning things repeatedly is overthinking. Analyzing …
By registered users: 20
Mind Control
Samuel Sila
Overcoming Mind Control and Finding Your Way When Feeling Lost
Life is a journey that requires constant movement; the moment you stop moving, that’s when you stop living. You end up getting lost in a world full of unlimited possibilities. Age is just a number, so they say, but how much can you make an account of it a…
By registered users: 19
Mind Control
Maya Pillai
7 Tips to Improve Mental Focus for Teenagers
Hello teenagers, Picture this. You’re in the middle of studying, but your mind’s off on a wild adventure, daydreaming about everything except your textbooks. I know the struggle! But guess what? I’ve cracked the code to boost my focus, and I’m about to gi…
By registered users: 14
Mind Control
Fred Ojei
Exploring The Spiritual Benefits And The Effects of Meditation: From Enlightenment to Inner Peace"
Meditation has been practiced for centuries, and many people have experienced the spiritual benefits that come along with it. These benefits can range from enlightenment to inner peace and everything in between. In this article, we will explore the spirit…
By registered users: 25
Mind Control
Josie Truelove
How you get into water, does it reflect your approach to life?
IS HOW YOU GET IN THE WATER YOUR APPROACH TO LIFE? I’m curious. Do you dip your toe, or dive straight in**? Whether it’s a pool, the sea or a lake, how you get in the water to swim, may have vast similarities to how you approach life. Are you a toe dip…
By registered users: 30
Mind Control
Amritha Kailas
5 Simple Strategies to Self Love
In life, we run around looking for love,recognition and acceptance everywhere around us.We look for acceptance and validation from everyone around us inorder to progress in our life and consider that if we receive it then we can truly be successful, happy…
By registered users: 16
Mind Control
Ruth Svakataly Daugherty
How do we know that our thought are not being manipulated?
Are our thoughts really free? So many manipulations have been put over us. In reality, we are divine beings without thoughts and negative feelings. Our mind often tends to occupy us with useless, misleading, negative thoughts. How often are we stuck in th…
By registered users: 17
Mind Control
Amritha Kailas
Digital Detox
With the rise of Covid around us, we all have been separated from each other, unable to meet physically and connect among ourselves. The uncertainty of Covid has created mixed feelings within our minds that includes fear, sorrow, loneliness and more. We …
By registered users: 19
Mind Control
Amritha Kailas
3 Daily Practises that can change your life
Early from our childhood days, we have been taught to take care of our health, follow habits that include brushing our teeth, bathing, brush our hair, eat good food,learn to find a job,wear good clothes and follow a routine to lead a good socially accept…
By registered users: 44
Mind Control
Jisha Vijay
Fighting my inner demons to defeat depression
Fighting my inner demons to defeat depression If I were to rewind to 3 years ago, I would find myself sulking and typing in my sob story on my cellphone diary every other night I fought with my partner. Most of my unhappiness came from the belief that ‘t…
By registered users: 12
Mind Control
Amritha Kailas
My Walk of Life
**The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow For every challenge encountered, there is an opportunity for growth Often it is the deepest pain that empowers you to grow into your highest self. ** Little did I know when I grew up, that I was …
By registered users: 14
Mind Control
Mega Me
Meaning of 'True happiness' in 7 paragraphs. (Written by a nobody who has been everybody)
It is easy to mourn the lives we aren’t living. Easy to wish we’d develop other talents, said yes to different offers, easy to wish we’d work harder, loved better, handled our finances more astutely, been more popular, stayed in a band, traveled other cou…
By registered users: 30
Mind Control
Meera Shah
Make decisions using your gut instinct
“You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Steve Jobs Some of the most powerful names in business, from Richard Branson to Oprah Winfrey …
By registered users: 16
Mind Control
Demi Powell
Mind Control: Stop Begging and People will do what you want
Well, why not? They are the problem, right? Here you are with a blog or a product or a charity you believe will change the world, and yet no matter how excited you are about the possibilities, no matter how much faith you have in yourself, you can’t hel…
By registered users: 27
Mind Control
Demi Powell
Mind Control: Overview and how to protect yourself
What Is Mind Control? Terminology Mind control is also known as manipulation, thought reform, brainwashing, mental control, coercive persuasion, coercive control, malignant use of group dynamics, and many others. The fact that there are so many names in…
By registered users: 2