Afsheen Shah

I guide female executives out of corporate chaos and into the lives they truly desire. Through coaching, spiritual practices and mindset shifts, I support women in redefining their dreams and desires so they can uplevel their lives from the inside out. Wi…
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Expert in the fields:Career Coaching/Mindfulness/Spiritual Healing/Awakening/Executive Coaching
5 years of practice
On Core Spirit since August 2022
New York, NY, USA
Afsheen Shah
A vision of the woman you know you can be and want to be.
Imagine waking up each day, not to the sound of an alarm, but to the rhythm of your own empowered heartbeat. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing not just a reflection, but the embodiment of strength, courage, and authenticity. A vision of the woman …
Afsheen Shah
In case you needed a reminder to keep going - here it is!
No matter what your life may look like right at this moment — you have the strength, the resilience, and the power to create the life you want. You just have to be willing to believe in yourself and stop playing it safe. Be open to new experiences and opp…
Afsheen Shah
It’s never too late to start living the life you want or become the person you’ve always wanted to be!
It can be hard not to get caught up in other people’s expectations of us. Most of us learn from a young age that the approval, safety and even the love we want and crave is readily available if we look, behave, act, dress and even speak in a certain way. …
Afsheen Shah
How to turn your pain into power?
Painful experiences are a part of life. Very few people (if any) escape life without having painful experiences. And for some people, painful experiences can serve as a powerful motivator to change their life for the better. Those people have truly maste…
Afsheen Shah
Start stepping into a more authentic form of leadership today!
Ever wonder why you’re doing all the “right” things, putting in the work and still watching other people get the promotion, raise or reward that you just spent the entire last year gunning for? It’s not because they’re smarter, better connected or someho…
Afsheen Shah
Take the first step towards your authentic, empowered self!
Are you feeling trapped in the never-ending cycle of pleasing others, sacrificing your dreams, and losing touch with your true self? Are you sick and tired of trying to maintain that picture perfect image of the woman that everybody wants you to be and k…
Afsheen Shah
Are you confusing being a good human with being a “good girl”?
Being a good human doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a “good girl” (or good boy!) I would even argue that being a perpetual good girl or good boy can actually stand in the way of your being a good human. Sound crazy? Let me tell you why. Being a…
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
Overworking. ​ Overachieving. ​ Overeating. ​ Over-drinking. ​ Over-caffeinating. Overcompensating. ​ And just plain overdoing.
Those are just some of the ways I’ve seen people distract themselves so they don’t have to face the parts of their life (and themselves) that they would rather not see.🫣 ​ Most of those people also have zero boundaries between their work life and their ho…
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Running
I’ve always enjoyed running. I love the feeling of being able to just lace on my shoes and go. And the way my mind runs free as my feet carry the rest of my body forward. The sensation of each step hitting the pavement has felt like pure pain at times a…
Afsheen Shah
How Changing My Mindset Changed my Life
I used to think the game of life was rigged against me. And that life was just something that was happening “to me”, instead of through me. It was a very self-defeating way to live and played a huge role in my health issues after my physical body started…
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
4 Ways Your Inability To Say No To Others Could Be Destroying Your Happiness & Health
4 Ways Your Inability To Say No To Others Could Be Destroying Your Happiness & Health ​ 1️⃣ Missed Opportunities ​ Every time you say yes to one thing you’re saying no to something else that could be more aligned with what you actually want to do. Over ti…
Executive Coaching
Afsheen Shah
What I am doing for myself
Earlier this year my health took a backseat to deadlines in my day job and a new slew of goals for my business. My stress levels and caffeine consumption were at an all time high while the quality of my sleep, recovery and nutrition were at an all time l…
Executive Coaching
Afsheen Shah
How To Turn Your Pain Into Power
Painful experiences are a part of life. Very few people (if any) escape life without having painful experiences. And for some people, painful experiences can serve as a powerful motivator to change their life for the better. Those people have truly master…
Life Coaching
Afsheen Shah
Good Girl
You’re my good girl, I’m so lucky to have a good girl like you as my girlfriend. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” ​ He said those words to me almost every night while we were together. ​ And then cheated on me with a beautiful, blond voluptuous stripper as he …
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
I don’t subscribe to the new trend against positivity. I also don’t believe in the concept of “toxic positivity”. 🤫
I don’t subscribe to the new trend against positivity. I also don’t believe in the concept of “toxic positivity”. 🤫 Personally - I don’t think the words toxic and positive belong together. And I’m not in favor of referring to any form of positivity …
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
You’ve made power moves in your professional life
So you’ve made power moves in your professional life and didn’t just climb the corporate ladder - you jumped up 2 rungs at a time. ​ ​ And now you’re at the top. ​ Looking down. ​ And suddenly the view from top doesn’t look so great. ​ Instead of seeing b…
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
Reflections from my Inner Bad Girl
I wish I hadn’t been such a “good girl” when I was younger. I wish I would’ve broken the rules more often. Studied a little less. Allowed myself to have more fun. Put travel before money. Worried less about debt and more about experiences. Valued pl…
Afsheen Shah
In order to master yourself, you have to be able to master your thoughts
“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.“ - Lao Tzu In order to master yourself, you have to be able to master your thoughts. But sometimes it’s not so much about changing a thought as much as it is about changing and redefining …
Afsheen Shah
One of the best ways I’ve found to manage stress and increase productivity is by managing my thoughts and my mindset.
One of the best ways I’ve found to manage stress and increase productivity is by managing my thoughts and my mindset. ​ Learning to cultivate an empowering mindset has maximized my results (both personally and professionally!) while minimizing the time, s…
Afsheen Shah
How different do you think your life would be if you focused more on the things that ARE working?
How different do you think your life would be if you focused more on the things that ARE working out for you and less on the ones that aren’t? Since the time we are little we’re taught to focus on where we fall short. In school, papers mark what you got…
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
It’s true what they say, sometimes you have to just be in the moment.
It’s true what they say, sometimes you have to just be in the moment. ​ And not just the good ones that fill your heart with joy and gratitude - but the bad ones also. ​ The ones that fill your heart with an unexplainable sadness and melancholy. ​ As grat…
Career Coaching
Afsheen Shah
I have a love/hate relationship with motivation.
I have a love/hate relationship with motivation. ​ ​ Don’t get me wrong, I am all for inspiring and motivating others. ​ It’s part of my brand after all and most of my own success has been - at least in part - inspired or motivated by advice in the books …
Afsheen Shah
The Best Medicine For Healing Your Body Lies Within Your Own Mind
I firmly believe that if we truly want to heal our body, we need to start with our mind. I was about 16 years old the first time I experienced my first episode of auto-immune issues. I was put on various medications which temporarily relieved some of my s…
Life Coaching
Afsheen Shah
The Secret to Building More Meaningful Connections with Others
A common complaint I hear from clients is they feel as if they are lacking meaningful connections. They don’t want to spend time in conversations that are just “surface level”. They want depth, meaning and substance. I get it, I crave those things also…
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Afsheen Shah1y ago

New article How to turn your pain into power? already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Start stepping into a more authentic form of leadership today! already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Take the first step towards your authentic, empowered self! already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Are you confusing being a good human with being a “good girl”? already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Overworking. ​ Overachieving. ​ Overeating. ​ Over-drinking. ​ Over-caffeinating. Overcompensating. ​ And just plain overdoing. already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Running already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article How Changing My Mindset Changed my Life already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article 4 Ways Your Inability To Say No To Others Could Be Destroying Your Happiness & Health already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article What I am doing for myself already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article How To Turn Your Pain Into Power already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Good Girl already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article I don’t subscribe to the new trend against positivity. I also don’t believe in the concept of “toxic positivity”. 🤫 already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article You’ve made power moves in your professional life already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Reflections from my Inner Bad Girl already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article In order to master yourself, you have to be able to master your thoughts already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article One of the best ways I’ve found to manage stress and increase productivity is by managing my thoughts and my mindset. already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article How different do you think your life would be if you focused more on the things that ARE working? already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article It’s true what they say, sometimes you have to just be in the moment. already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article I have a love/hate relationship with motivation. already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article The Best Medicine For Healing Your Body Lies Within Your Own Mind already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article The Secret to Building More Meaningful Connections with Others already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Your mind may have forgotten..but has your body…? already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article Feeling stuck in making the personal transformation you were hoping for? already available! Read it now

Afsheen Shah2y ago

New article 5 Signs you may be a people pleaser and 4 things you can do to stop already available! Read it now