<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> A vision of the woman you know you can be and want to be. | Core Spirit

A vision of the woman you know you can be and want to be.

Nov 27, 2023
Reading time 2 min.

Imagine waking up each day, not to the sound of an alarm, but to the rhythm of your own empowered heartbeat. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing not just a reflection, but the embodiment of strength, courage, and authenticity.

A vision of the woman you know you can be and want to be.

I’m guessing you don’t have to imagine very hard because it’s something you dream about almost daily. But it isn't just a dream; it's a possibility that's within your reach if you’re willing to open up to it.

There’s a constant tug-of-war going on inside of you. One side keeps pulling you towards the woman everyone expects you to be, and the other pulling you towards the woman you could be and know you actually are on the inside. A woman - no, a bad bish- who says “f*ck this” to all the societal expectations that have ruled your life up until now. A woman who’s ready to start saying yes to her own needs and desires, and yes to herself.

You’re done living a life where you just exist and survive..you’re ready for a life where you thrive as the true, empowered and authentic version of you.

And as uncharted as the path to your authentic self seems to be, you know it’s one you’re finally ready to walk down.

On the one hand you feel liberated knowing what it is that you actually want for yourself. On the other hand you’re scared stiff. The uncertainty of it all can feel scary, and even a little overwhelming when you compare where you are now and where you actually want to be.

So, what next? Will you continue to plaster on the smile, keep up the facade, and keep walking down a path you don’t even want to be on..and maybe never did? Will you let another year and another birthday go by with thoughts of “some day” swirling around in your head?

Or will you finally face what you’ve been pretending not to see all along—that’s it’s time for a change. It’s time to start living a life you love. A life that’s fulfilling. A life you can be proud of.

You may be wondering “where do I even start?” Simple. You start by simply making the decision to.

If this resonates with you, know that there is a path available to you that will lead you back to your authentic self—and a journey waiting for you that will fill your life with purpose, joy, and the unshakeable feeling of fulfillment and 'enoughness.' That feeling you’ve been denying yourself for far too long.

And I'm here to guide you through it, hand in hand, step by step. This is not just about reclaiming your time or your boundaries, but reclaiming your life.

And I can’t think of any better time to start than now.

As always,

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