Feeling stuck in making the personal transformation you were hoping for?

Afsheen Shah
Core Spirit member since Aug 13, 2022
less than 1m read
·Nov 15, 2022

Here's some questions to journal on if you want to figure out what's holding you back.

Who are you now?
Be honest with yourself on this one. You can't become everything you want to be if you don't know who you are at this moment.

Who do you want to be?
In other words-what do you see when you imagine yourself as already being that person you want to be? What does that look like?

How far are you from actually being that person?
Rate yourself on a scale of 0-10 with zero being the polar opposite of the person you want to be and 10 being "I'm already there" (But you probably won't be doing this exercise if you're already there...and are we ever really there?)

What do you need to change to narrow the gap between where you are and where you want to be?
Figure out EXACTLY what's holding you back from being that person you envision.

What's one small action you can take today to start narrowing the gap between the person you are and the one you want to become?
Nothing says you have to start big, but you do have to start.

✨Doing this exercise once every few months really helps me stay on track towards achieving my goals and becoming the person I envision myself to be! So if you’re feeling stuck and can’t seem to make progress - try this out. 💕And don’t forget to let me know how you do!


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