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Start stepping into a more authentic form of leadership today!

Sep 20, 2023
Reading time 3 min.

Ever wonder why you’re doing all the “right” things, putting in the work and still watching other people get the promotion, raise or reward that you just spent the entire last year gunning for?

It’s not because they’re smarter, better connected or somehow “luckier” than you are. It’s because they know what to do and when exactly to do it - and that comes from being true to who they are and leading with their intuition, not just logic and expectations.

In today's fast-paced and often hyper-rational world, we are conditioned to follow the well-trodden paths of logic and convention, especially when it comes to the workplace. However, when it comes to achieving the success and promotion that we yearn for, we may be overlooking an incredibly powerful guide: our inner intuition. In my own journey I’ve come to realize that the greatest leaps I’ve made (both professionally and personally) have come to fruition when I’ve learned to trust my own intuition and lean into my inner wisdom and the unknown just as much as I have the “known” facts and data.

Many of us, myself included, have experienced the constraints of the 'good girl' programming that teaches us that in order to be “good” employees, wives, daughters and friends we must put our own needs aside and please others, follow the rules, and often ignore our inner calling. The fear of being seen as 'too emotional' or 'irrational' can further suppress our intuition, leading us down paths that feel safe but may not be fulfilling or aligned with our true selves.

This can often manifest in us then becoming a person we never intended to be. A person who no longer does what she desires but does what’s expected of her instead. Doing what’s expected can only take you so far. A true leader - the one who gets that promotion - will do what’s needed. They’re willing to stand up and stand out even when it’s uncomfortable.

True leaders rarely become so by “blending in”.

So if you do want that next level of life - be willing to show up as who you actually are and let go of that persona of who you think you “need” to be or “should” be. Here are some of the ways you can start stepping into a more authentic form of leadership now:

1. Listen to Your Inner Voice: Make time to listen to your gut feelings and inner wisdom. Practice honing in on what you need and what feels “true” and aligned to you - without always soliciting the feedback or opinion of others. Build a higher level of trust within yourself. This may be through meditation, journaling, or other practices that resonate with you.

2. Challenge Societal Expectations: Recognize that your intuition is not a weakness but a strength. And in many ways, a gift that keeps giving the more open you become to receiving it. Embrace your divine feminine energy and allow it to guide you.

3. Seek Guidance and Support: Working with a coach or mentor who understands your journey can make a significant difference. Together, you can explore your authentic path, and find the courage to follow it.

The path to that desired promotion or a more aligned life doesn't have to be rigid and solely logical. Your intuition is a powerful ally. When fully embraced, it can lead to a greater level of success and a deeper sense of fulfillment in every area of life.

Wishing your continued success and fulfillment,

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