Christine Foutch
About Christine Foutch Christine L. Foutch, CNS, CDN, PNS, ATC is a Holistic Physician in Rock Island, Illinois. She specializes in biochemistry, physiology, weight loss, weight gain, fitness maintenance, functional range of motion, hypertrophy, strength training, and power training, among many others.The art of holistic medicine combines conventional and alternative treatment methods to prevent and treat disease. |

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The human brain is estimated to contain over one hundred billion neurons. That come to form the local Neurol-Networks; that communicate with each other through chemicals assembled from modified amino acids called, Neurotransmitters.
The Human brain is believed to be the most complex physical structure in the known Universe.
Each one, of those one hundred billion neurons, has its own independent metabolism.
Metabolism is an organized system of functional processes with a backed-up system of maintenance. This is accomplished through our daily nutrition followed up with bodily adaptations.
The power of change is in your own hands.
Knowledge is power.
Take your power back with knowledge…
It all starts with YOU! Unlock your potential, and reach your health goals! You have the ability to make a difference by increasing your knowledge regarding bodily processes.
Schedule today!…

Stressed out and your immune system!?
Stress decreases the circulating lymphocytes. Your white blood cells that help fight off all infections. Therefore you are more vulnerable to viruses and bacterial infections. This occurs for energetic purposes as the body directs energy molecules towards the fight, flight, fright, and freeze responses.
Stressed out and your muscle mass!? Cortisol the stress hormone has a catabolic effect on muscle tissue therefore it is related to a decrease in your muscle growth.
I think yoga in the morning is a great opportunity to replenish activity!
For Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes, physical activity has some amazing benefits! Exercise needs to be encouraged for those with the disease; physical activity is highly important in the management and processing of our consumed fuels.
Regular exercise improves Insulin sensitivity and Glucose regulation.
The first step One should actually do for themselves, involving their individual Weightloss and Wellness Goals is to ask themselves a few Questions. One of which is…
“Are the foods I choose Quality and Nutrient-Rich?”
The nutrients within our foods are needed, by the Body; for the Maintenance, Repair, and Growth of our structure. Whether for Maturity or as we age for any of the Muscular-Adaptations from our Activities and Strength-Training Practices.
Curious, do not share the works, where this is said? I do not mind being enlightened, and it is useful for each of us to know how our body works!

Your “Gut” describes a series of Organs, as well as, accessory Organs; that transform the foods you ingest into the Nutrient chemicals that your body needs to Live, Grow, Maintain, and Repair itself.
To satisfy Nutritional needs, our body extracts these nutrients chemicals from the formed complex Macromolecules found in our foods.
Yes, You Can!! directly influence the amount of muscle mass you have through your eating and exercise practices.
Exercise and conscious awareness of our nutritional intake can make that needed positive impact, allowing for the attainment of one’s bodily goals.
New session Body Building - Holistic Health Fitness Program already available! Book it now

New session Health Coach Lifestyle Strategies - Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now
New session Inflammation Reduction Increased Immunity - Home Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now
New session Mental Health Sessions - Home Therapy - Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now

New session Depression - Home Therapy - Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now
New session Healthy Longevity Disease Reversal Home Therapy-Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now
New session Digestion Discomforts Therapy Sessions - Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now

New session Weight Control Therapy Sessions - Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now
New session Anxiety - At Home Privacy Therapy - Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now
New session Home Stress Reduction Therapy - Educational Holistic Health Consultations already available! Book it now

New session Home Fitness Routines - Holistic Health Consultations For Fitness already available! Book it now
To stay in shape, you need to constantly keep your body and mind in order. This is a lot of work and it is important to understand that the result of your work must be supported by additional efforts.
A quality workout in the mornings and evenings helps me prepare myself for a productive day and good sleep. Without charging and good nutrition, life will not be easier!