Palm Reading Service

Palm Reading Service



Palm Reading Service - read your palm about your health, career, wealth, and family. I will read your palm by focusing on the perspective of the career crisis with five elements of palm reading methods.

Target audience

Everyone who has a problem in life.


You are getting predictions about their problem and knowing more about the owners themselves. You will learn more about the future of your career path. You can learn more about your health. That can help you prevent getting into the problem of your career and health.


Getting to know more about the owners themselves. I can provide you with a free introductory session before the full reading. It will be about your career life.

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Based in Hong Kong, I am a writer who specializes in palmistry. While I have more than ten years’ experience in writing, I have more than two years’ experience in reading the hands. Being a member of International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)…

Janet Li
Palm Pattern shows you how many children you will have
Palmistry, the art of interpreting the lines and shapes on our palms, offers fascinating insights into various aspects of our lives, including relationships, career paths, and even family dynamics. Among the many revelations palmistry can provide, one par…
Janet Li
Does Big Knuckles Represent Toil throughout the Life?
Some people will have smooth knuckles while other will have big knuckles. The difference depends on the size of the knuckle. People who have a big knuckle will impress others with the feeling of toughness. Therefore, many judge that people with big knuck…
Janet Li
Which Palm do you read?
Although the ancient fortune-telling industry did not state which hand we should read when doing palm-reading, the palmists have taken the principle of left hand for males and right hand for females from ancient to now under the influence of male-dominant…
Janet Li
Which part of the palm represents physical fatigue?
On the palm, there is a line that is called the “health line”, just like that of point A, extending from the ending of the lifeline to the base of the little finger. Some have a clear health line. However, most will have the mid-way interrupted line. It i…
Janet Li
Whether do you have the high blood pressure or the low one?
If the ratio of the palm with the body is small, the palm has many fine lines, and it is pale and dark, it will physically be the tendency of low blood pressure. These kinds of people mostly have inverted triangle nails. Now, we take the left hand and th…
Janet Li
Palm Pattern shows you how many children you will have
The lifeline and the heart line do easily represent the genetic factors. The beginning of the heart line and the place between the base of the little finger and the heart line especially represent the status of reproduction function or physiological funct…
Janet Li
Palm Pattern that the owners help others and themselves
The distance between the starting point of the lifeline and the starting point of the headline is large. The owner will be outgoing and full of executive power. They are eager to do well in everything. They are suitable for diplomatic work. On the contrar…
Janet Li
Palm Pattern shows that the owner has unexpected luck after marriage
If the starting points of the headline and the lifeline overlap, the marriage of the owner will be very good, especially if the marriage line that is shown in line B in the picture is long and intersects with the sunline, the life of the owner before the …
Janet Li
Palm Pattern that the owner is helped by others and has good luck
If we carefully check the fate line and discover there is a parallel line along the fate line, the owner will be helped by others in their career to make the original target the owner cannot meet to be done. We can find out when the powerful people will …
Janet Li
Palm Pattern shows that the owner has bad luck in old age
If all three lines including the headline, lifeline, and heart line are apparent, and the fate line and the sun line that represents the financial power are very apparent, it can predict that the owner is extremely rich in their whole life. They live an e…
Janet Li
Palm Pattern that the owner has success after mid-age
If the fate line is like that shown in picture A and it is apparent when crossing with and on the top of the headline, the fate of the owner will have the trend of turning better after mid-age. If the section under the headline is not apparent, it represe…
Janet Li
Palm Pattern that shows dramatic life changes
We can carefully observe the starting point of the lifeline and the headline. If it is like what is shown in picture A, these two lines have some distances. It represents that the character the owner is an extrovert. Even though they wait for one minute, …
Janet Li
Palm Pattern that shows a smooth and comfortable life
In the center of the palm, there is a long and vertical line that is called the “fate line”. It is also called the “occupation line”. It represents the luck of the owner in the work and the attitude of daily life. For the whole life of the people, it has…
Janet Li
3 signs in your palms that you can get lucky love
3 signs in your palms that you can get lucky love The men and the women chase each other because of love. It is because they are eager to have well-being. They come together. Lucky love can warm up the life of the individual. This kind of precious love c…
Janet Li
5 Signs that You will have Good Marriage
Everyone wants to have a good marriage. Actually, it involves many factors to have a good marriage. One method to know whether we will have good marriage is looking at your hands. Let us check our hands according to the following points to see whether we …
Janet Li
7 signs that you have special talents
There is no reason why he or she will be more charming, and has more observational ability. The one who has the incredible ability will have this kind of hand image. Popularity Line This is the diagonal line on the moon mount. It is welcomed by the men,…
Janet Li
5 Signs in Your Palm that You will be Cheated by Your Lover
Heart Line Likes Ladder If you have the heart line that likes the ladder, it means that as you lack your own opinion in your love affairs and do not know how to choose your own partner, you will easily meet the one who cheats you. In addition, you are not…
Janet Li
5 Signs in Your Palm that You will Toil and Moil
We work hard in our life in order to get the rewards. However, does your effort make the result? This depends on your fate. Some will get rewards without much effort. However, some cannot get the result even though they work hard. Which kind of people wil…
Janet Li
5 Signs in Your Palms that You have Successful Love Affairs
Love affair is certainly inspiring. However, if you want to avoid some problems in the relationships, you should get some ideas from your brain. If you want to have a successful love affair, apart from contributing yourself with true heart, tolerating eac…
Janet Li
5 Signs in Your Palm that you have numerous Love Affairs
If your boy friend is asked whether he has numerous love affairs in the past and he shows these two attitudes – “Do not mention about the past” and “Anyway, I will not take about that”, you should persuade him to have the hands read. Then he cannot cheat …
Janet Li
6 Signs in the Palms that You attract the Opposite Sex
Taking about the love relationships, many will wish they are charming and welcomed by the opposite sex. And the palms can really show your charm. You should make a comparison of both hands and make a good reflection. Then you will be the winner in your lo…
Janet Li
What does the mole on the hand represent?
The mole has a very special mark in palmistry. For females or males and the left hand or right hand, it has a different symbolic meaning. For a male, if he has the mole on the index finger of the left hand, it states that the owner set a target that is t…
Janet Li
Which kind of function does the half-moon marks of five fingers correspond to?
Since the nail is the exchange area of the Yin energy channel and the Yang energy channel, the area of the half-moon has plenty of vessels and nerve endings. In the following paragraphs, let us analyze the corresponding area of the half-moon of the five f…

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