5 Signs in Your Palm that you have numerous Love Affairs

Janet Li
Core Spirit member since Jan 23, 2021
2m read
·Sep 12, 2021

If your boy friend is asked whether he has numerous love affairs in the past and he shows these two attitudes – “Do not mention about the past” and “Anyway, I will not take about that”, you should persuade him to have the hands read. Then he cannot cheat you again.

1. Short Little Finger

The human relationships and the love relationships of the owner are easy to change. The owner will be discontent with the communication with the lover or the love partner. Or Because of the immature of the owner, he or she is not successful in building the relationships with the one who love. There is the substantial change of their fate. The owner will have substantial experience in love affairs.

2. Many Marriage Lines that mingles together

The owner has the strong sexual drive. He or she cannot control sex. The owner has the chaos in the relationships with the opposite sex.

3. Numerous Girdle of Venus

The owner loves the atmosphere of sexy. He or she will always have merry affairs.

4. Many downward branches in the Heart Line

The owner has compassion. He or she will turn compassion into love. The owner will be puzzled by the love affairs. Although it may not the idea of the owner, he or she will be misunderstood as the passionate person.

5. Flexible Venus Mount and many influence lines inside the Venus mount

The owner has the strong sexual drive and strong constitution. In order to be content with the sexual drive, he or she will have numerous sexual behavior with numerous opposite sex.

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