If the ratio of the palm with the body is small, the palm has many fine lines, and it is pale and dark, it will physically be the tendency of low blood pressure. These kinds of people mostly have inverted triangle nails.
Now, we take the left hand and the right-hand side of the palm with the center of the middle finger to have a look. If the side of the index finger and the thumb are larger, it represents that the owner is vigorous. However, if the heart line of the people with that palm pattern is interrupted, just like that of point A, we could say that it is a sign of high blood pressure. At this moment, we should pay attention to the color of the blood of the hand. If the Venus mount, the base of the thumb (point B), the moon mount (point C), the protruded area at the base of the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the little finger, are deep red, it could say that there is a clear tendency to the high blood pressure.
Otherwise, if the above-mentioned mounts are very pale, it will be the tendency to the low blood pressure.
If the fingerprints of the fingertips have vertical or horizontal lines and the fingerprint does not have the apparent change, we can tell that there is a change in the body. The vertical lines of the nails are a warning sign that the body is aging and tired.
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