Which part of the palm represents physical fatigue?

Janet Li
Core Spirit member since Jan 23, 2021
less than 1m read
·Jan 17, 2024

On the palm, there is a line that is called the “health line”, just like that of point A, extending from the ending of the lifeline to the base of the little finger. Some have a clear health line. However, most will have the mid-way interrupted line. It is said that a long and clear health line is a sign of a healthy state. However, people who have the serious disease will also have this line.

People with the line that is interrupted in the mid-way several times represent that the owner has a physical constitution that fatigues easily. The owner indeed has a bad respiratory system and digestive system. At this moment, we should also check the situation of the lifeline.

When the health line is interrupted and the beginning of the lifeline is chain-like or interrupted several times, it will the disease in the respiratory system. If the ending of the lifeline has some problems, it will the disease in the digestive system.

If there are many crosses on the mid-way of the heart line (B) and the headline and alongside the health line, it represents the optic nerve fatigue. If the cross is very big or messy, it represents poor vision.

If the cross appears on the right hand, it represents the poor vision of the left eye. If the cross appears on the left hand, it represents the poor vision of the right eye.

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