Jana Krychtalkova

Hi! I am a life coach, meditation teacher and healer. I am passionate about helping you reconnect to your natural well-being, innate worthiness and positive mindset. The truth is that you are much greater than any obstacle or challenge in your life and th…
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Expert in the fields:Guided Meditation/Awakening/Spiritual Healing/Career Coaching
14 years of practice
On Core Spirit since October 2020
London, UK
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Dear Ones, It’s in a way amazing how conditioned we are to believe the thoughts and stories in our heads, the stories we tell about ourselves, others and about the world. Those stories are powerful as they can either enhance our well-being or create the …
Jana Krychtalkova
Believe In Yourself
Dear Ones, It’s so important to believe in yourself and ground yourself in the knowing that you belong and that your unique gifts and talents matter and that expressing them and letting them flourish is not only for your own joy but also for the greatest…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Infinite Intelligence
Dear Ones, conditioning makes us identify with the mind to such a degree that most of us THINK that we wouldn’t be able to function without it…Through my own spiritual growth I’ve always loved learning about the mind. It’s quite fascinating when you firs…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
You Are Loved Unconditionally
Dear Ones, one of the greatest gifts of meditation and my healing work is to be able to feel the absolute unconditional love Source and the Angels have for us. No one is excluded, as this unconditional support is available for all of us, brave souls choo…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Follow Your Bliss
Dear Ones, I feel that if there is any measurement of success at all, it must be about how much joy we have in our lives. As joy is who you are at the very core of your being under all layers of conditioning and personal history, so if you have joy in yo…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Acceptance and Letting Go
Dear Ones, there is something so powerful about acceptance. At first sight it might look like giving up on something but this couldn’t be further from the truth. As what you resist persists, trying to change any situation while at the same time pushing a…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Infinite Abundance
Dear Ones The infinite eternal being that you really are is abundant on all levels. Right now. Always connected to all resources, all ideas and to the natural goodness and flow of life. And as we are here in these beautiful bodies we have always an optio…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Lasting Happiness
Dear Ones, we all have been hypnotised into looking for our happiness outside us, whether it is in relationships, work, money, objects or experiences. But this way of living is very conditional and it seems that no matter how much one achieves, the promi…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Embracing Change
Dear Ones, Spring is such a powerful force! It awakens all living beings to the new cycle of life. And that includes us human beings :-) It moves us on all levels and anything which is not in an alignment with this new life - with our inner truth, with l…
Life Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Feelings and Emotions
Dear Ones, feelings are such a big part of us having a human experience. They seem to arise and dissipate constantly and in its diversity colouring our everyday lives like the colours of the rainbow. One of my greatest recent insights was about how condi…
Jana Krychtalkova
7 Reasons Meditation Helps You To Find True Self-Love
From my many years working as a life coach, healer and meditation teacher I know for sure there is one thing we all need more of. And it’s not so surprisingly self-love! Sometimes I wish self-love would be one of the main subjects taught in primary school…
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New article Self-worth already available! Read it now

New article Believe In Yourself already available! Read it now

New article Infinite Intelligence already available! Read it now

Career Coaching
Jana Krychtalkova
Mar 22, 2025, 10:00
Life Coaching (Law Of Attraction)
Guided Meditation
Jana Krychtalkova
Mar 22, 2025, 10:00
Loving Life Meditation (Guided Meditation)

New article You Are Loved Unconditionally already available! Read it now

New article Follow Your Bliss already available! Read it now

New article Acceptance and Letting Go already available! Read it now

New article Infinite Abundance already available! Read it now

New session Loving Life Meditation (Guided Meditation) already available! Book it now

New article Lasting Happiness already available! Read it now

New article Embracing Change already available! Read it now

New article Feelings and Emotions already available! Read it now

New session Life Coaching (Law Of Attraction) already available! Book it now

New article 7 Reasons Meditation Helps You To Find True Self-Love already available! Read it now