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Lead Meditation

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$20 USD
$20 USD

Contact for 1 on 1's Meditation / Mindfulness Advice.

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Nassau County, NY, USA

Currently, Mr. Hosein lives on the SOUTH SHORE — Long Island. Being thoroughly trained and guided in the values of inner thought, mindfulness, and an acute awareness brought by the practice of meditation.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Life Coaching
Ian Hosein
Nature, A Younger Generation's Cure For Expensive Sadness.
When you meet younger people. We call them rugrats. You probably see some that have this dismal outlook. This sort of inate sadness about the existince of it all. It’s no surprise the claims of mental uneasiness and addiction because they cannot function …
Emotional Freedom Technique
Ian Hosein
Grief 2022
The concept and belief of accepting is like a dream stage of your life. An ending to the what you perceived as a continous relationship with a person. The breaking of these expectations brings fear, loss, sadness, and an aura of an incomplete void. The i…
Business Coaching
Ian Hosein
Consumer Behavior and Colorful Aesthetic: Selling The Christmas Spirit.
Gifts and Decor are about to push through its final session of 2022. Between gas prices and record inflation, businesses have to make worthwhile decisions in order for anyone to give them the time of day. On a positive note we are back in full swing to i…
Emotional Stress Release
Ian Hosein
Strong Sleep is Magic Working.
We all know sleep is important. We need not only adequate but quality as well. “Ugh. Why do I need to sleep. I’ll sleep when I’m dead”, people. Has caught up with them in the worst ways. Mainly because sleep is the only opportunity given to your brain a…
Wellness Coaching
Ian Hosein
Our Environmental Hills
Ok lets admit it to ourselves. We wore the facemask or maybe we still are for over 2 years. Even if we took breaks from having it on, our circulation just isn’t the same. Many people and I’ve heard from trusted collelegues and from my own view working in …
Emotional Freedom Technique
Ian Hosein
Pitfalls of Social Media.
You hear it all the time, “I need a mental-health break from social media”, or “I’m disconnecting for a minute”. The numbers of eating disorders, based on unrealistic Instagram messages continue to pour in. Social Media is a branch, a tool but it still is…
Medical intuition
Ian Hosein
Misconceptions of Health Concerns
Chemo is often being recommended but it has made people so sick, it has made people search out almost futuristic thinking - advancements in Cancer Theory for one. In a world full of pollutants and chemicals in our food and water, CANCER has been setting a…
Brain Hacking
Ian Hosein
A Brief Analysis of Divisions in The Brain.
Two hemispheres of the brain see things differently. The left is there to manipulate. The right is there to relate and overall understanding. Do we need both? Why yes, but the left has been taking over Western Civilized Thought. People have begun minimali…
Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Medicine)
Ian Hosein
Ayurveda Application & Notes
Ayurveda is a science for life, based on ancient teachings from India. Documented with emphasis on wellness. The 5,000-year-old system meaning life and knowledge, it was meant to enlighten sages to help humanity. Through subtle messages and energies. Med…
Career Coaching
Ian Hosein
Zen Meditation in Relation to Corporate Sensibility.
Zen itself was created by The Japanese Buddhists. For they saw the rush-rush life and all the imbalances it caused in people. As leaders lead with any kind of Zen ability, they bask in the simplicity. Whether minimalism or stregnth of silence. The rules o…
Ian Hosein
Formal Realities of Truth.
As The Bible gets explored we see remnants of Psychedelics and Meditation. Could the spiritual revival have anything to do with spiritual openness? Are we bound to only sing songs to spirits that have no seeds, no bloom whatsoever? The Formal Reality is o…
Social Psychology
Ian Hosein
Defining Normal: The Breaks in Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia as an issue is very cultural. As North America writes it off as insane. If we took the entire “healthy” community everyone could be prescribed medication. Something could be wrong with everyone, with these protocols. But you take specific vi…
Ian Hosein
Analysis of Chopra's Omega Dialogue.
When Deepak Chopra spoke at Omega, it cut me to the core. His expertise in medical, holistic, and the biology of aging, just an on-point explanation of what it is to feel whole. The fluctuations of sex hormone, how we increase our capacities physically,…
Life Coaching
Ian Hosein
Praising Emotions, from a Qualitative Perspective.
We indulge in our feelings so that they could be defined as satisfactory and positive. But do such objectives meet our intrinsic needs? Positive energy in health-related fields has been categorized as a high motivator for sure, but sometimes we simply can…
Leadership Coaching
Ian Hosein
Depression - How Strengthening Our Mind Can Battle It.
Depressive diagnoses vary from person to person. It doesn’t categorize a person as being mentally slow, or unintelligent but rather a mood an individual can’t break out of. Like many medical professionals, more than I can name in a blog post, have categor…

Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Ian Hosein3y ago

Hi Michelle! Most of my knowledge of breath-work comes from live Yoga Practices in studio. If you feel you need advice on breathwork technique, I would love to share. As for its benefits- reduced stress, anxiety, and increased energy. Breath itself is one of a multitude techniques in the grand scheme of things. But yes can be highly effective when listening to any lead.

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hi! Does this practice include some kind of breathing excercises? Thx in advance!

Ian Hosein3y ago

Hi Joan! Sure you can check out my official site ianhoseinmeditation.squarespace.com for more info. I have blog articles written that address certain mental health concerns. As far as 1 on 1's I can address your issue directly. It might just take one session, if you feel you want to continue it is totally up to you. I see mental health as health in general, having clients that were involved in the mental health system. They are usually re-directed to people in our sphere.

The practice of meditation/mindfulness promotes acceptance and peace of mind, this of course applies to people in any kind of fragile state.

Health Psychology
Ian Hosein
Aug 1, 2024, 13:00
Guided Meditation
Ian Hosein
Aug 1, 2024, 13:00
Lead Meditation
Ian Hosein
Humble Divine Intro
Joan Wilson3y ago

Hello! I would like to know more about your practice. Does it help to improve mental health? If so, how many sessions are needed to start noticing the results? Thank you in advance!

Ian Hosein
The Humble Divine

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