Misconceptions of Health Concerns

Ian Hosein
Core Spirit member since May 17, 2021
less than 1m read
·Jun 30, 2021

Chemo is often being recommended but it has made people so sick, it has made people search out almost futuristic thinking - advancements in Cancer Theory for one.
In a world full of pollutants and chemicals in our food and water, CANCER has been setting ablaze with our vulnerable population.
Over 500,000 die from Cancer every year. I'm not here to straight out knock chemo/radiation it is a marvel that we can do such. At the same time, I'm here to promote natural methods as much as possible because there is no guarantee.
Practitioners like myself, promote natural functionality as much as possible. With our food intake, with our meditation practice, with how we address severe medical concerns.
It's still weird to me what we are being taught to believe and it could very well all be about perspective. One doctor might tell you, "Oh go to CVS, and pick up some iron pills". A vegan or vegetarian doctor I know will tell you to drink 3 glasses of beet and carrot juice and skip the pill-popping. Which advice is better? It is all about perspective. That's why people don't just shake their heads yes to one viewpoint..

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