Health, Wellness & Sexuality

Health, Wellness & Sexuality

healing session

Do You…

Find yourself not wanting to get out of bed or leaving the house, you just feel despondent about your body, your life and your self-esteem? You are failing at your diet, your selfcare just isn’t what it used to be, and your lifestyle has taken a dip, you’re too afraid to liberate yourself to the fact that your sexual orientation is different to the norm, so hiding from the world is just easier.

On your Journey to Healing…

I will help you break free by using the Inner Conflict Therapy™ and Bang Pattern™ Techniques that will rid you of that inner conflict and distorted image of yourself and build up your self-esteem, by re programming your sub conscious mind and Drive Focus Filters with your new beliefs and new self-image, you will change the way you see the world and yourself.

Leaving you Feeling…

Confident, motivated and unique, with an abundance of self-love and self-esteem, the gratifying feelings of unconditional self-love and self-worth will shine through in who you are and who you were born to be

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Live your best life, free of all negative emotional belief, inner conflict and self-doubt. Stop telling yourself, that you are not good enough, you are unworthy or worthless… YOU are unique, special and important ! Rise-up, accept and love who you are. …

Katya Alves
Breathe Easy!
Every day, the average adult takes between 18,000 and 30,000 breaths, usually without thinking about a single one of them. Yet each breath is important. Studies suggest that calmer, slower, and more confident breathing patterns can have beneficial effec…
Katya Alves
Peppermint Oil.... For that invigorating Feeling
The peppermint plant is a versatile perennial herb that has been cherished since ancient times. The plant’s first recorded appearance dates back to 1000 BC when dried peppermint leaves were found entombed in ancient Egyptian pyramids. Throughout human h…
Katya Alves
Uplift your soul with Wild Orange... Oh La La
Diffusing Wild Orange will energize and uplift the mind and body while purifying the air. Wild Orange enhances any essential oil blend with a fresh, sweet, refreshing aroma. Use in an all-purpose spray to cleanse and purify surfaces. Diffuse to uplift …
Katya Alves
Doterra Essential Oil Ideas
Here are some wonderful ideas you could make with your 10 Doterra Essential oils …. And you can get them all in one enrollment kit ! LEMON Add 2 - 3 drops to your water each day ( make sure its a stainless steel container only ) PEPPERMINT 2 drops of pe…
Katya Alves
Need an Emotional boost!
Ylang Ylang… If you need an emotional boost, rub Ylang Ylang on your chest and slowly inhale. Feel yourself getting stronger, let go of the toxic emotions you may be carrying.⠀ Mix with fractionated coconut oil and offer a loved one a soothing massage.…
Katya Alves
Can I take Doterra Essential Oils Internally ?
ZenGest® and dōTERRA On Guard® Oil Protective Blend are now available in 5mL bottles and registered for internal use! ZenGest® can support healthy gastrointestinal function while dōTERRA On Guard® Oil Protective Blend works to fight off incoming health t…
Katya Alves
Body Positivity
Learn to love your body, be confident and be proud, don’t worry about what other people are doing or saying, look at yourself in the mirror and tell your self “ I am beautiful “, ” I am proud”, “I am unique”, “ I Love who I am and I am happy”. Don’t chan…
Katya Alves
Light at the end of the Tunnel
Sometimes it feels dark inside your mind, your heart feels heavy, the weight on your shoulders is too much, you feel there is no hope, no light, you feel like giving up.. Well let me tell you something, that is not a choice, giving up…. is never a choice…
Katya Alves
Show Yourself a Little Love
I realized today that while I was feeling as though I am not doing enough everyday to grow my business and focus on the important things to me that I want to achieve, that I was in actual fact doing just that. By saying it out loud and telling someone my…
Katya Alves
Be The Reason Others Feel Inspired
Ever heard the phrase “ a smile is contagious ” ? Well, it is, next time you find yourself walking through a crowd, just smile as you walk around, and notice how many people will actually smile back at you, and just by doing something so simple, can chan…
Katya Alves
When You Feel Like Giving Up
Don’t despair, Don’t feel bad about having those days where you feel like giving up, it all just feels to overwhelming for you to handle, and you feel running away and giving up on everything is the best and easiest way out right now. Don’t allow those f…
Katya Alves
Take Back Your Power
Don’t allow your negative thoughts to bring you down, those annoying little voices in your head that stop you from trying to do the things you so want to do but hold you back, that create doubt and fear within yourself and hinder your future, your growth,…
Katya Alves
Let me Help you!
Are you looking to change and create a better you when it comes to Health & Wellness, Personal Development or Transformation ? Do you feel powerless, unworthy and despaired, you know you want to change one or some of these aspects in your life, but just …
Katya Alves
My Journey through Life...
Battling with self-confidence growing up, being a little over weight, following all the diets that girls did, trying to be as pretty as all the popular girls, as confident as them, as academic, the struggles of trying to fit in at school, somehow feeling …
Katya Alves
Exercise yourself to Feeling Good
And this is why I say GET UP…GET UP NOW !! and just dance, put on the music and dance, allow yourself to just feel happy, be in the moment.. feel the joy, the excitement rushing through your veins of just feeling happy and free, right now in this very mom…
Katya Alves
Now is the time to mend that broken Friendship ....
Have you ever stopped to think for a minute what it truly means to have that special friend or friends in your life that you can just about share anything with them, you’re not afraid to just be yourself, because they don’t criticize, they take you for wh…
Katya Alves
Live The Life you Born to Live...
Do you ever feel that everyone around you is living the life they were born to live, they are happy and have everything going for them ? Well, you probably right, because they probably are. In order to live that life, you need to stand up to who you are…
Katya Alves
Be Still and enjoy doing Nothing
Why does it feel like there is pressure to always be achieving something, and if we are not, we feel like failures. I think that is unfair, and no one should feel that it is not Ok to just do nothing, with so much social media, video’s and live streaming…

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Katya Alves4y ago

Hi April, I absolutely can because the change starts with you, only you can make that change and we will work on that together, and get you living your best life!

April Chase4y ago

I recognized myself in your description.. I really don’t want to do anything and get out of bed somewhere… my self-esteem dropped after I stopped playing sports because of an injury, because my body had stretch marks, cellulite… how do I deal with this? can you help me?“thank you in advance for your answer!

Intimacy Coaching
Katya Alves
Mar 15, 2025, 07:00
Health, Wellness & Sexuality
Katya Alves
Mar 15, 2025, 07:00
Support Through Doterra Essential Oils
Emotional Freedom Technique
Katya Alves
Mar 15, 2025, 07:00
Letting go of Limiting and Negative Emotional Beliefs

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