Take Back Your Power

Take Back Your Power

Don’t allow your negative thoughts to bring you down, those annoying little voices in your head that stop you from trying to do the things you so want to do but hold you back, that create doubt and fear within yourself and hinder your future, your growth, your full capabilities.

Take back your power, tell yourself you are in control, you control your thoughts and decisions, not your subconscious mind, you see, your subconscious mind will always try to take you back to place of safety.

Your subconscious will always try to protect you, it will always take you to that place of conditioning, it suppresses memories that will create further negative feelings, because they will remain unresolved, you will always spiral in the same vortex of unhealthy mental habits, negative thinking and mental frustration.

You can change the way your sub conscious mind thinks, you need to break the habit.

Change the way in which you speak.

Listen to what you say to yourself, and how you say it.

Be aware of the conversations you have with yourself, your thoughts, do you knock down a great idea straight away by saying you are not good enough ? or you are worried about what people will think or say ?

At the end of the day, it is all about YOU and what YOU want to change about yourself, how far do you want to spread your wings.

Spend your energy on creating vibrant energy for yourself, and within yourself, surround yourself in greatness, remind yourself that you are great, and you can achieve anything, because you can break the bad habit and replace it with a new fresh, healthy one.

Make a list of the things you want to change about who you are right now, and then start every day by changing that one little thing, direct your focus to that one habit, set yourself reminders, write down an affirmation for yourself, and when you wake up, read it out loud, and remind yourself of who you want to be, and who you are working towards becoming.

Start with small daily goals, work your way up to weekly goals, and Take back Your Power !

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