When You Feel Like Giving Up

Katya Alves
Core Spirit member since Apr 7, 2020
2m read
·Jun 2, 2020

Don’t despair, Don’t feel bad about having those days where you feel like giving up, it all just feels to overwhelming for you to handle, and you feel running away and giving up on everything is the best and easiest way out right now.

Don’t allow those feelings to run away with your thoughts, it is Ok to feel them, go through them, but get yourself out of that thought process as soon as you feel your mind is running away with the feeling, and it is bringing you down completely.

Let your mind know YOU ARE IN CHARGE !

Focus on the things that do make you happy, that you still want to achieve, write them down, and direct your thoughts to something positive, to inspiring thoughts, the ones you always dreamed about, that would put that smile on your face.

Be in charge and Be strong.

Your sub conscious will run away with anything negative you allow yourself to feel, because more than likely that is what you have always done, it is so common for us to put ourselves down first before we actually say “ I am amazing, incredible and successful, and I can do this “.

Instead we think that everyone else is better, brighter, richer, thinner, happier and more successful.

It is not true! and you must never allow those thoughts to run your life for you, YOU are unique, and YOU can make anything possible, believe in yourself, write it down and spend a couple of minutes every morning and night, before going to bed, reading it and really believing in it and seeing yourself in that moment.

The best way to achieve what you want is to just start, get out there, and do it, do what you have always dreamed about doing and would really love to be doing !

Giving up is not an option, turn that around and make it a reason to be driven and motivated.

Katya Alves
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