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Subconscious Interpretation Session(For the Curious)

$75 USD
$75 USD

So, you do not know where to start? How do these mind healing sessions work? What is it about? Well, this session is designed to give you exploration into your subconscious world through an exercise that was created by people who have worked with the Subconscious and found out that there are certain links to how we interpret the world of shapes.

For this session you will be emailed a one page document with instructions and then we will explore that document in a one to one session to give you a better understanding of how things work within this realm of imagination, emotions and creativity.

You will need:

Time to get creative and coloring equipment(Pens, Pencils, Markers, Crayons, etc)

Spend some time on yourself and start to explore!

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Provided By
5 Karee St, Pumulani AH, Roodeplaat, South Africa

Your mind is the master healer! Why not learn how to use it?

Having been privileged enough to work with a wide array of different demographics such as Professional Business people(Private Equity, Rhodes Scholar, Local Government Minister), local celebrities, adults and children dealing with a wide array of problems, has given me a no nonsense approach to helping you heal through your own mind.

On Core Spirit since September 2020

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
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Social Psychology
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Can I betray another to be true to Myself?
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Letting go - A story of Death...
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Living your truth, is there such a thing?
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Strangers that walk among us, also known as children.
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Here is a reminder of what you really are...
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What is Failure?
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Dark Side of Hypnosis
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Are we really loved without judgment?
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Practitioner Reviews

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Jess Rogers3y ago

How many sessions should i take?

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