30 Minute Online Rapid Session

30 Minute Online Rapid Session


During a 30 min online rapid session, we get to the nitty gritty of your challenge by asking very direct and very unique questions around what you are facing. These sessions are designed for a direct approach and can save time.

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Your mind is the master healer! Why not learn how to use it? Having been privileged enough to work with a wide array of different demographics such as Professional Business people(Private Equity, Rhodes Scholar, Local Government Minister), local celebrit…

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Aiden Lottering
What is Courage
*Courage (From Latin word cor meaning heart): Original definition when it first came into the English language was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart. * To be ourselves is probably one of the hardest things we can do. We have a fear o…
Aiden Lottering
For the Abused, Betrayed and the Fallen
Futile faith that someday this dirt will wash away. Wishing, hoping that just maybe today will be the day. The day that the winds of change blow us to peace and joy, unfortunately the objective of this feeling is to destroy. Destroy the well-being of ou…
Social Psychology
Aiden Lottering
Running from our senses
When we meditate, pray or even just ponder deeply, do we try and disconnect from our senses to reach a part of us that lies hidden from them? After reading a very interesting book called Siddharta, written by Hermann Hesse, it made sense that we should i…
Aiden Lottering
Can I betray another to be true to Myself?
If I had to choose between intellectual knowledge and felt wisdom, I would choose the latter. This dawned on me a short time ago and I was wondering where I have forsaken wisdom because I was being true to others. The only thing that comes to mind is rel…
Aiden Lottering
Letting go - A story of Death...
The hairy male baboon’s eyes darted around the area, looking for threats. He knew this was a dangerous place and his life could end immediately. Exposed in the open like he was, was never a good shield against predators. He just could not help himself… H…
Aiden Lottering
Living your truth, is there such a thing?
“In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” This quote by Rumi, a Sufi mystic and poet, perfectly depicts the power of poign…
Aiden Lottering
Strangers that walk among us, also known as children.
“Your children are not your children” – Kahlil Gibran This sentence means so many different things to me but the one pertinent question that I pondered over, the one thing that led me to so many interesting facts and that also made me realize that we are…
Aiden Lottering
Here is a reminder of what you really are...
Diving into the desolate depths of despair without a care is what the world seems to think of as wreaking wasteful havoc when we can choose not to. How will we appreciate the warmth if we have never experienced the cold or the light if we have never expe…
Aiden Lottering
What is Failure?
“The only failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows” This statement is as profound as it is confusing. Like any good investigator we will have to ask certain questions to find what it is we are looking for. Let us attempt to analyse this st…
Aiden Lottering
Dark Side of Hypnosis
I asked her if she had ever experienced hypnosis before. She said it made her feel uncomfortable. I asked her why it made her feel uncomfortable and she explained what the ‘therapist’ told her: “He told me to take off my top and cover myself with a towel…
Aiden Lottering
Are we really loved without judgment?
“The Comforter will not enforce change onto me, if I have not decided on such change, due to the Comforter’s unconditional Love and respect for my choice of being” – Marcel Lottering Free will. We have heard it before, we may have glimpsed at it from a d…
Aiden Lottering
Angry Lately?
“To be wronged is nothing unless you choose to remember it” – Confucius We all experience anger, some people might have a fleeting sensation and then it is gone, others can carry it with them for a lifetime. So, why do we get angry? The best explanati…
Other Divinations
Aiden Lottering
Taunting the Divine?
In a recent conversation about religion and from a Christian prophecy point of view, someone mentioned that they could clearly see that people are taunting God and that they do not know what they are doing for they will be punished… Really? This person …
Aiden Lottering
The 3 Most Difficult things to do in Relationships
In a talk by Dr Wayne Dyer he mentions that there are three things that is very difficult to do: 1. Responding with love to hate. This one seems to go deeper than I originally thought. It should be simple… When someone is moving away form their source o…

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