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Hypnotherapy Session

healing session
$45 USD
$45 USD


Experience a transformative hypnotherapy session designed to align your subconscious mind with your personal and professional goals.

Target audience

My hypnotherapy sessions are ideal for individuals who are seeking to:

  • Overcome emotional and psychological barriers
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Break free from negative habits and behaviors
  • Enhance personal and professional performance
  • Align their subconscious mind with their conscious goals


  • Emotional Healing: Address and heal past traumas, reduce stress, and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Behavioral Change: Overcome phobias, quit smoking, and break other negative habits.
  • Mental Clarity: Gain focus and clarity in your personal and professional life.
  • Increased Confidence: Build self-esteem and empower yourself to achieve your goals.
  • Rapid Transformation: Experience quick and effective changes through deep subconscious alignment.


During your hypnotherapy session, you can expect a calm and supportive environment where you feel safe and comfortable.

Other comments

My sessions are tailored to help you overcome obstacles such as pain, trauma, depression, anger, and phobias. By working with your subconscious, I facilitate rapid and meaningful change in a private, non-judgmental, and confidential setting.

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Provided By
5 Karee St, Pumulani AH, Roodeplaat, South Africa

Your mind is the master healer! Why not learn how to use it?

Having been privileged enough to work with a wide array of different demographics such as Professional Business people(Private Equity, Rhodes Scholar, Local Government Minister), local celebrities, adults and children dealing with a wide array of problems, has given me a no nonsense approach to helping you heal through your own mind.

On Core Spirit since September 2020

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Aiden Lottering
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Aiden Lottering
For the Abused, Betrayed and the Fallen
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Social Psychology
Aiden Lottering
Running from our senses
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Aiden Lottering
Can I betray another to be true to Myself?
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Letting go - A story of Death...
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Strangers that walk among us, also known as children.
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Here is a reminder of what you really are...
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What is Failure?
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Dark Side of Hypnosis
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Are we really loved without judgment?
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Angry Lately?
“To be wronged is nothing unless you choose to remember it” – Confucius We all experience anger, some people might have a fleeting sensation and then it is gone, others can carry it with them for a lifetime. So, why do we get angry? The best explanati…
Other Divinations
Aiden Lottering
Taunting the Divine?
In a recent conversation about religion and from a Christian prophecy point of view, someone mentioned that they could clearly see that people are taunting God and that they do not know what they are doing for they will be punished… Really? This person …
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The 3 Most Difficult things to do in Relationships
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Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Hi Marc, no, not if you work with a trained practitioner. Hypnotic trance is a natural state of brain activity that you access at least twice a day. When you wake up and go to sleep the brain cycles down to a slower frequency, these frequencies are the same as in Hypnotic trance. Very natural process.

Marc Bowden3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me, if hypnosis can damage my brain? Thanks.

Hey John, depends on the mental issue, if you can give me more specifics, then I can answer you better.

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John Persey3y ago

Hey! Is this service safe for people with mental issues?

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