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Karma healing

healing session
$180 USD
$180 USD

Rewrite your past to create a new future: emotional trauma, ancestral defect and karmic debt relief.

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Provided By
London, UK

I help people to release buried emotional traumas from the unconscious mind and ancestral defect, karmic debts from their physical and energy body DNA level so they feel liberated and joyful again. They can move on easily without blockages.

On Core Spirit since December 2020

Ancestral Healing
Edit B Kiss
Jul 30, 2024, 08:00
Ancestral defect meditation
What is ancestral defect, who is effected and how to solve it? Ancestral defects are stored in our cells and can cause anger, phobia, finical issues, and illnesses. We are actually effected by the sins and mistakes of our ancestors and we are carrying the…
Emotional Trauma Therapy
Edit B Kiss
Aug 2, 2024, 09:00
Unblocking Transformation
Emotional traumas can cause physical illnesses and lead to depression and feeling stuck in life. Book a free consultation call to find out if we can work together and create a life you enjoy. This program includes: 3 distance Reiki sessions, 1 life coachi…
Spiritual Healing
Edit B Kiss
The 90-day sacred immersion to ditch the confusion and get crystal clear on your divine life path and purpose ● Clear the addictions, fears, pains from your precious life and get a clear roadmap on who you are, why you’re here, and what you’re meant to be…
Edit B Kiss
Jul 30, 2024, 08:00
Sekhem healing
Sekhem originated from ancient Egypt and working on similar method as Reiki, only it is using more signs to invoke stronger energies so it has a stronger effect.
Emotional Trauma Therapy
Edit B Kiss
Jul 30, 2024, 08:00
Karma healing
Rewrite your past to create a new future: emotional trauma, ancestral defect and karmic debt relief.
Edit B Kiss
Jul 30, 2024, 08:00
Distance Reiki session
As a Reiki Master and Sekhem healer I offer a profound reiki session to heal mental or physical issues such as physical pain, broken bone, recovery after surgery, any illness, stress, anxiety, feeling lonely and in fulfilled. It is distance healing throug…

Practitioner Reviews

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Edit B Kiss3y ago

Hi Loya, yes I work with childhood trauma, past lives traumas. Yes releasing grief, guilt, shame, abuse, betrayal……

Loya Griff3y ago

will we work with childhood traumas and remember any grievances, right?

Yoga Therapy
Loya Griff
Jul 29, 2024, 14:00
Yoga with me

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