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Leadership Coaching
Change I want to make
Good morning everyone, I am honored to be here today to speak to you about the important topic of ***women empowerment, leadership, ***and equality. As we all know, women have been and continue to be an integral part of society, yet we still face many ch…
By registered users: 5
Leadership Coaching
Ian Hosein
Depression - How Strengthening Our Mind Can Battle It.
Depressive diagnoses vary from person to person. It doesn’t categorize a person as being mentally slow, or unintelligent but rather a mood an individual can’t break out of. Like many medical professionals, more than I can name in a blog post, have categor…
By registered users: 10
Leadership Coaching
Have you ever been taken back to a place you've been before just by smelling a certain smell?
Have you ever been taken back to a place you’ve been before just by smelling a certain smell? I did this morning in the shower. The bathroom window was open and I was having a shower just after doing my daily morning yoga. I turned the shower on, got in a…
By registered users: 21
Leadership Coaching
Manifesting Your Dream Relationship
Are you struggling in parts of your relationship? Do you know how to fix that specific area? People who know me know how much into manifesting and breath work I am so lets put this into manifesting your dream relationship. Think about what you desire fro…
By registered users: 13
Leadership Coaching
Self Confidence Is A Super Power
‘Self Confidence is a super power, Once you start to believe in yourself, that’s when the magic starts to happen’ How many times have you heard someone say just believe in yourself and you are thinking ‘WHHHHHAAAATTTTT’ what does that mean? Well you migh…
By registered users: 15
Leadership Coaching
Lavanya Kumar Shrivastava
Difference Between Imagination and Visualization
What is the difference between Imagination and Visualization? Imagination can be defined as the image in action inside your head whereas visualization is all about visuals in your inward eye. The latter is possible when some instances have already occurr…
By registered users: 119
Leadership Coaching
Lizzy Robbins
You Hold The Key to Everything You Need Within You
Often we can forget our own power, our own ability to tap into our inner guidance, and our own beauty. At these times we can feel stuck, insecure, and unsure how to move forward in our lives. Sometimes we need to take a break, reconnect with ourselves, a…
By registered users: 19
Leadership Coaching
Chloe Mepham
Inspiration and Meaning
What inspires you? What does it mean to you when you achieve something? The way in which we view the world is paramount to what we gain from it. If we are constantly viewing obstacles or problems, this can provoke a negative mindset. That can be demotiva…
By registered users: 10
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
Here is how Law of Attraction brings Joy, Relationships and Money
The Law of Attraction allows for infinite possibilities, infinite abundance, and infinite joy. It knows no order of difficulty, and it can change your life in every way if you let it. Free Guide to Learn to Use the Law of Attraction in Your Life The Law…
By registered users: 4
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
The Issues that Empaths face
Empaths are typically known as the healers of the world. They’re the people whose senses are heightened—the ones that not only see the different energies of the world, but actually feel them, experience them. Those who are not empaths might think that th…
By registered users: 105
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
Law of Attraction – Essential Guide (2021)
Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law…
By registered users: 19
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
The Science Behind Kindness
A psychologist probes how altruism, Darwinism and neurobiology mean that we can succeed by not being cutthroat. Why do people do good things? Is kindness hard-wired into the brain, or does this tendency arise via experience? Or is goodness some combinati…
By registered users: 27
Leadership Coaching
The price of denial
There comes a time in everyone’s life where we have to face some hard truths in order to grow. Well, you don´t HAVE to but the price of not doing so is very high many times. Growing up in denial is a form of barrier we carry almost like having our head i…
By registered users: 7
Leadership Coaching
The Christ Dialogue
Faith Mechanics: The Casimir Analogue to Manifestation
Everyone has faith in something; be it of the religious quality, atheistic, agnostic, or just plain apathetic; the human mind simply cannot function without a basic, ground state level of faith. Like a heart without blood to pump or lungs lacking air to b…
By registered users: 6
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
Discover Your Level of Emotional Intelligence & Boost It Right Now
Being smart in academia is not enough to become successful. High IQ must be accompanied by high EQ. Unfortunately, EQ is not listed on any of the classes at school. In some situations, EQ is even more important than IQ on the road to success, so what is i…
By registered users: 9
Leadership Coaching
Lela Valdez
The High Price of Emotional Intelligence. How Too Much Empathy Can Be Damaging
Recognizing when a friend or colleague feels sad, angry or surprised is key to getting along with others. But a new study suggests that a knack for eavesdropping on feelings may sometimes come with an extra dose of stress. This and other research challeng…
By registered users: 25
Leadership Coaching
Kasia Patzelt
Why Better Boundaries Can Change Your Life
If there was one fundamental principle that I would recommend to anyone starting (or continuing) on a journey of personal growth it would be ‘work on your boundaries’. When I look around me at people’s lives (and my own), it’s the inability to speak thei…
By registered users: 10
Leadership Coaching
Shauna Mc Hugh
12 Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day
Everyone has a bad day now and then. You only have two choices: you can either ride it out, or do something to turn the day around. A time machine isn’t an option, but there are plenty of tactics you can apply to put your day on a more satisfying path. Yo…
By registered users: 7
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
Happiest people are less creative
Corporations intent on making employees more engaged and creative are focusing on happiness as the answer. Chief Happiness Officer is an actual job at many companies. But most scientists say that creativity calls on persistence and problem-solving skills…
By registered users: 4
Leadership Coaching
Shauna Mc Hugh
7 Methods to Successfully Curb Your Frustration
Regardless of how calm you are most of the time, you might still have those moments when your frustration level seems to go sky high. The challenging aspect of feeling frustrated is the urgency you feel to express those upsetting feelings. However, you’v…
By registered users: 17
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
The Beauty of God – The Morning Offering
Being the beauty of God in a darkened world When others see how we negotiate our life, how we treat our fellow workers, our neighbors, and our family, they should witness in us devotion and praise of God. Our deeds and our speech must reveal the love of …
By registered users: 1
Leadership Coaching
Lela Valdez
The Downsides of Being Very Emotionally Intelligent
Gemma is extremely caring and sensitive. She pays a great deal of attention to others’ emotions and is kind and considerate. Gemma is also quite optimistic. She is usually upbeat and remains positive even in the face of bad news. Her colleagues love worki…
By registered users: 15
Leadership Coaching
Demi Powell
3 Hobbies that Can Improve your Work Performance
You perhaps believe that going to the gym or playing the piano could never be beneficial if you dream of beginning to cod e, developing apps or pursuing any other career related to IT. You may even believe that such activities would only waste your time a…
By registered users: 5
Leadership Coaching
Chloe Mepham
Mindset and Motivation
I have tended in the past to procrastinate. This is a passive followed by an aggressive approach to achieving goals. Much like with the different styles in which we communicate we can also approach problems and goals in the same way; either passively, agg…
By registered users: 2