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Emotional Freedom Technique
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Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique
Nicole Herrle
Jul 31, 2024, 07:00
EFT Tapping Session: Trauma focused (Get permanent results)
Are you tired of feeling stuck? Release emotional baggage permanently &amp; finally create the life you want in a few EFT Tapping sessions Are you struggling in certain areas of your life? Let me tell you, many challenges we face in our lives today lead…
By registered users: 56
Emotional Freedom Technique
neo pachisia
Aug 4, 2024, 23:00
EFT 30
I offer express 30-minute Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT) sessions for $25, designed to provide quick relief from emotional distress. Target audience Individuals seeking an affordable, efficient, and effective method to manage stress, anxiety, and oth…
By registered users: 23
Emotional Freedom Technique
Stephenie Farrell
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT Tapping) Consultation 15 min
Emotional Freedom Techniques, AKA EFT or Tapping : scientifically based, somatic cognitive energy technique that down regulates the stress response, changes how we perceive things, resulting in a different thought pattern. Over time, EFT re wires your bra…
By registered users: 56
Emotional Freedom Technique
Patricia Vasconcelos
Jul 30, 2024, 14:00
30 Minute Free Info Session - Online via ZOOM
Looking to get some information on what a Conscious EFT Session looks like? Or looking to join a group Breathwork Session? Book a free info session and I can answer all of the questions.
By registered users: 64
Emotional Freedom Technique
Educator Khubayb
Jul 29, 2024, 09:00
It's time to break the saying that I can't make a presentation facing the majori
Overview Am a therapist, and you can also call me a coach. I will help reshape your mindset to what you wish you are. Target audience This session is for those who gave up on their inner abilities Benefits You will be able to stand boldly and say no …
By registered users: 3
Emotional Freedom Technique
karen smith
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
Empower yourself to be yourself with EFT
Overview EFT - tapping around the resiliency keys (see benefits below), releasing stuck emotions, unblock stagnant chi &amp; get the energy flowing again. Release old patterns &amp; traumas that hold you back from living the life you truly deserve. Targ…
By registered users: 59
Emotional Freedom Technique
Tareq Aladdin Younes
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Healing Emotional/Mental problems and releasing past traumas
Overview Using energy healing + other Emotional freedom healing techqniques to remove negative emotions thoughts,memories and traumas from all your system including (Aura,Chakras,Cells memory and Subconscious) Target audience Anyone with Emotional Ment…
By registered users: 3
Emotional Freedom Technique
Shante Kumar
Jul 29, 2024, 17:00
Abundant Soul Activation
Overview The best way to experience an increase in abundance is to activate your soul abundance. Target audience Heart-centered, High-achieving, professional women feeling overwhelmed from juggling too many things at once, frustrated they are “doing al…
By registered users: 2
Emotional Freedom Technique
Zak Osman
Jul 29, 2024, 11:00
In our classes we would highlight and go through the manifestation of principalities, virtue and power. About regain control over your full body, mind and soul. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful bey…
By registered users: 39
Emotional Freedom Technique
Andrea Hunt
Jul 30, 2024, 17:00
EFT Tapping Session to clear your mindset blocks!
Empathetic and motivating EFT practitioner ready to help you change your mindset and remove limiting blocks that keep you stuck - get out of your own damn way! American expat living in Germany but practicing EFT and Transformational Life Coaching sessions…
By registered users: 13
Emotional Freedom Technique
Jul 30, 2024, 16:00
1:1 EFT Tapping Healing Session
Hello, I’m Nicole. I am an EFT Tapping Practitioner and I am here to help you change your life with EFT Tapping :) EFT Tapping is a fast way to move negative or stuck energy through your body! A lot of times when we have goals we want to reach, we have …
By registered users: 14
Emotional Freedom Technique
Nancy Allen
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Transform Your Relationship With Your Money
In this session, you will learn the basics of Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. Together we will use that technique, sometimes called simply tapping, to sort out and release any emotional blocks or resistances you may have in your money. The process in…
By registered users: 35
Emotional Freedom Technique
Dawn Cady
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
The Power Of Emotional Healing - EFT Program
“The Power of Emotional Healing” is energy psychology education in the Emotional Freedom Technique with the perfect balance of information, instructions, videos, and ready tapping scripts. Learn all the aspects of how to apply EFT for emotional and physic…
By registered users: 15
Emotional Freedom Technique
Royal Numerology
Aug 4, 2024, 00:30
Emotional Freedom Technique
On this practical EFT training workshop, you will learn how to use the amazing tapping technique, with lots of opportunity for practice, asking questions and having fun too. Starting with basic principles, you will build your learning to a highly effectiv…
By registered users: 14
Emotional Freedom Technique
Nancy Allen
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Experience peace and serenity
I use a powerful technique called Emotional Freedom Technique, or meridian tapping, that eliminates the stress hormones in your body, reprograms your subconscious mind, to help you achieve total relaxation, relief from stress and anxiety, and allow you to…
By registered users: 26
Emotional Freedom Technique
Martin Lowndes
Jul 29, 2024, 08:00
Holistic Counselling for Anxiety
Are you struggling with anxiety? Are you struggling to feel clam and relaxed? Are you struggling with worriesome thoughts? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Holistic Counselling can help you to let go and find more calm in your life. The ty…
By registered users: 13
Emotional Freedom Technique
Fiona Schipke
Jul 29, 2024, 23:00
Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping)
EFT is a mind/body technique with the advantages of accessing the core issues and resolving them in a gentle, quicker and more thorough way. The memory remains but the physical reactions and sensations are “deleted”. This technique is effective for addres…
By registered users: 4
Emotional Freedom Technique
Shauna Mc Hugh
Jul 29, 2024, 09:00
EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)
EFT Tapping is a growing calming technique use to unblock your Meridian Highway. (A.K.A Qi Energy). With similar effects to Acupuncture, with the EFT Tapping sequence you can unblock any negative mindset for: Anxiety Depression Fear/Phobia Anger Physic…
By registered users: 7
Emotional Freedom Technique
Nicole Ivens
Aug 2, 2024, 00:30
Holistic Counselling
I provide a safe space for sensitive women to uncover and heal all the unspoken words and express all the invalidated feelings that are limiting your capacity to embody light and happiness. My approach is person-centred grounded in what you need, so you …
By registered users: 7
Emotional Freedom Technique
Katrina Eva
Aug 1, 2024, 08:00
Emotional Freedom Technique Session
Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple yet very effective tool to support you in healing at a subconscious level. EFT focuses on utilising certain pressure points on the meridian points (ie top of the head, above the brows, temples, below the eyes, chin,…
By registered users: 7
Emotional Freedom Technique
Maya Hammarsal
Jul 29, 2024, 21:00
Functional Counselling
Those hard feelings of stress, worry and anxiety about the future are rampant in the world right now. Wondering what to do and how to solve it all can leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s not easy carrying a load like that around every day.…
By registered users: 13
Emotional Freedom Technique
Ginnah Siani
Jul 31, 2024, 15:00
Discovery Session
Discovery Session online or by phone. An opportunity for us to chat about what you’d like support with. It could be one particular issue that is holding you back, or a more general need for support and change. We can explore the options that will best sui…
By registered users: 12
Emotional Freedom Technique
neo pachisia
Aug 4, 2024, 23:00
Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT is a blend of energy, psychological healing–It’s one of the most powerful and fastest working techniques that I’ve known in my 20+ years of healing. One of the best aspects of this easy to learn technique is you can do it at home after the first sessi…
By registered users: 12
Emotional Freedom Technique
Hilda Kalap
Jul 29, 2024, 11:00
Release anxiety and stress with Tapping
An online Tapping or Emotional Freedom Techniques session - a powerful way to release anxiety and stress and bring the joy, energy and vitality back into your life. Move from fear to faith in every situation. Face the future with more resilience and lear…
By registered users: 5