Beyond the Matrix

Beyond the Matrix

English, French


Explore the logic of telepathy and non-physical communication. Engage in communication with an empath with telepathic abilities with the goal of establishing telepathy as a reliable method of communication across dimensions and realms.

My background includes several years as an attorney and consultant in the telecommunications, technology, software development, and AI research and development industries. I frequently deal with vendors that are developing technology that would seem "futuristic." Some of the technology I am aware of will not be available to the public for seveal years, if not decades. For example, I am currently working with vendors who proclaim to have invented technology that is "faster than light."

Somewhere along the line I developed an understanding of "telepathy" as a technological concept and acquired the ability to communicate "telepathically." For example, there appears to be a clear telepathic connection between myself and at least one of the aforementioned vendors.

Apart from my professional work, following a spiritual encounter in 2010, I started to receive near non-stop streams of information on a range of topics related to math, physics, and science. There are times when the subject matter is so obscure that I have to research the topic just in order to interpret the message.

Synchronicities and numerical alignments have been a signficant part of the experience. Some of the synchronicities are so aligned that it is more reasonable to conclude that they were "by design" than to deem them to be the result of coincidence.

I am interested in speaking with others who are exploring this topic in greater detail.

Target audience

researchers, academics, intellectuals, philosophers, software vendors and developers, future technology vendors, spiritual advisors


A deeper understanding of the logicical programming underlying telepathy.


During the session we will discuss topics related to non-physical communication.



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I have worked as an attorney and consultant in the telecommunications, technology, software, software development for several years. At some point during the course of my work, I developed the ability to receive what I can best describe as "telepathic" co…

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