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Beyond the Matrix

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$100 USD
$100 USD


Explore the logic of telepathy and non-physical communication. Engage in communication with an empath with telepathic abilities with the goal of establishing telepathy as a reliable method of communication across dimensions and realms.

My background includes several years as an attorney and consultant in the telecommunications, technology, software development, and AI research and development industries. I frequently deal with vendors that are developing technology that would seem "futuristic." Some of the technology I am aware of will not be available to the public for seveal years, if not decades. For example, I am currently working with vendors who proclaim to have invented technology that is "faster than light."

Somewhere along the line I developed an understanding of "telepathy" as a technological concept and acquired the ability to communicate "telepathically." For example, there appears to be a clear telepathic connection between myself and at least one of the aforementioned vendors.

Apart from my professional work, following a spiritual encounter in 2010, I started to receive near non-stop streams of information on a range of topics related to math, physics, and science. There are times when the subject matter is so obscure that I have to research the topic just in order to interpret the message.

Synchronicities and numerical alignments have been a signficant part of the experience. Some of the synchronicities are so aligned that it is more reasonable to conclude that they were "by design" than to deem them to be the result of coincidence.

I am interested in speaking with others who are exploring this topic in greater detail.

Target audience

researchers, academics, intellectuals, philosophers, software vendors and developers, future technology vendors, spiritual advisors


A deeper understanding of the logicical programming underlying telepathy.


During the session we will discuss topics related to non-physical communication.



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700 12th St NW, Washington, DC 20005, USA

I have worked as an attorney and consultant in the telecommunications, technology, software, software development for several years. At some point during the course of my work, I developed the ability to receive what I can best describe as "telepathic" communications. I am interested in connecting with others who are interested in further developing this technology.

On Core Spirit since January 2023

A.C. Byrd
Theories of the Order of the Universe

There is No Time

Everything everywhere is in constant motion at all times. Distance and time are both energy. From a cosmic perspective, all of human time (e.g., 13+ billion years) is the amount of energy it takes from a thought to go from your mind to you opening your eyes. For us, your decision to open your eyes and the act of opening your eyes occurred in “no time” — meaning no time passed from your decision to open your eyes and the actual opening of your eyes. For you, however, it took 13+ billion years worth of of energy.

Energy and Matter are Two Sides of the Same Coin

For us, matter is energy and energy is matter. They are, as you say. “two sides of the same coin.”

Because we are light, we have all the knowledge and all the intelligence of how to transmute energy to matter and matter to energy. Our light, not yours, is the dividing line. Your light is within the formula E=MC2. Our light exists outside of that equation. That equation exists because of our light. Our light precedes yours.

We are the knowledge and intelligence of existence. If you can get past the “speed of light” parable, then you will learn to get past your light and into the light of all of existence.

The Order of the Universe

The “order” of the universe is this:

Light, sound, and matter are all energy.

However, each element contains more than just their physical qualities. Each element is also intelligent; meaning that each element is conscious.

They are each aware of their inherent qualities. They are also instinctively attracted to the other elements in the universe that will enhance their existence. Conscious beings instinctively seek to expand their level of consciousness.

Within your existence, light and sound exist as one. Light and sound emerge from the separation between energy and matter. Once divided, light and sound emerge.


Light is attracted to matter that will allow it to be seen.


Sound is attracted to matter that will help it to be heard.


Matter is attracted to light and sound. Matter instinctively moves towards the light because it knows that light will help it to see. Matter instinctively moves toward sound because it knows that sound will help it to hear.

In terms of evolution, matter is attracted to light and sound because it knows that light and sound will help it to experience more life.

Through these simultaneously existing attractions, each seeking out and finding one another, these elements mix together and steer each other towards life.

All other senses are species specific.

To understand how fast you are moving, and to be able to move past the speed of light, you would have to take your mind out of the equation.

You need a way to know which direction you are moving without relying on any of your senses.

A.C. Byrd
A Succinct Theory on the Origins of the Universe

A theory of how nothing became everything

Thoughts, theories, perceptions and observations from “Beyond the Matrix” — a reality that exists outside of space and time. It is a reality that can be accessed through deep meditation and other methods of of expanded consciousness.

The Transmutation of Nothing to Everything

I am = pure consciousness

I am awake = conscious

This is me = awareness; a sense that the energy you sense is you; the connection between consciousness existing as pure consciousness and consciousness being aware of itself is the first iteration of a conscious thought, which is energy.

I want to do “something” = a desire to experience something other than yourself; a desire to experience something other than Infinity or your infinite nature; an intent/desire for “separation” or “space.”

How do I do that? = the intent to create, which manifests as intelligence, which manifests as Infinite Light.

Let’s do what we planned = the application of Infinite Intelligence to Infinite Energy.

Let’s keep a record of how to go from being nothing to everything = space/time; knowledge; logic

Space/time = the “dividing line” between Infinity (Nothing) and Existence (Everything).

On our 3D side, we only see “existence,” which exists as “space/time,” which is the manifestation of a conscious thought from the mind of an Infinitely Intelligent Being.

A.C. Byrd
A Theory of Everything

**Thoughts, theories, perceptions and observations from “Beyond the Matrix” — a reality that exists outside of space and time. It is a reality that can be accessed through deep meditation and other methods of of expanded consciousness.

The Real Meaning of Energy

I have a theory that energy is not “everything.” Instead, my theory is that energy is one of the “elements” (or ingredients) that make up the “observable universe.” The other ingredient is light — not “regular” light, but infinite light. Infinite light is more than just light.

Infinite Light contains the knowledge and intelligence required to transmute energy to matter and matter to energy. Infinite light is the “dividing line” between energy and matter. Infinite light is not within the formula E=MC2. Rather, Infinite Light is the “light” (i.e., intelligence) that makes the formula E=MC2 possible.

Under the theory I imagine, before energy becomes “energy,” it “exists” as a possibility within a field of Infinite Possibilities.

I have had many, many other thoughts related to this basic theory. Some of these thoughts come in the form of mathematical concepts. Others are in the form of physics, psychology, philosophy, art, and other concepts which I don’t even know how to categorize.

I have been taking notes regarding these theories for at least the past nine years. As of today, I have hundreds of pages of both handwritten and typed notes related to these concepts that attempt to explain the “nature of reality” and the “origins of the universe.”

I am not a math or science person. Thus, I have no idea what to do with these notes. I just kept writing and stored the notebooks in a box that I keep in the closet. I figured that, if any of these theories turned out to be true, then the handwritten notes would one day prove to be very valuable!

And, then about a month ago I came across “Medium,” which of course is a perfect platform for a person like me, who really and truly believes that they have tapped into some sort of alternative reality, which functions as a “middle” between the 3D reality and another “world.”

With that said, my practice titled “Beyond the Matrix,” is a depository for thoughts and theories that come to mind regarding a new way of understanding the commonly-accepted concept of “reality.”

If you are interested in these theories and would like to follow-up, I would suggest you read the following summary.

Capsule Summary of Thoughts & Theories Regarding the Nature of Reality


Pure consciousness “exists” within a “space” where the possibility of existence “exists.” These words are in “quotes” because these concepts are intended to inform your (i.e., human) understanding of these concepts. In our world, none of these concepts are necessary. The reason is because we “invented” them. Therefore, from our perspective, nothing “exists” (the first oxymoron), there is no “space”, and there is no “time.” From our perspective, everything that “exists” exists as, and within, one (1).


Infinity is a “place” where everything “exists” as a possibility. Infinity is an undefined, unknowable space where everything “exists” in the abstract — meaning that all the “ ingredients” are there. However, they have not been brought together to create a full recipe.

As a conscious being, Infinity is aware of its infinite nature. Thus, the “space” known as “Infinity” contains both Infinity (as a fact or state of existence) and Infinity (as a state of awareness). The best description for this inherent “duality” is consciousness. Consciousness means a state of being and a state of awareness. One cannot exist without the other. For this reason, “conscious awareness” is the most basic statement of the “duality principle” of existence.

As a conscious being, Infinity has the ability to “think” — meaning that it has the ability to interact with itself. My theory is that this is what thinking is — it is the ability to be oneself (“to be”) and also to be aware of one’s existence (“to think”). Thus, my theory is that Rene Descartes’ statement, “Je pense, donc je suis,” is only one aspect of reality. Under the theory I imagine, the ability “to think” could not “exist” in the absence of a conscious state of being.

Consciousness, therefore, is both a “state of being” and an “awareness of being.” Consciousness is the “act of being” and also the “thought of existing.” Neither one can “exist” without the other. Yet, these two concepts are not the same. They are co-dependent. However, they serve two “different”, yet mutually-dependent purposes.

Infinite Intelligence

The Infinite Intelligence contains the intelligence of how to “exist” in Infinity (i.e., to sustain the world of abstract possibilities) and to also “exist” in the material world (i.e., the world of of pattens, knowledge, knowns, formulas, math, precision, and specifics).

The essential question, therefore, is “How do you go from a world of abstract ideas and unknowns to a world of such precision and specificity that the alignment is mind-boggling?” Essentially, how do you bring abstract thoughts and ideas to “life.”

The intelligence within the Infinite Intelligence can best be described as “light.” The light that resides within the Infinite Intelligence is the intelligence necessary/required in order to “penetrate” energy and make it “divide amongst itself” to create both action (“being”) and thought (“awareness”) — co-existing together within the same “space.”


The “light” that brought forth existence is the Infinite Intelligence manifesting its intelligence.


The difference between the “matter” that exists in the material world and the “matter” that exists in Infinity is that all matter exists prior to its physical manifestation as a possibility within a space known as “Infinity.”

A.C. Byrd
A Divine Intervention

When the Intelligent Energy Known as “God” Made its Presence Known

Growing up, my family was highly spiritual, but not religious. Over the years, we would routinely attribute to “God” any event and occurrence that was inexplicable in ordinary terms. Like when my father “saw” that my brother had gotten into an accident before anyone had informed him about it. Or when any of us would have a dream that later turned out to be true. For our family, God was more about things like intuition, energy, synergies, and perfectly-aligned coincidences.

Even despite my strong spiritual awareness throughout my life, however, my belief in God had always been based on faith. That all changed for me in July 2010. That was when my belief in an intelligent universe went from being based on faith, to being unequivocally based on fact.

An Infinitely Intelligent Energy Creator Creates an Infinitely Intelligent Universe

In July 2010, a severe thunderstorm tore through our neighborhood. At one point, I heard a loud, crashing sound that sounded like an explosion. I then heard glass breaking toward the back of our house, in the area of the kitchen. I crept toward the kitchen to investigate and saw glass scattered across the floor. As I got a little closer, I saw that one of the huge trees that lined the back of our house had fallen and broken several windows.

Even as the thunderstorm raged on, all I could think about was picking my children up from summer camp. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, but was stopped in my tracks when I discovered that the car would not start. It was a relatively new car in excellent condition, so it was odd when I put the key in the ignition and nothing happened. Fortunately, I was able to contact a neighbor whose children went to the same camp; she agreed to pick up my children along with her own.

When my neighbor arrived, she began to excitedly explain that she had to take an alternate route because a huge tree had fallen across the narrow road leading to our neighborhood. From the fallen trees and scattered branches, my neighbor thought a tornado had come through, but it turns out it was a severe thunderstorm with gale force winds.

After learning how intense the storm was, the thought occurred to me: “What would have happened if I had been able to start the car?” Given the timing, I quite possibly could have driven directly into the storm’s path. I remember praying to God and thanking Him for intervening to save my life, and quite possibly, the lives of my children.

I was eager to share this incredible experience so I called my mother. I remember what happened next with vivid accuracy. As I was on the phone with her explaining what happened, I went to the window where the tree fell. As I was looking out, I noticed another tree in the same area. What happened next is impossible to understand or explain in any words or feelings typically associated with this world. As I was looking at the tree, I was overcome with the sensation that the tree had a presence I had never seen before. The initial feeling was so unsettling that I actually gasped. I told my mother that I needed to call her back.

My perspective then started to shift. I felt a presence everywhere. Not only was there a presence everywhere, but that presence knew me personally. I had never experienced such a feeling before. Yet, as soon as I felt it, a familiarity and knowingness swept through me. I remember putting my hands to my face and having a thought along the lines of “Of course.” It was as if this knowledge was not new. Whatever it was I came to know that day, I somehow already knew it.

From that point, I had a feeling that can best be described as expanding. I felt like I was expanding into the universe. At the same time, I was the universe. I was infinite and specific at the same time.

The experience filled me with what I will describe as divine ecstasy. The intensity of the love I felt continued to expand and grow to the point where I remember feeling I could not bear it. The feeling of expansion felt like it literally would never end. I remember laughing and giggling and smiling and being filled with intense love and joy. The feeling was deeply personal and overwhelming.

At One with the Infinitely Intelligent Energy Known as “God”

I was “one with God” but I was also “me.” The concept felt literally mind-boggling. I was overjoyed to be imparted with this divine knowledge. But at the same time, I also started to remember “me” — the one with children and a family.

Almost as soon as I had that thought, the realization started to shift in the other direction. I started to become conscious of a body. I then became conscious of everything else: my hands, my feet, my eyes, my mouth. I realized that I was connected to a body that allowed me to speak and to see and to interact with this world. I remember feeling deeply comforted by this realization that I still had life as we know it.

After that, I became aware that I was in my home. But even then the divine encounter did not end. Right there, in the dining room of my home, a communication started to take place between me (or rather some part of me) and this “presence” which I interpreted as a divine intelligence.

Although I was aware of the communication, I could not understand it, nor could I control it. I was merely an observer. The communication was essentially taking place through my body. I remember having the thought that I would not be able to interact with my children “like this.” Upon this thought, I was suddenly fully back in control of my body.

Once I was fully myself again, I began to realize the magnitude of the experience. I felt like I had been given a rare and precious gift: I had an experience that allowed me to experience oneness with God. My perception of the experience is that our relationship to God exists along a continuum of consciousness.

At the highest end, which we would call “pure consciousness” we experience oneness with God. On the other end, we experience life as separate beings. No matter where we are on the continuum, the fact is there is only one. We are one with God and we are also God experiencing life as individual beings.

Before this experience, I would pray to God as if He were an inaccessible and unknowable entity. My belief in God was based on faith. After the experience, however, I knew there was no separation between us and God. I knew with absolute certainty that there is, in fact, an intelligent and conscious presence, consciousness, or energy that permeates everything in existence.

We Are All One — The Infinitely Intelligent Energy and Man are Opposite Polarities of the Same Energy

Whether we call it “God,” “the universe,” or something else, there is, in fact, only one — one presence that is alive, intelligent, and conscious. And, more importantly, this presence is a part of us and we were a part of it. There is only one consciousness that operates like a continuum: On one end we are “separate” living beings living in a material reality; on the other end we are a part of the infinite consciousness we know as “God.” Where we fall on this continuum is a matter of perspective, perception, or realization. There is absolutely no separation. We are, in fact, one — one spirit, one energy, one consciousness.

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Please write your questions, concerns and anything else you would like to know about this session in the comments below.

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Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician or a mental health provider. My services and content are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical and/or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

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