Past Life Regression is a technique that uses the principles of Hypnotherapy to regress a person back to a time where they need to heal events from their subconscious minds.
Regressing someone is believed to be a journey in their mind towards different lifetimes where they may have experienced certain events that are affecting their current situation.
Past life regression can also be used to determine whether you have known someone before ( people search for soulmates and family members). Finding those people can give them more insight on the relationship they have with them today and the reasons behind it.
This type of therapy also helps with:
-Fears or phobias that have no recognized cause
-Intimacy issues
-General relationship issues
-Feelings of guilt and shame that seem to have no explanation
After struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression I went into a deep inward self-development journey.
Today, I am a spiritual master and a certified mindset coach with the mission ot helping others find innee peace and true joy.
I teach people mindfulness and meditation, among other incredible tools so that I can help those in pain heal.
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Hi Lora, I had made an appointment with you but it didn't happen. I don't know how to re-book, without paying again. Please advise! Thank you so much. All the best, Julie