coaching session

Breathing exercises, which can help you cope with stress and begin to change your old patterns.

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After struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression I went into a deep inward self-development journey. Today, I am a spiritual master and a certified mindset coach with the mission ot helping others find innee peace and true joy. …

Theta Healing
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Distance Theta Healing
This is a 1-hour theta healing session. Includes client consultation before and after a session. During the theta healing the practitioner and the client are both in a meditative state. The practioner will ask the client various questions to help get to …
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Remote Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is a powerful japenese healing technique with a “hands-on” approach. Reiki comes from the universal life energy force and thus knows no time and space and can be done through distance. It works with the chakras and the healing of the energy within…
Spiritual Healing
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Spiritual Mentoring/Mindset Coaching
As a spiritual mentor, I guide others towards self-healing and learning profoundly mindfulness in order to better their mental health. I use meditation among other useful techniques to show people the path of light and freedom within our souls. It is my …
Guided Meditation
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Meditation about connecting to others
tonglen buddhist practice advatanges: deeper connection to others sending love towards others empathy towards collective suffering opening up of heart chakra
Chakra Meditation
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Chakra Meditation
Chakra meditation is AMAZING for: improving energy centers responsible for certain behaviors finding balance feeling more connected to yourself and others feeling rooted and grounded opening up to the universe’s energy feeling better
Mindfulness meditation
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Mantra for Clearing MERIDIANS
-energy clearing mantra -relaxing -good for clensing - helps us connect to ourselves - ensures a profound sense of stillness - activates spiritual connection
Guided Meditation
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Breathing exercises, which can help you cope with stress and begin to change your old patterns.
Guided Meditation
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Yoganidra meditation which helps with: improving sleep being more aware of body sensations reduces stress reduces anxiety improves your overall inner balance brings peace helps concentrate helps with chronic pain
Past Life Regression
Lora Velichkova
Feb 10, 2025, 08:00
Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression is a technique that uses the principles of Hypnotherapy to regress a person back to a time where they need to heal events from their subconscious minds. Regressing someone is believed to be a journey in their mind towards different l…

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