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Private Yoga Lessons

$30 USD
$30 USD

If you want personalized sequencing, have specific needs or want one-on-one instruction, please contact me to schedule private lessons. Classes are offered over Zoom.

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Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

I am Lorena Ulloa. I practice yoga since 2007 and teach since 2010. I move around the world. Currently I live in the Dominican Republic. I practice yoga and meditate daily.

I am dedicated to help yoga practitioners at every level to deepen their knowledge and develop their own yoga practice to strengthen, recharge, relax and energize.

On Core Spirit since July 2020

Dynamic meditation
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
40 Days Meditating To Create Self Love
I decided to practice this meditation for 40 days in conjunction with the Kriya To Make You Beautifully Enchanting. During those forty days, I noticed a transformation in my thoughts and in my perspective of myself. I have noticed that this meditation h…
Dynamic meditation
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear the Karmas
Posture and Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Relax the elbows down by the sides, and bring the forearms straight out in front of your body, palms flat and facing up. Have the palms slightly cupped, and place them a few inches above the knees…
Breathing Meditation (Pranayama)
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Why Practice Yoga?
I have been asking this to myself lately, why practice yoga everyday? And my short answer is to reconnect with my essence, and inner strength on a daily basis. I started practicing yoga in 2007. I am originally from Colombia and my husband is American. W…
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Cultivating Meaningful Relationships
At the moment I am going through a deep and committed Kundalini Yoga meditation and practice. I created a course for Prosperity and part of the process is to commit to 40 days of a specific meditation. I also gave as an option to choose a yoga practice an…
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Self-reliance and inner-strength
During these times of quarantine, I’ve had all kinds of emotions rising. I have felt tired of the routine, thankful for my health and my family, fearful for what “could” happen, and I have felt angry and upset for little and big things around my life. I h…

Practitioner Reviews
(1 review)
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Hi Michelle,
yes yoga will help. We can plan for at least 4 classes and I can focus on teaching you breathing techniques to help you release stress and anxiety, and postures to address this same issue. You could commit to a short daily practice with ehat I teach you to take care of your wellbeing

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! I am currently trying to deal with some problems that cause stress and, as a result, insomnia often attacks me. I’ve already tried Swedish massage and self-massage but nothing worked. Do you think a Hatha Yoga session would help? If so, how many sessions are necessary to start noticing the results? Thanks in advance!

Hatha yoga
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Jul 30, 2024, 22:30
Private Yoga Lessons
Kundalini yoga
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Jul 30, 2024, 22:30
Power Hour - Kundalini Yoga
Vinyasa yoga
Lorena Ulloa Mayorga
Jul 30, 2024, 22:30
Vinyasa Flow

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