Spiritual Coaching: Awakening

Spiritual Coaching: Awakening

coaching session

Spiritual Awakening can manifest in different ways and "flavors". Some people might experience euphoria, mystical experiences or a sense of Oneness with the Universe. Others might experience confusuon, hardship or difficulty.

Cooperating with the divine imperative, becoming willingly open to the discovery of the Truth of Who We Are, smoothens the experience.

Sometimes, we might need a few pointers so we might better see the obstacles to our current understanding. I Am that flashlight, a reflection of your own inner Light, to companion alongside you during those times of temporary confusion during spiritual awakening.

If crisis visits, I work parallel to and with trained counselors who will assist with regaining mental/emotional stability.

You need not "believe" anything I offer, you will test it for yourself as you dive into your own inner guidance.

A 30 minute session allows for practicing stillness in the Present Moment, discussion/contemplation and your choice of spiritual practice.

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Hello, I'm Dan Om. A spiritual companion in cooperation with Life's spiritual Awakening. Together we discover freedom from suffering. We may have experienced depression, anxiety, complex-ptsd, dysfunctional family systems, shame, trauma and existential …

"Difficult People" as Egoic Reflections can Bring Us to Freedom
This physical human experience within its dimension of duality is both phenomenal and weird. The spiritual Awakening process is not easy and the perceptual shifts ego-mind goes through is nothing short of amazing. It’s wild, it’s wondrous, it’s confusing…
Freeing Ourselves from Ego's Chain of Blame
No one likes to be chained to bitter resentment, hopelessness and powerlessness. It hurts, it burns, it’s maddening to twist in fury and despair while feeling unable to control nor change a situation. Ego mind loves the drama as it demands what it thinks…
Noticing the Hassle-Maker
There’s a silly little voice in the head that distorts the Beauty of everything. It can feel like a sour mood that taints our day just as a few drops of soured milk changes the taste of our coffee. This little voice is the Hassle-Maker, the one in the he…
Ego leaves the Okay-ness & Peace of the Present Moment by "reliving a past" & "picturing a horrid future"
Spiritual Awakening involves the sharpening of Awareness. The more attentive we become to the habits of thinking mind, the more Freedom we experience from ego-mind’s suffering. Ego-mind is a movie-maker, a usurper of Creation’s …
How Can We Lessen Suffering When our Pets Die? (photo: Alec Favale,Unsplash)
It’s true that each of us deals with grief in different ways. It’s also true that grief has stages of shock, denial, bargaining, anger and acceptance. This article is written in support and encouragement for the unspoken question of wondering how to gri…
Hope While Grieving Estrangement
Awakening is a multi-faceted process that includes spiritual revelation and euphoria yet also includes confusion, uncertainty, times of “no-available-answers” and the absence of “light”. Is there hope, here, even during these moments - which seem …
Weebly Wobblies: Facing Anxiety of "a Future"
Awakening provides many opportunities to “purge” conditioned mental habits. We can wake up one morning absorbed in fearful anxiety and not know from where this comes. Our mind searches for a “cause”. “I don’t understand, yesterday I felt great, I had n…
Thriving During Panic Attacks
Another mystery of the human experience is feeling flooded with emotion without knowing from where nor why it has come. Panic attacks aren’t pleasant nor comfortable. The mammalian brain spontaneously goes into hyperdrive, to fight or flee some unknown d…
DISCOMBOBULATION: Weathering Mental Windstorms
During Awakening, the mind’s attachment to “objects” of thought and emotion are being recognized in more and more situations. The identification with a “personal me” is coming into Awareness. The dependence on thinking is seen. Spaciousness as consciou…
Giving from Being: an Antidote for Loneliness
As we go through the Awakening process, we will face the conditioned ways we’ve connected with others through our lifetime. We will become aware of the ego’s desires, manipulations, defenses as well as early childhood programming where we searched for ap…
If It's Falling Apart...Let it Fall
It’s normal for the human thinking mind to try to juggle Life to keep all of its “spinning plates” spinning. Humans in doing-mode, driven by busy minds, want to keep those plates in the air to keep the momentum going and have nothing change. This takes a…
Unlocking Capability
How many times have we wanted to do something but we didn’t try; we were too afraid we’d fail? We might think that fear is powerful, yet the power of our belief is that which is mighty. Where we invest belief is what shapes the outcome that we reap. How …
Befriending Fear
As we awaken spiritually, our Awareness sharpens. What would have slipped by unnoticed in our unconscious past is seen more readily. We notice contractions within emotional energy, we more keenly experience fluctuations. We become more sensitively attu…
Relief from Complaining's Cry of Powerlessness
The Awakening process is undertaken with the greatest of courage. It is courageous to look directly at thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, to face suffering, fear, the arising of the ego while peering over the edge of the unknown. Awakening is the time f…
Oneness: The Direct Experience of Formless Being While Awakening
Awakening offers many tiny glimpses of One-ness during everyday life. These small, quick openings are like looking through the tightest, tiniest aperture setting of a camera lens. In these moments, Awareness sees with clear seeing. In this one moment, t…
Spiritual "spf"
Awareness Sees the Peeling Away of Egoic Layers of Perception I was fishing from my kayak in the summer heat and I noticed the color of my legs (still shiny with ghostly-white) beginning to give way to rosy pink. I remembered I’d failed to rub in sunscr…
Awakenings' Humble Empowered Service
Awakening’s Humble Empowered Service Have you ever been rushing around and stepped through a doorway on your way to another room but snagged your shirt on an exposed nail? Remember how you spun around, 180-degrees, as your momentum was redirected by bei…
Am “I” Losing Control?
Am “I” Losing Control? A Confusing “Shift-Happens” Part of Awakening As we Awaken, our egoic minds may spin and reel with the changes brought about by our spiritual growth. Many thoughts may arise in the form of questions about our very sanity, “Am I lo…
A Power Like No Other
Awakening is the direct experience of Divine Power. This is the power like no other, yet it includes all other experiences of strength which manifest in form within the human experience. We know the mind is powerful, we love the strength and beauty of …
I'm Big Enough to Hold All That I Am When I Turn From Shadows to the Light
How much can we open to true Unconditional Love? How many opportunities pass by us each day without notice? How many times does our thinking egoic mind dismiss the bigness of Love or and turn away opportunities to receive or express it? When we feel depl…
Actively Opening to Opportunities
When we’re feeling lost, we might wonder, “*Where are all of my life opportunities?” If we stay focused on our thinking minds in hopes of an answer, we are going to swirl around and around in the thought system that has created a sense of lack. We can m…
It's OK to Slow Down
We humans are a speedy species. How many times have you heard or said, “hurry up”, “let’s get going”, “gotta run”. It’s innocent, many of us were reared on go-go-go with the only slow-mode reserved for colds, sniffles, illness or recovery from accidents. …
Why Am "I" Spacing Out?
There will times during Awakening when it feels as though we “can’t think clearly” and this will bring up tremendous fear. To feel confused, while the attachment to thinking mind is strong, is uncomfortable. “Am I losing my mind”, “am I losing the abili…
How Do Your Feet Hit the Floor Each Morning?
A few seconds every morning, awakening consciousness looks through your eyes. There’s no “you” in this moment, not yet, there’s just seeing - hearing. There’s peace, calm, a feeling of everything being okay. This is the tiny time-frame before the thinking…

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