Dating App Coaching

Dating App Coaching

coaching session


Create an eye-catching profile, learn the red flags, and green flags, learn what and when to switch over to texting, how to meet safely. This is an interactive session where you believe with a draft of your profile. Ready to go ready to find the love of your life!

Target audience

this is for women and men who want to successfully navigate a dating app. This powerful session is designed to help you find the love of your life!


when you are finished with the session, you will feel more confident to yourself and put your best foot forward to finding that special someone!


This is a working session where you will leave with a draft of your profile. We will be interacting and reviewing the best apps to use, and you will be prompted to ideas for your profile pictures and scripting what to say and how much to say on the apps.

Other comments

“I want to meet someone organically,” you may say. But meeting someone in line at the grocery store or the picturesque park mostly happens on the Hallmark Channel.

You CAN meet your potential partner on the ski slopes like one of my girlfriends did — cute guy talked with her, caught up with her later that day with a hand-written, heartfelt card and exotic chocolate! Then a month later, he flew across country to meet her on her turf and explore the relationship further.
But let’s be real. This isn’t entirely a Hallmark world and even there the most loving relationships often start out online.
Outside the rare, romantic meeting such as my friends, dating apps are the most convenient and easiest way to meet your potential partner.
Dating online is exploration. Kind, simple exploration like browsing an extensive travel brochure. You don’t have to pack just yet, or even buy the ticket. You do have to know what kind of vacation/relationship you want. You do have to express your desires and lifestyle in words and pictures.
I feel you cringing! I do. I just joined an online dating community several months ago and had so many prospects that it was initially a full-time job to respond. I was “liking” everyone who had a decent profile pic and who seemed like a good guy. That is when I realized that unless I wanted to spend hours perusing the crowd of prospects instead of hitting yoga or other pleasures, I needed a strategy to sift through the ones who weren’t a good fit for me or what I want in a relationship.
I streamlined the weeding-through process and reduced my time spent to 15 minutes a day. I’ve met many men who are compatible and embody the attributes and interests that I feel are important both individually and in a relationship.
So, you say you do know what you want, but how do you know that he/she REALLY wants the type of relationship you do? You don’t. But pretending that you want a Short-term Relationship (STR) when you are looking for a life partner is counterproductive to getting the relationship you do want.
I will help you to interpret what the candidate is saying even when they aren’t actually saying it. I’ll help you express your desires, hopes and dreams as well as your preferences that arise in everyday life conversations about home, health and happiness in an authentic, easy flowing kind of way.
You will learn how to truly express your feeling when you are in sync with your partner and when you aren’t. You will learn to share how you feel in a non-accusatory way that keeps the lines of communication open and accepting.
So take heart! There are tons of amazing, interesting, single folks out there just like you who want a connection and aren’t quite sure how to go about it. Their last date may have been twenty years ago and wasn’t more complicated than asking the local gal or guy to dinner at the local diner. That’s okay.
Simple is good! There are many people who want to keep it simple, but the PROCESS of dating seems complicated. It doesn’t have to be.
I can’t wait to share with you what changed everything for me and made it fun!
I made it a game. Games have RULES! Let’s roll the dice.

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