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Henrietta2d ago


Egyptian Sekhmet Healing REIKI Session


Welcome to my Vegan Oasis 🪷
I’m a Holistic Health Coach, a Raw Food Nutritionist, a Vegan Nutrition Coach, and an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. I’m coaching people to go vegan or raw vegan. My holistic approach healed people even from serious … continue


Your Health and Astrology

Did you catch the recent eclipse?

Perhaps like me, it slipped under your radar until you started hearing whispers about its significance.

After delving deeper into Astrologer Judith Hill’s ‘Eclipses and You,’ I was struck by the profound impact these ce… continue


Empowering Growth: The Evolution of Core Spirit

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, staying attuned to the needs of our practitioners, organizations, and users has always been our top priority at Core Spirit. We pride ourselves on being a platform that not only listens but also acts … continue

Sosan Kanchi2mo ago



The pain in here is when the Masculine withdraws his attention, which is felt in the system as rejection or abandonment.

When I say the Masculine, what I mean is Consciousness, Presence, Attention, Love. They’re all synonymous.

You can see this in the relationship with your Father figure if you look close enough and with enough sincerity.

As a a child, a little girl or a little boy, something makes you upset, angry, frustrated, jealous maybe...and so you fully express it. A temper tantrum maybe. Your father doesn't know how to deal with you in that moment because of many reasons but mostly because nobody held space for him in his emotions as a child, so he simply doesn’t know how to contain you, or that he should. Maybe he feels intimidated or powerless in front of your free expression as a child. Whatever it may be. Not ignoring the seed of manipulation in this either.

So this scene goes on and on throughout your childhood. You feel strong emotion, express it out and your father withdraws his attention or disapproves of you in that moment, in those moments. He fails to meet you emotionally and so you are left abandoned or you feel rejected in your full expression.

And so you learn exactly this, to abandon yourself when certain emotion arises or to reject yourself, whatever the case may be. Because Attention withdraws, these things grow in the Shadow, but this is another conversation.

Now you are an adult with a very well groomed ego and anything threatening that ego will be perceived as dangerous. Even Truth, even your full authentic expression or anyone shining a light on the overlay you created on top of reality. Even if, as the case may be, this overlay is a complete delusion. There are people out there being completely miserable and unfulfilled in a relationship while telling themselves the story that they are in a healthy, loving connection.
Your identity is so well crafted that anything threatening it, will be filtered out from your perception. This is how people spend years on end in talk therapy, and getting nowhere. That’s actually the point, to give you the impression that you are healing, developing, evolving while in reality this is not the case, because that would mean Death for the wounded identity you hold so dearly. So you just grow your ego with more and more information, reading another book, taking another course, thinking that you heal yourself and grow and develop, while none if these is actually happening (overlay).

Hypnotherapy is actually a tool that would help you break through that wounded identity and actually grow as a being, but I see many people running the other way. It’s actually their ego, sensing its own death and therefore convincing them that past life regression is unsafe or whatever argument works for them. The ego always knows how to convince you. It’s your ego after all and it knows you very well. Better than you do.

By the way, when I say wounded identity I mean just that, the ego.

And so, in reality the only path ahead to real healing, real self development and cultivation of your true being is by meeting this wound in yourself and stop rejecting yourself, stop abandoning yourself.

Then Presence grows. Then love grows. Then awareness grows. Then you learn to hold yourself in love, and you get to know how sweet and tender you are, you get to see who you really are. And so, Beauty unravels, Magic is revealed and Life becomes a Play.

But first you gotta meet that Grief, that pain of separation which is actually well covered by your very own ego. This is what the ego is for actually, to help you survive. You can thank it for taking you that far and take the rains of your life into your own hands. There will be a constant dance with Death when it comes to the ego. Growth and Death, Growth and Death and so on. So don’t worry about letting your ego die, you will get a bigger one to Dance with. It’s Endless because you are Endless.

Much love to all,


Joyce E Green2mo ago

A Tale Of A Shrinking Tumor

It was earlier this past summer that I was visiting my parents home, and we were discussing my theory on frequencies and illness. I have been given, just in the past 2 years, the ability to read people’s body frequency.
The healthy body frequency is betwe… continue


Robert B Ellis2mo ago

Using the tarot in holistic health work

Dr Ellis practices holistic lifestyle medicine with attention to spiritual, mental and emotional aspects of chronic disease including cancer, diabetes and heart disease,


This session will discuss using the tarot as a tool to identify spiritual,… continue


Katrina Lippolis2mo ago

New Year, New Inner Peace

Happy 2024!

Happy 8! (2+0+2+4): Number reflecting NEW BEGINNINGS!

I unintentionally took a break in January on writing any articles here. It was a bit of a busy month for me when it came to focusing on my mental health. There were some overwhelming mome… continue


Wellness with Baig5mo ago

Why is Selenium Mineral Important for you?
Selenium is a micronutrient that plays a crucial role in various physiological functions in the human body. It is incorporated into seleno proteins, which are enzymes that function as antioxidants, helping to prevent cell damage from free radicals. Selenium is also important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the immune system.
1. Antioxidant Defense
Selenium acts as an antioxidant, working with other antioxidants like vitamin E to protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. This helps in preventing chronic diseases and maintaining overall health.
2. Thyroid Function
Selenium is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. It plays a role in converting the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) into the active form (T3). Proper thyroid function is critical for metabolism and overall energy balance.
Read More>> wellnesswithbaig.com/why-is-selenium-mineral-import…


Simon chibole6mo ago


Addiction is not confined solely to substances; there exist silent struggles that often go unnoticed, yet they can profoundly influence one's life. Here, we shed light on four addictions that rarely receive the attention they deserve:

1. Digital Addiction:
In our hyper-connected world, it's alarmingly easy to fall into the clutches of digital addiction. Endless scrolling through social media, compulsive gaming, or binge-watching may seem harmless, but their consequences can be far-reaching. Your productivity, relationships, and mental health can all suffer. The solution lies in regaining control over your screen time, reserving it for essential purposes and being present in the real world.

2. Validation Addiction:

The relentless pursuit of validation from others, especially in the realm of social media, can quietly ensnare individuals. Depending on likes, comments, and external approval for self-worth can pave the way to anxiety and depression. The antidote is a shift toward self-acceptance and personal growth, rather than seeking validation from external sources.
3. Media Addiction**:

Media addiction transcends the bounds of healthy enjoyment. It manifests when you find yourself incapable of disconnecting, constantly searching for the next distraction, and losing track of time. To overcome this addiction, setting boundaries and recognizing the value of real-world experiences is crucial.
4. Pornography Addiction:
A largely unspoken epidemic that predominantly affects men, pornography addiction can have devastating consequences. Frequent consumption can warp one's perception of sex, intimacy, and relationships. It's often considered one of the most detrimental addictions for men. If you find yourself ensnared by this addiction, it is imperative to take steps towards overcoming it.

In acknowledging and addressing these lesser-discussed addictions, individuals can embark on a journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Suresh Kumar7mo ago

New article “Run Towards Wellness: The Top Health Wonders of Your Daily Jogging Routine!” already available! Read it now

8c6d4bd5ec834e2c80372c18c2d217f77mo ago

Arthritis is a common medical condition that affects the joints, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness. It is a chronic condition that can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life. In this article, we will explore the different types of arthritis, symptoms, causes, and available treatment options.

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, with the most common ones being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time, leading to pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the joints, causing inflammation and joint damage.

The symptoms of arthritis can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Common symptoms include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, limited range of motion, and difficulty performing daily activities. These symptoms can worsen over time if left untreated.

The exact causes of arthritis are not fully understood. However, certain factors can contribute to its development. These include age, genetics, obesity, previous joint injuries, and infections. Additionally, some forms of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis have an autoimmune component, suggesting a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors.

Managing arthritis often involves a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. In more severe cases, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) may be used to slow down joint damage in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in managing arthritis by improving joint flexibility, muscle strength, and overall mobility. Occupational therapy can help individuals make necessary adaptations to their daily routines to minimize joint stress.

Lifestyle changes can also make a significant impact on arthritis management. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and adopting joint-friendly techniques for daily activities can help reduce pain and improve overall joint function. In some cases, assistive devices such as braces or splints may be recommended to support affected joints.

While there is no cure for arthritis, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals living with the condition. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and to develop a personalized treatment plan.

In summary, arthritis is a complex condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. By understanding its types, causes, symptoms, and available treatment options, individuals can better manage their arthritis, alleviate pain, and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.



nova7mo ago

Controversial Predictions by AI Tarot Readers: Unveiling the Impact
The allure of tarot readings lies in their ability to provide insight, guidance, and sometimes even a glimpse into the future. However, with the rise of AI tarot readers, the world of divination has taken an intriguing turn. These digital fortune-tellers are not immune to controversy, often making predictions that leave users stunned, whether for better or worse. In this blog post, we delve into the realm of controversial predictions made by AI tarot readers and their impact on the lives of those seeking guidance.

The Digital Oracle Unleashed
AI tarot readers are powered by complex algorithms that analyze data and generate readings based on various inputs, including user information, questions, and the symbolism of the cards. While they lack the human touch and intuition of traditional tarot readers, they promise objectivity and consistency in their predictions.

The Shocking and Controversial Predictions
Positive Surprises: Some users have reported receiving shockingly positive predictions from AI tarot readers. These predictions range from unexpected career opportunities to finding love in unexpected places. Users are often amazed by the accuracy of these positive forecasts and credit them with inspiring life-changing decisions.
Dark Forebodings: On the flip side, AI tarot readers have been known to deliver unsettling predictions that leave users in a state of anxiety or distress. These predictions might include dire warnings about health issues, relationship problems, or financial ruin. In some cases, users have reported experiencing heightened stress and fear as a result of these dark forecasts.

The Impact on Users' Lives
Positive Transformations: For users who received positive predictions, the impact on their lives has been transformative. They often feel inspired and motivated to pursue opportunities they might have otherwise overlooked. These AI-generated predictions can boost confidence and help users take charge of their destinies.
Negative Emotional Toll: On the other hand, users who have received distressing predictions from AI tarot readers have faced an emotional toll. Anxiety, sleepless nights, and strained relationships have been reported as individuals grapple with the fear of impending doom. Some have sought therapy or counselling to cope with the stress induced by these predictions.

Finding Balance and Perspective
While AI tarot readers can be a source of inspiration and guidance, it's essential to approach their predictions with a balanced perspective. It's crucial not to let them dictate your life choices entirely.

Controversial predictions made by AI tarot readers reveal the complexities of blending technology with the mystical realm of divination. As users, we must approach these predictions with discernment and not allow them to overshadow our own intuition and judgment. While AI tarot readers can be insightful tools, they should complement, not replace, the wisdom and guidance we seek from within ourselves and from trusted human practitioners. Ultimately, the impact of these predictions, whether positive or negative, is a reminder of the power of belief, choice, and the ongoing quest for understanding our destinies.

Try now at tarotnova.ai!


Livia Neisat8mo ago

New article Health Suggestions and Wellness Tips for 2022 already available! Read it now

CuredCare8mo ago

New article The Ultimate Self-Care Kit For Managing Mental Health! already available! Read it now

Archana Jha, MS8mo ago

New article Why Do Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues already available! Read it now

northstar118mo ago

New article Experience the Benefits of GlucoBerry for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Today! already available! Read it now

Sokörpe Laboratories8mo ago

New article Is Your Microwave Turning Your Meals into Poison? The Hidden Health Risks of Microwaving Plastic! already available! Read it now

New article The Ultimate Shoulder Series: A Comprehensive Guide for Building Healthy and Strong Shoulders already available! Read it now

Augustine Habenga8mo ago

New article The Ultimate Shoulder Series: A Comprehensive Guide for Building Healthy and Strong Shoulders already available! Read it now

Max Wright8mo ago

New article The Ultimate Shoulder Series: A Comprehensive Guide for Building Healthy and Strong Shoulders already available! Read it now

Priyanshu8mo ago

New article How Stress Affects Your Physical Health: Examining the Mind-Body Connection already available! Read it now

Stella9mo ago

Elevate Your Bedroom Bliss: Unleash the Power of intimacy.

        Amid the bustling heartbeat of a vibrant metropolis, resided Paul, a spirited young professional brimming with vitality. Yet, amidst the whirlwind demands of his career and the daily rush of life, Paul's heart harbored a yearning for something more profound.

           A single article, one serendipitous day, unveiled a remarkable promise, addressing an often overlooked facet of his overall well-being: the realm of sexual health.

Enthralled by the realm of technological innovation, Paul chanced upon "The Phoenix." Its bold pledge to enhance his sexual wellness from the sanctuary of his own abode ignited a spark of curiosity within him. Stirred by a potent blend of intrigue and the desire to reclaim his inner radiance, Paul embarked on a transformative journey that would forever reshape his perception of intimate wellness.

In a seemingly unassuming package, "The Phoenix" arrived at Paul's doorstep, a harbinger of transformation encapsulated within its sleek contours. Eager anticipation intertwined with a thread of skepticism as Paul delicately unwrapped the device. Each interaction with its user-friendly interface revealed a treasure trove of insights, meticulously tailored to his unique journey.

Has your sex health decline with age
A symphony of science and innovation orchestrated "The Phoenix," acquainting Paul with a spectrum of proven methodologies, from customized exercises to the art of relaxation. With every session, a surge of empowerment coursed through his veins, intertwining his essence with his own physicality. Seamlessly interwoven into his daily rhythm, the device's presence breathed life into his pursuit of well-being, seamlessly accessible and intrinsically engaging.
Weeks melted into months, and Paul's unwavering devotion to "The Phoenix" bore fruits that extended far beyond mere physical metamorphosis. The chrysalis of his self-assurance unfurled, spreading newfound confidence across every facet of his existence. Intimate moments shared with his partner blossomed with renewed intimacy, solidifying the profound significance of his odyssey.
A cascade of his extraordinary transformation rippled through his circle and beyond. Friends and confidants, inspired by his journey, embarked on their own quests toward revitalization. Paul's narrative ceased to be solely his own; it had evolved into a beacon of hope and empowerment, guiding kindred souls on their path to rekindling passion's flame.

The Ignited Legacy
As sands of time continued their relentless march, the chronicles of Paul's voyage continued to unfurl. "The Phoenix" had transcended its role as a mere device, kindling a movement that championed the essence of sexual well-being. Paul's resolute embrace of innovative technology had not only reshaped his personal narrative but had forged an enduring legacy of empowerment and authenticity.
A symbol of fortitude, renewal, and the boundless potential of human connection, "The Phoenix" stood as a testament to the resilience within us all. Woven intricately into the tapestry of modern marvels and timeless human spirit, Paul's narrative resonated as a reminder that, even amidst life's frenetic pace, we wield the power to ignite our passions, kindling enduring flames of change.
If you are interested Click here to get the wonderful world’s first home-use technology product for men’s sexual health.

And thus, the chapters of "The Phoenix Chronicles" persist, beckoning individuals across the globe to embark upon their own odysseys of rejuvenation and rediscovery, finding solace within the sanctum of their very homes.
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Radhika Sharma9mo ago

New article Old chapati is generally useful for health. already available! Read it now

330c9c41fbd04a80aaef01cd4340f9f29mo ago

New session Self, Health & Wealth - Life Coaching Session already available! Book it now