New Year, New Inner Peace

Katrina Lippolis
Core Spirit member since Oct 29, 2023
2m read
·Feb 13, 2024

Happy 2024!

Happy 8! (2+0+2+4): Number reflecting NEW BEGINNINGS!

I unintentionally took a break in January on writing any articles here. It was a bit of a busy month for me when it came to focusing on my mental health. There were some overwhelming moments that I had to take care of in my own way but I feel wonderful as this is being written.

It is so important to take time off from the social world when and if you can. Because too much of it can make the mind go berserk. Well, at least it works that way for me. No, it's not like being an introvert because even introverts need human contact often. What I'm referring to is just shutting everything off and finding that peace within by doing things that help clear your mind and focus again.

For me, I'll often do tarot (for fun), I'll meditate, write poetry, drink some calming tea and do some journaling, or I'll hop in my car and drive around blasting my music. What works best is the journaling while sipping calming tea and taking in aromatherapy as the incense burn.

I feel absolutely fulfilled and awakened when I enter that state of peaceful being. I begin to embrace that calm, cool and collected aura. It is such a beautiful time to enjoy my own company. Sometimes, I add Binaural Beats for that extra calm effect.

I'm still on my journey to internal harmony. I am a constant work in progress but I love working on myself. I love learning about myself every single day because I learn something new and it is so refreshing.

We all should grow and learn more about ourselves. It helps with mental clarity and it's an emotional cleansing mechanism (for me). It's okay, to speak truth into your spirit. Finding out what really makes you tick or what fills your soul with genuine joy and happiness.

The universe is full of surprises, as are we as individual beings.

Take the journey into finding out who you truly are. You won't regret it. You will grow from it as you work on making the adjustments you need to better yourself.

Never forget that you are amazing!

Good luck and many blessings to you.

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