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A Tale Of A Shrinking Tumor

Mar 8, 2024
Core Spirit member since Jan 25, 2024
Reading time 4 min.

It was earlier this past summer that I was visiting my parents home, and we were discussing my theory on frequencies and illness. I have been given, just in the past 2 years, the ability to read people’s body frequency.
The healthy body frequency is between 63-70 hertz.
Very few Americans are actually healthy – even our children. When your body frequency is 58 hertz or below, you can get the common cold. At 55 hertz, you have the potential for fungal and yeast infections. At 52 hertz, Epstein Barr becomes active in the body. At 42 hertz and below, we can be diagnosed with cancer.
1 hertz is life and 0 hertz is death. I have added to these findings that anxiety and depression hang out at 47 hertz, and diabetes starts at 45 hertz with genetic and environmental factors. Parkinson’s begins at 33 hertz for those who are susceptible to it. Read more about frequency and healing here.
As I was testing my dad’s frequency that day , which is usually in the low to mid 50’s range, he asked a strange question. “So, I couldn’t have Cancer then at that level?” And I responded, “No, not if I am right.”
Fast forward a couple of months, my mom called one day and said your Dad and I want you and your brother to come to the house. You know this is never a good sign. My brother and I are never in the same room together unless it is a family event. According to a CT Scan that my dad had taken to look at his prostate, he had a tumor in his pancreas. Having had a good friend die of Pancreatic Cancer, we were devastated. However, we had hope. The doctor who found it stated that it could be benign. He was sending Dad to an Oncologist to further investigate. Mom was panicking, and I was truly upset that my theories and intuitive reading could be wrong.
My dad received an appointment to the Oncologist within about a 10 day period. The diagnosis was a relief. Dad had what they called an Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm. It was a benign tumor, 2.3 cm in length. However, the doctor recommended a new scan every 6 months to make sure that it was not growing. Apparently, these tumors can turn into cancer. “See”, I said to my parents,” I told you that he didn’t have cancer” Woohoo for me.

So, my next thought was what were we going to get rid of this tumor, because we certainly do not want it to turn to cancer. I spent several evenings researching holistic cures for Pancreatic Cancer and made up a new 169 items library for my Genius Biofeedback program. This program uses your voice, and analyzes your body, mind, and biofield to tell you what in your body is stressed or out of balance, and then sends you frequencies, to balance out those issues. The program sends you frequencies to balance out your imbalances, just like radio frequencies are sent to your car and miraculously make music. Instead of a radio station, the frequencies are tuned to you through your universal information, or by how God knows you.
I input your name, date of birth, birth gender, and your picture, and through the world of quantum physics, the frequencies find you. You can also listen to them through an app on your phone. I played these cures for my dad and also sent them to his app for him to listen to himself. Next, I put my dad on an essential oils protocol. I truly believe that Essential Oils are the greatest medicine on Earth. I muscle tested which oils dad needed, how many times a day needed them, and how many drops of each he needed. We re- evaluated this weekly to adjust as needed. Dad ended up being on this protocol a little over 3 weeks, and then he and my mom decided to go to their Florida home for the month of Nov. Did he take his oils with him? NO! But, I did continue to play his frequencies for him.
While in Florida, mom let her anxiety get the best of her, and decided to make an appointment with the Ohio State Medical Center,The James Cancer Center. I didn’t even try to convince her otherwise, even though I knew that my dad was vibrating at a frequency that was above cancer. My parents came home around the 7th of December from Florida. I was not able to make it to that appointment with them, however, this doctor agreed with the first. He just wanted to monitor the situation and would take a look at the next CT scan that my dad had scheduled the week before Christmas.
Christmas Day arrived and my parents were at my house celebrating Christmas with my family. ‘Have you heard about your scan results yet”, I asked. He had not, so we worked on getting into his medical chart online. My parents’ technical skills are not strong. As I looked through the report, I smiled, and gave my dad a high five. “WE DID IT!”, I exclaimed. With only 3 weeks of an essential oil protocol, and, and inconsistent frequency healing, the Doctor reported a shrinkage of the benign tumor from 2.3 cm in August to 1.7 cm in December. We shrunk his tumor 1/2 cm with no medical treatment. How amazing is that, and what better Christmas miracle could you ask for. The doctor finally called and said that there was a small reduction in tumor size, and that they would continue to monitor it. LOL. What else could they say? And as an added bonus, Dad’s prostate count went down 4 points in the same amount of time.
When Dad went back to Florida, he took his essential oils with him! I cannot wait for the next 6 month follow up. We are on a mission to dissolve this tumor!!

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