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Raw Food Diet
Yoga Sadhna Kender®
Suffering from PCOD/PCOS ?
Women living with PCOS may suffer from diabetes, heart, and blood vessel problems. In addition, the ovaries produce high levels of androgen which cause hirsutism and acne. It also increases a number of reproductive health issues — from period irregulariti…
By registered users: 26
Raw Food Diet
How to Start with Raw Food Diet?
It’s important to understand that while it is possible to live fully raw, this is not entirely necessary. The good news is that you don’t have to be a 100% raw vegan 100% of the time. You can enjoy its benefits even if it’s just for one day! There are ma…
By registered users: 43
Raw Food Diet
Ashleigh Nicole
Sip from the Fountain of Youth: Recipes and Foods to Combat the Signs of Aging
Indulge in these Delicious Dishes Packed with Anti-Aging Nutrients to Turn Back the Clock As we age, our body undergoes various changes that can impact our health and well-being. One of the most visible signs of aging is the appearance of wrinkles, fine …
By registered users: 79
Plant-based Diet
Cranberry Kay
Why you should add Sunflower Seeds to your diet
Sunflower seeds may be small in size, but they pack a big punch when it comes to nutrition. In this article, I’m going to explore the surprising nutritional benefits of sunflower seeds, including their high protein content, healthy fats, and abundance of …
By registered users: 36
Vegan Diet
The Health Benefits of a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet
Do you feel guilty every time you eat a delicious cheeseburger or mound of bacon? Switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet is the answer to all your guilt-ridden prayers. This is because there is a possibility that a plant-based diet is not only better fo…
By registered users: 30
Vegan Diet
The Dangers of the Vegan Diet: Danger to Modern Society NOT YOU!
The Dangers of the Vegan Diet: Danger to Modern Society NOT YOU! There is a divide that modern “logical society” has created within us to find “empirical” sources for all our justifications. There is a split in humanity now through the sciences to mistru…
By registered users: 3
Vegan Diet
The Pear of True Sight
There is a Pear of True Sight: Take a Bite! My Central Thesis: There really isn’t much to do spiritually with other people. I have found that the vast majority of other Spiritual people are completely useless because of their purposeful lack of vision. …
By registered users: 30
Vegan Diet
Demi Powell
Protecting Boundaries or Making Demands as a Vegan
Not long ago when I came to a women’s gathering, the conversation at the time was dominated by the topics of hunting and fishing. I sat around quietly drinking my sparkling water, occasionally pacing out of the room, thinking that surely the topic would s…
By registered users: 37
Vegan Diet
Demi Powell
38 Foods That Have Zero Calories
Calories provide the energy that your body needs to function and stay alive. While there is no evidence to support that negative-calorie foods burn more calories than they provide, foods that are already low in calories may actually provide fewer calories…
By registered users: 35
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Eating Raw Foods [Recipe]
There is just something about eating your food…with your hands. For the raw foods enthusiast, those new to the lifestyle, or for those needing a healthy meal on the run, these wraps will have you incorporating more nutrient dense foods daily. GREEN WRAP …
By registered users: 6
Vegetarian Diets
Demi Powell
Lacto-Vegetarian Diet Complete Guide [Benefits, What to Eat + Meal Plan]
Many people follow the lacto-vegetarian diet for its flexibility and health benefits. Like other variations of vegetarianism, a lacto-vegetarian diet can help reduce your environmental impact ( 1 ). However, you should take several factors into account to…
By registered users: 81
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Top Vegetables To Detox Your Body
If you are always on the go, you are more likely to binge on fast foods and also drink less water. These lifestyle habits are quite obviously take a toll on your system, and therefore, it becomes extremely vital for you to clean your insides! A detox di…
By registered users: 5
Vegan Diet
Demi Powell
The secret of happiness
A Tibetan Buddhist monk who has been described as ‘the happiest man in the world’ has said that adopting a vegan diet is his secret to lasting happiness. Matthieu Ricard, who lives on a monastery in Nepal, was given the moniker by scientists after he too…
By registered users: 8
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
The Quiet Pandemic that Kills and What To Do
Chronic Inflammation is a silent epidemic; a plague afflicting millions of unsuspecting Americans. It is the mother of most major chronic diseases including: heart disease, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and many others. It’s an under the radar, asymptomati…
By registered users: 41
Pescetarian Diet
Demi Powell
Benefits of Pescatarian diet + Tips
In the pescatarian diet, a person’s main source of animal protein comes from fish and other seafood, such as shrimp. Eating a diet consisting mainly of plant-based foods has a variety of health benefits, which the addition of fish and fish products may en…
By registered users: 17
Vegetarian Diets
Demi Powell
How is Ovo-Vegetarian Diet different?
An Ovo-Vegetarian Diet is a person who does not eat meat or dairy products but does eat eggs and egg-derived ingredients. This type of vegetarian doesn’t eat dairy, including milk, cheese, ice cream or butter. The ovo- prefix comes from the Latin word for…
By registered users: 5
Plant-based Diet
Demi Powell
Eating after a cleanse is tricky
There are several ways to free your body of toxins. Some of the strongest techniques involve fasting and juice cleanses. These programs require limiting the amount you consume for a period of time or allowing only organic juices to be consumed. There are …
By registered users: 22
Vegetarian Diets
Demi Powell
Ovo-Vegetarian Diet: Tips and a Sample Meal Plan
A growing amount of people around the world keep to vegetarian diets for a list of health, ecological, financial, and religious reasons. There are a few different kinds of vegetarianism, including the ovo-vegetarian diet. This post explains to you everyth…
By registered users: 76
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Including sweets into your diet
Wondering how to introduce and incorporate sweets into your child’s life in a healthy way? Here are some ways to approach this that we think will help kids develop a healthy relationship with sweets (and all food) in the long run. Regardless of the type …
By registered users: 9
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Here is why Astral Projection Diet is not as tough as you think
Have you been looking to find the perfect Astral Projection diet? Maybe you’ve read somewhere about what you should be eating, and what you should be avoiding. Maybe you’ve been looking at AP forums, and found lots of conflicting advice. If so, you’re …
By registered users: 454
Vegetarian Diets
Demi Powell
How Graham's Diet Made a Revolution
On July 5, 1794, American Presbyterian minister and dietary reformer Sylvester Graham was born. Graham is best known for his emphasis on vegetarianism, the temperance movement and his emphasis on eating whole-grain bread; he did not invent graham flour, g…
By registered users: 71
Vegan Diet
Demi Powell
Veganism: The Basic Principles
With more people every year choosing to cut out or cut down their meat consumption, Veganism is quickly becoming a hot trend in health and well-being. As we’ll find out in this article, however, veganism is so much more than just a diet. The Heart of Veg…
By registered users: 38
Plant-based Diet
Demi Powell
Tips for Helping Your Family Eat Healthier
Any family knows of the woes that fussy eaters and kids can bring. Often working parents are at their wit’s end trying to cater to everyone’s preferences; sometimes, health can take a backseat just as long as everyone has eaten. Here are a few handy ideas…
By registered users: 23
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
Denmark Will Be The First Country On The Planet To Become 100% Organic!
What could be more environmentally and socially advantageous than an entire country going 100% organic? The Danish government has actually announced that it will transform the entire country’s agriculture into organic and sustainable farming. This means t…
By registered users: 14