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Raw Food Diet
Yoga Sadhna Kender®
Suffering from PCOD/PCOS ?
Women living with PCOS may suffer from diabetes, heart, and blood vessel problems. In addition, the ovaries produce high levels of androgen which cause hirsutism and acne. It also increases a number of reproductive health issues — from period irregulariti…
By registered users: 26
Raw Food Diet
How to Start with Raw Food Diet?
It’s important to understand that while it is possible to live fully raw, this is not entirely necessary. The good news is that you don’t have to be a 100% raw vegan 100% of the time. You can enjoy its benefits even if it’s just for one day! There are ma…
By registered users: 43
Raw Food Diet
Ashleigh Nicole
Sip from the Fountain of Youth: Recipes and Foods to Combat the Signs of Aging
Indulge in these Delicious Dishes Packed with Anti-Aging Nutrients to Turn Back the Clock As we age, our body undergoes various changes that can impact our health and well-being. One of the most visible signs of aging is the appearance of wrinkles, fine …
By registered users: 79
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Eating Raw Foods [Recipe]
There is just something about eating your food…with your hands. For the raw foods enthusiast, those new to the lifestyle, or for those needing a healthy meal on the run, these wraps will have you incorporating more nutrient dense foods daily. GREEN WRAP …
By registered users: 6
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Top Vegetables To Detox Your Body
If you are always on the go, you are more likely to binge on fast foods and also drink less water. These lifestyle habits are quite obviously take a toll on your system, and therefore, it becomes extremely vital for you to clean your insides! A detox di…
By registered users: 5
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
The Quiet Pandemic that Kills and What To Do
Chronic Inflammation is a silent epidemic; a plague afflicting millions of unsuspecting Americans. It is the mother of most major chronic diseases including: heart disease, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and many others. It’s an under the radar, asymptomati…
By registered users: 41
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Including sweets into your diet
Wondering how to introduce and incorporate sweets into your child’s life in a healthy way? Here are some ways to approach this that we think will help kids develop a healthy relationship with sweets (and all food) in the long run. Regardless of the type …
By registered users: 9
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
Here is why Astral Projection Diet is not as tough as you think
Have you been looking to find the perfect Astral Projection diet? Maybe you’ve read somewhere about what you should be eating, and what you should be avoiding. Maybe you’ve been looking at AP forums, and found lots of conflicting advice. If so, you’re …
By registered users: 454
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
Denmark Will Be The First Country On The Planet To Become 100% Organic!
What could be more environmentally and socially advantageous than an entire country going 100% organic? The Danish government has actually announced that it will transform the entire country’s agriculture into organic and sustainable farming. This means t…
By registered users: 14
Raw Food Diet
Samuel Carlson
This Ingredient Causes Leukaemia and Other Cancers And Can Still Be Found in Food
One of the dirty secrets of the soft drink and processed food industries is sodium benzoate. It is a benzene compound that is produced by mixing benzoic acid with sodium hydroxide. It is a common preservative in processed foods and soft drinks. It has bee…
By registered users: 18
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
The Truth About Chemotherapy: It Kills More Patients than Cancer
Wishful thinking simply won’t deter from the fact that the cancer industry is just that: an industry. Doctors, drug companies, hospitals and other key stakeholders profit heavily each time a cancer patient submits to the conventional treatment model, whic…
By registered users: 728
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
Cancer Therapy: The True Budwig Protocol
“I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every co…
By registered users: 211
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
What’s a Raw Food Diet, Really
For those who follow a raw food diet, cooking is so last century. But while forgoing fire may be trendy among some bloggers and health fiends, eating all raw, could be considered extreme. Is the raw food movement promoting better health, or is it just ano…
By registered users: 9
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
Detect cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s early with this new biosensor
A team of researchers has come up with a biosensor that is capable of detecting molecules associated with neuro-degenerative diseases and some types of cancer. Developed by researchers at the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (LNNano), the device is basi…
By registered users: 8
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
Facts About GMO You Should Know
You probably want to know what’s actually in what you’re eating, right? Of course you do. That’s probably why you read the ingredients label. But even if you’re making responsible choices, there still might be more to that meal than you realize. There’s a…
By registered users: 12
Raw Food Diet
Guy Luna
Winning Strategies to Help You Lose Unwanted Belly Fat
When it comes to shedding stubborn belly fat, exercise alone is not the answer. The master key really lies with what you eat, and perhaps more importantly when you eat, followed closely by the type of exercise you engage in.lean Scheduling your eating to…
By registered users: 11
Raw Food Diet
Guy Luna
The Best Natural Substitutes for Sugar
Added sugar is probably the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. It has been associated with many serious diseases, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Sugar is best kept to a minimum in your diet in order to decrease your risk …
By registered users: 36
Raw Food Diet
Marguerite Little
This Vegetable Improves Eyesight, Cleanses the Liver and Colon and Helps You Lose Weight
Not all vegetables are made equal, some have the amazing benefits of protecting your body from chronic diseases. We all know that eating plenty of fruit and vegetables is good for our health, but certain foods have extra beneficial properties. With chro…
By registered users: 6
Raw Food Diet
Emanuel Gibbs
A Life with Meaning
Many things motivate us as people. Living with meaning is a crucial component that helps us to enjoy a fully operational and gratifying life. Like having air in one’s sails, the possession of what matters uniquely to each of us fuels us in many ways. As h…
By registered users: 13
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
A Natural Cure for Crohn's Disease Explained
When drugs fail and all hope is lost, is a plant based diet and daily stress reduction the cure for Crohn’s Disease? This specific diet regime along with a spiritual practice and ditching those medications could help heal your disease for good. Crohn’s i…
By registered users: 14
Raw Food Diet
Demi Powell
20 Foods Making You Gain Weight
No single food in isolation of everything else you eat is going to make you gain (or lose!) weight. But often, the same barrier stumps so many people when it comes to weight loss and healthier eating: sneaky sources of added sugar or saturated fat lurking…
By registered users: 6