The Truth About Chemotherapy: It Kills More Patients than Cancer
The Truth About Chemotherapy: It Kills More Patients than Cancer
Wishful thinking simply won’t deter from the fact that the cancer industry is just that: an industry. Doctors, drug companies, hospitals and other key stakeholders profit heavily each time a cancer patient submits to the conventional treatment model, which typically involves injecting chemotherapy poisons into the body, blasting it with ionizing radiation or cutting off body parts — or some barbaric combination of all three.
It might rub some people the wrong way to state this, especially those who’ve had to watch a loved one die from conventional cancer treatment, but each of these supposed treatments don’t actually work, in many cases. Little-known science, which the medical-industrial complex has made it a practice to ignore or cover up, reveals that, despite what the medical industry often claims, chemotherapy in particular just isn’t an effective cancer treatment.
Dr. Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, had been studying the lifespans of cancer patients for more than 25 years when he came to the conclusion that, despite popular belief, chemotherapy doesn’t work. He witnessed a multitude of cancer patients treated with the poison die horrific deaths, many of them meeting their fate much earlier than other patients who chose no treatment at all.
After investigating this further, Dr. Jones found that cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy actually died more quickly, in most cases, than those who followed their doctors’ recommendations by getting the treatment. A few number-crunching efforts later and Dr. Jones exposed a fact that the conventional cancer industry doesn’t want the world to know about its multi-billion-dollar cash cow.
“People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years,” stated Dr. Jones about his study’s findings, which were published in the journal Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. “Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years.”
Breast cancer patients who reject all conventional therapies live four times longer than those who follow the system
Did you catch that? Refusing conventional cancer treatments and doing nothing resulted in cancer patients living more than four times longer than their more compliant counterparts. This is something you’ll never hear about from the mainstream media, which continues to peddle the myth that cancer patients somehow need poison injected into their bodies in order to survive and reach “cure” status.
Dr. Jones’ study also found that the same is true concerning conventional treatments for breast cancer. Women with breast cancer who refused chemotherapy, radiation and surgery – and remained untreated – likewise lived four times longer than women who went under the knife or agreed to be poisoned with chemicals.
As admitted in a more recent study published in the journal Clinical Oncology back in 2004, chemotherapy is really only effective about 2 percent of the time for all cancers. And this is based on the standard five-year survival rate criteria, which isn’t technically indicative of a cure – even though health authorities often like to claim it is.
More on this is available here.
A separate study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association back in 1979 found that many of the most common procedures for diagnosing and treating breast cancer, nearly all of which are still used today, have done nothing to lower breast cancer rates or increase survival for breast cancer patients.
Two other studies, one of out Israel that was published in 1978 and another out of the UK that was published in The Lancet in 1980, came to similar findings.
“Overall survival of patients with primary breast cancer has not improved in the past 10 years, despite increasing use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for treatment of metastasis,” explains the Lancet study, entitled “Failure of Chemotherapy to Prolong Survival in a Group of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer.”
“Furthermore, there has been no improvement in survival from first metastasis, and survival may even have been shortened in some patients given chemotherapy.”
If you cripple your immunity, what have you got? If you wipe out all of your good bacteria in your gut, what’s left? Did you know that if you survive with chemotherapy and cancer for five years you are statistically entered in the “cancer books” as a survivor, even if you drop dead the next day due to chemo-overload, organ strangulation or total lack of immunity? The chemotherapy and radiation treatments are leading to death stemming from the simple common cold or the flu. That’s right, then pneumonia takes over, because you have no more white blood cells to fight off infections. Who knew?
Of course, we can’t count up all the chemo deaths, because the hospitals and oncologists will always simply say that “the cancer spread” and that was the cause of termination. That’s what goes “on the books.”
If you’re taking chemo treatments and you have no immunity, because chemotherapy demolishes it (even medical doctors admit this), any common infection can become your demise. The next flu could be the end of you. For example, a staff infection from handling raw chicken could be the culprit of the beginning of the end for a cancer survivor who continues taking chemo. The next infection from GM E. coli or Salmonella and you’re done for. Simple food poisoning from fast food and you’re six feet under. Where are those statistics? They’re nowhere – because you “can’t prove it.”
Being shot up with antibiotics and viruses by a medical doctor and nurses who agree that you need mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde to “create immunity” or beat back bacteria/viruses — that could be the straw the breaks the camel’s back (meaning you).
Catching a superbug at the hospital, meaning a virus and/or bacterium that’s immune to antibiotics, is quite common nowadays, so that bed with blue sheets they’ve made for you in the “recovery room” is really the lion’s den of infectious pathogens that enter your system and NEVER leave again. Again, no statistics.
How can someone die from chemotherapy overdose?
It’s simple. First of all, many people who are fighting cancer don’t really have cancer. Doctors, X-ray technicians and oncologists misread (purposely or on accident) lab results, and people go under the knife, get chemo and radiation for NO reason but to pad the pockets of the billion-dollar cancer machine. Second of all, many people who are fighting cancer ARE WEAK, and the last thing they need is to kill their good bacteria and poison their pineal gland in their brain. Then, at the hospital, they are fed 100% GMO toxic food, toxic beverages, toxic sugar water (via the IV), and toxic gluten, MSG and aspartame at the hospital cafeteria. Cancer victims are being “processed,” and they don’t even know that chemotherapy was first thought up by Nazis.
People die from chemotherapy overdose because they are already weak and consume all the wrong foods. Cancer can be reversed. Organic sulfur, hemp seed oil, chaga mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, baking soda, 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide, Cannabis sativa, organic raw coconut oil, aloe and actual fluoride-free spring water could all be your ticket to a cancer-free world, but who’s saying what? Are the medical doctors telling you this? Heck no. They can’t. They would lose their license and make no money.
You can overdose from chemotherapy, but the results of the tests won’t show it. Every cell in your body will be SCREAMING IT, but the crooked, Western Medicine regime that controls the cancer industry will never allow it to hit the “peer-reviewed” medical journals, that are all as biased as the day they were “born.” Yes, we’ve all read JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and we’ve seen the ads in the back for cigarettes and pharmaceutical manufacturers that pay top dollar for that AMA “seal of approval.”
Don’t “overdose.” Watch cancer and its “spider web” of mutated cells in animation while you think about organic food and ALL of your choices— because it is always your choice to live healthy.
And now it’s time for the scary statistics of cancer
Cancer is America’s leading cause of death for people under the age of 85. Think about that for a second. Approximately 40% of men and women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. There are an estimated 13,000,000 people living with cancer right now in the U.S. Approximately 66% of people survive after five years of being diagnosed with cancer. These are estimated new U.S. cancer cases for 2015 — based off similar 2014 statistics. (
Lung and Bronchus Cancer: 225,000; Resulting Deaths: 160,000
Colon and Rectum Cancer: 136,000; Resulting Deaths: 50,000
Breast Cancer: 230,000; Resulting Deaths: 40,000
Prostate Cancer: 230,000; Resulting Deaths: 30,000
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: 70,000; Resulting Deaths: 19,000
All types of cancer this year: 1,665,000; Resulting Deaths: 585,000
Last thing to consider: Seventy-five percent of all physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves! Look into natural remedies and NEVER AGAIN let the cancer business make you second guess the power of organic food to heal.
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